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The Last Post Race...

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Your here, and you think something is gonna make sense? Now that just doesn't make any sense.

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*starts purring* Meow...


Before anyone asks, look at my picture. I'm a cat.

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*swings the tree around making everything stuck to it*

P.S. When u r stuck you can move but you can't get off.

P.P.S. I don't know why i put P.S.s on this post.

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I take that as a complement!

I am random!

But please, call me weird.

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*begins hissing at Soiled* You better let me off this tree.... Or else I will scratch your face... Until you flee... Oh, and let ShadowMonster off of the tree, too.


This cat is not happy with being stuck on a tree.

Edited by seacatsmew

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Okay, this is going to sting... *pushes self off of tree, losing some fur while doing it* one good thing about being a cat. *fur grows back* Make that a magical cat. *Runs up to Soiled and chews on foot*

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Yay~ I'm off for sure~ *continues chewing on Soiled's foot* Your foot tastes bad -.- Tastes like feet.

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Oh right. Thx.*pushes SeaCat back on tree* this time, you stay. Starts running away with tree.

Everyone else is now on tree! Including flyking.

If you ask nicely I might let you off.

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