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Hatchlings OoC Thread

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Uhhh sorry bout that.. felt bad about taking up a post with just four letters..


What's a recap?

Edited by Greywake

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*Sigh* A recap is when you go over or summarize recent events. It's not a tern used only for RP. In fact it's quite common.

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hi, sry that i didn't post at all after i made my character but i couldn't go on any computer. i was wondering why my character wasn't on the op?

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Chances are it was over-looked. Post it again and I'll look over it. Sorry, you'll have to do it over again. Unless you can show me the post from when it was accepted.

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its on page 127

Hmm... I'll try to find it.


is this better?, this is my first RP so sry

Username: nioin


Gender: female

Type/Breed: white

Power: she can imitate powers of two other dragons she has touched with her wing but only two at a time can be saved in her wings, and whenever she uses it she has to eat within an hour or else she passes out for a day (she doesn't know this in right after she hatches)

Personality: she is super shy, but is really protective and energetic

Appearance: the same as any white other than the facts that she already had wings as soon as she hatched and that she has the color of the dragons she touched on her wings.

user posted image

Age/Stage: just hatched

History: no one knows

Extra: she can stay up in the air for a very long time without getting tired, but she cant heal, and shes very good at finding things


Okay, other than having wings as soon as she's hatched part, it's fine. Amend it please biggrin.gif For history maybe you acn put 'To be RPed out', or how the egg got lost or something.

Edited by sharlykng

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@Nioin, sorry, I was away at that time.

Other than what Sharly said, it looks perfect, fix it and your good.

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Username: nioin


Gender: female

Type/Breed: white

Power: she can imitate powers of two other dragons she has touched with her wing but only two at a time can be saved in her wings, and whenever she uses it she has to eat within an hour or else she passes out for a day

Personality: she is super shy, but is really protective and is a bit aggressive but hides that

Appearance: the same as any white other than the fact that she has the color of the dragons she has the power of on the tips of her wings.

user posted image

Age/Stage: just hatched

History: her parents hid her egg while running from the humans

Extra: she can stay up in the air for a very long time without getting tired, but she cant heal unlike other white dragons

Edited by nioin

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Accepted, I think I'm done with that little banner.

Sounds like an interesting char. I'd love to see her use Scuta's power, there's no way she'd get a handle on it immediately.

She'd probably smack into a tree the first time she tries to go very fast. And the second. xd.png

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Yey! biggrin.gif that would be funny. but im still not on the op...

Edited by nioin

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Well your in the RP now so you can post. Sharlyking will put you in the OP, soon, she's not in the same timezone as most of us.

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I'm not either... *Still grumpy she missed out on 8 pages of roleplay lastnight*



Welcome to the roleplay Nioin, your character looks awesome. *Imagines a white running, running, running, faster, faster, faster! "Im doing it!" *Smack* O.o *



P.S Heh, might as well get use to my randomness, it'll be here all my forum-life.


P.S.S Scuta remember rainface? She started Hatchlings, her avatar had the exact same dragon in it as Nioin has in her avatar. Just a different picture in both.

Edited by DragonGirl10188

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Updated biggrin.gif


Mind helping me find out who bailed on us? *nudges people with [?] beside their names*

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Heh, this doesn't have to do with rainface? Does it?


It sucks how she just left one day...



EDIT: Can you delete Eclipse from my characters, and add that Cryna is frozen Sharly?

Edited by DragonGirl10188

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Kayz. Updated. Again.


EDIT: Dragongirl, mind if you fill this form out? The character sheet logs seems to miss your charries...



Edited by sharlykng

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Speaking of Rainface, Toneto was in an RP I apped for (but then it died before I could post). It was called Behemoth Central. Great concept. Anyways, Toneto was on the front page of Hatchies. I thought it was cool that he was still around.

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KK, lemme fill all of them out.



Name: Crisie

Age/Gender: Female. Currently at stage 2, though she is frozen.

Type: Guardian of Nature.

Power: Even though she is ment to be able to control electricity, fire and lava, she has adapted quite well to water. She can bend it from where it is, so basically if she sees a puddle she can use the water to either attack or defend (She can't heal), but can't make it appear from no where.


Name: Cryna

Age/Gender: Stage 2, and exacly like Crisie- she is frozen.

Type: Swallowtail.

Power: Controlling air, so she can move it around and use it to attack; it is invisble but she can still bend it.


Name: Moon

Age/Gender: Stage 1, but is quite wise and looks older.

Type: Snow Angel.

Power: Snow, she controls snow and starts blizzards. She can change the weather to snowy if it isn't too hot, and start blizzards easily. But she is currently more powerfull in healing.

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But Crisie wasn't frozen? I think your changing your chars little by little.

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No, Eclipse froze her. Long story, don't ask.




Edited by DragonGirl10188

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Also, what happened to her fighting ability? In the arena she was quite good, but when she's captured it's like she can't fend for herself?

Edited by Dusset

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Gah, now you have every right to take my cookies and marshmellows.


I'll have to work on that...

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can i edit my Starlight's history? i wrote lost when i meant hid

Edited by nioin

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