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Why does the impossible channel make me feel comforted somehow. {videos of impossible things caught on video}.

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On 11/7/2022 at 6:58 PM, Lagie said:






I got a good one, too, @Syiren! XD










I really could've done without that migraine yesterday. Especially with what I need to get done today. Hopefully I have the strength to get the job done.

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16 hours ago, WaterScorpion said:

that is an interesting bun shape

We have the same hairdresser.

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4 hours ago, Moonstruck_Starlight said:

I need more Christmas CDs, because I only like about six of the ones I have.

See? I told you Moonstruck_Starlight was starting Christmas early!

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Everybody that says the word Christmas this month is banned. You can't say that word until Thanksgiving. It's the law. Think of a different word for it until then/ Like...chocolate

. Merry Chocolate everyone!

Edited by anonymous

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*sigh* I'm just so tired with life....


13 hours ago, anonymous said:

We have the same hairdresser.

actually it was a hot dog bun but it was like, really flat and the hot dog was pretty much wrapped in the whole thing

also yes, shame on those celebrating Christmas before Thanksgiving

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I know, but I don't know what I want to do (job-wise) and because of it it's hard for me to make that first step. I know some people would just get any job just so it gets them income, but, I don't know, I don't like the idea of just getting up and changing either which is why I kinda want to just start with something I know I'll probably be happy with for at least a few years.

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Don't think in terms of years. Its too overwhelming. Future, years... Too much, Start every day like it's the first. Work every day, think about what you want to do for your happiness Save up for an extra couple months expense, it won't be easy, but nobody said life would be easy. Then  take a leap of faith. Thingss will fall into place. You need to  pray to God for help. It works. I promise. 🙂

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Crypt hatchlings with less than 2 days left. If they were stunned in the last day or two, they'll die before STUN wears off.

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Who is driving up and down this late with the really loud engine and why?

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stay in the house and lock the doors/ Nothing good can come of this. Shut your curtains too.

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You need to push your reset button. Get some sleep, eat some protein, and clear your head. Just sayin'.

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Neglecteds are good. Week-long egglock, on the other hand, is not. 3 experiments within minutes of each other are probably also not the best idea.

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It’s really only a pain because I only have seven egg slots, so it’s an extended egglock. Mostly all I have to do is wait for their timer to run out and pop them in an auto-refresher when they only have a minute or so left before they die.

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