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Star Wars: The Unknown Legends

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((So, if Polo approached the Enclave wanted to sell them items. They wouldn't attack him and would allow him to enter peacefully?))

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((You can just land, approach the council and promise a peaceful visit and you can stay.))

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((Yeah, but right now I don't think any of us are ready or really want to deal with an assault on the enclave, let alone face a Sith Master.))

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((Yeah, but right now I don't think any of us are ready or really want to deal with an assault on the enclave, let alone face a Sith Master.))

((Amara t'would be amused.

Danni, do you have an email or fb? Sometimes at night I have time away from my studied to write a response but dc and dcf are blocked in the dorms. In order to get onto dcf I have to go half way across the campus...))

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((I'm going to take a liberty here, if only to have another post in the thread.

We'll just say Delta sent the droid over.))


"Hey, Kin. Look at the intercom screen."

He shut off the session and did as he was told.


He walked out of the ship with just his undershirt on, throwing a towel into a bin. He unholstered his pistol, aiming it at the droid as he walked down the ramp. Kicking it, he decided it was hollow and took the device from it. As he walked back up the ramp he let out a pot shot to take out the 'eye' just in case, leaving remote control systems intact. He was nice.

"Let me see that."

"Here." He placed it in analysis tube. Chance began toying with it with a skeletal robotic arm.


"Good, get it into the wrist module."

"Aye, aye, Cap'n" She retorted sarcastically.

As she did so Kinir started up the program again and wondered about Delta. Did he have debates with Sting? Did he insult him openly or even talk outside of turn? Kinir himself hadn't come across many AIs. One or two, and then Chance. She wasn't like Delta, she was more like a friend than a program. But maybe he was misinformed, he's met people like Delta.

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Loki put on a black cloak with hood to conceal his face, his mask having broken during his showdown with Shan'tar. He maid his way towards the front gates of the jedi enclave. He couldn't believe that he whould one day enter a jedi enclave without trying to kill everyone inside. "All in its own time he thought, first he had to kill Shan'tar the jedis whould have to wait.


When he got to the gate, he yelled:"Open the gates please". Trying to sound as kind as he possibly could. He kept his lightsaber ready just in case. After all, they had no reason not to cut him down where he stood, right?

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"I do not feel as though I should stay here all the time. Maybe visit once in awhile but I still don't feel quite as welcome in this place as the other Jedi." she said rather formally.

Amara took in a breath, looking rather distraught.

"Then I hope you find what you are looking for, Master." she said softly.



Castian's image flickered, then disappeared momentarily. A second later he appeared in front of Leon.

"This way, Sir." he said, leading the boy off to one of the rooms on the ship.

"Amara has instructed me to led you to your room and help get you orientated." he told the boy in the same mellow tone as before. The AI walked down a short corridor then stopped outside a door. He used his programming to open the door then entered into a room that much resembled the room Olden had first entered.

"This is where you will be staying."


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((Ok sorry I've been away guys... I have difficulty keeping up with two roleplays, it seems right now you're all set Dusset, so as I wait for you to get to a position where I can come in again I'll just post for DP and Eva))


"Thank you Castian." Leon said smiling and sitting down on the bed. He looked around at the room. He crawled back further on the bed and laid down to get some sleep before they left.




"Well, if that's all I guess I'll be going." Olden said smiling turning to walk away. "May the force be with you." He said.




Aaron woke suddenly and looked at the clock. "Two more hours." He said rubbing his head and standing. He walked over to what looked like a vending machine. He pulled out an energy drink and took a sip. "Would you like anything?" He asked Jade.

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"No thanks," Jade said in reply to his question after he got something out of a nearby vending machine that she hadn't even known was on the ship to begin with before looking out of a window again. "Are we almost at the location that we'll be seeing the eruption or did we miss it?" she asked him curiously as she looked over in his direction again.

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((Man, I wish my RPs were that active sometimes....

One's dying. After four or so years.))


Suddenly the holo Kinir was fighting morphed into Chance.


"Done with the tech?"

"Yup." She replied as she destroyed one of the targets displayed on him.

"So, what can you do now?"

"Slip the wrist module back on and find out."

He gave the sign to stop and did so. Afterwards he yanked Chance and put her in. She appeared in front of him fully sized.

"Display your wrist's holographic control pad."

He did, and Chance took a 'step' forward. She started playing with the controls, physically, not digitally.


"I know, right?"

She was excited about her new toy. And her holo showed.

"I feel more... Alive!"

"Is that a good thing?"

"I'm already self-aware, what's the worst that could happen?"

"Your right. Wanna take this for a spin?"


And with that Kinir retrieved his jacket and they walked out of the ship, locking it as they left.

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Amara nodded, almost reluctantly.

"And with you, Master." she chuckled as the statement with more true for him.


She bowed then as he faded away ((don't mean to god mod, just trying to move things along)) she stood there quietly for a few minutes, waiting and watching. It seemed so peaceful. That peace still unnerved her, yet it had a calming effect too, but she would never admit to that.


Amara turned and walked toward her room in order to get her pet, then she headed to her cruiser.




Castian's image flickered and he disappeared elsewhere, leaving the boy to sleep.




Amara entered the landing feilds, Seraphine ran past her and joyfully entered the ship even before the young Sith could reach her ship. Amara chuckled then she unmuted her comlink.

When she reached the place where her ship was, the girl turned to the Astro droids as they bleeped greetings at her.

"Are we ready?"


There were a few beeps and twirps between the two units that roughly meant 'Very soon'. Amara nodded then walked into her cruiser without another word...


((Where is everyone?))

Edited by evangeline5432

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((It's alright, prevents me from having to say it. smile.gif Dantooine pretty much... ))


Leon continued to sleep. He was lulled by the hum and rhythmic whirs of the electronics. He moved a bit and turned on his side and continued to sleep.




"Ok." Aaron replied to her denial of a drink. "No, we haven't missed it yet. We're about two hours away, and it starts in 3." He said he chugged down his drink, crushed the container and tossed it back behind him not caring where it landed. The ship targeted the trash and vaporized it.

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"Okay," Jade said in reply with a sigh of relief to what he said about them not missing the eruption and when it started. She then watched as he threw his container behind him and the ship targeted it, vaporizing it shortly afterward. "Well that's a handy way to get rid of trash," she said absentmindedly with a small smile before looking out of a nearby window to watch the stars pass by them as they flew by.

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((Right, well I'm not letting this die.))

((Forgive me if Sting's ship wasn't in the Enclave I couldn't find you saying it left at all.))


Chance was having a great time being a near-physical representation.

"Wanna have some fun?" Kinir asked smiling.

"How so?"

"Sting, let's go screw with him."

"Sounds great."

Chance deactivated her holo and Kinir walked to the hangar the bounty hunter's ship was in. He got past security fine eough, well, the guards anyways. The hangar was shut tight and he didn't want to cut it open. He stealthed and found an alternate entrance. A droid repair hallway, he had to crouch but he made it through. At the end it was blocked by a smaller door. He cursed and Chance popped up in a smaller form.

"Put me in."

"I don't trust the temple to have a firewall capable of stopping Delta."

"Do it."

"Your existence."

He ejected her from his wrist device and insert in the console farther down the hallway.

"Delta's been playing with security measures."

"Do what you can."


She was having some trouble with a the coded door but applied several algorithms to cracking it. Eventually the door hissed open and Kinir, with Chance in two, crawled into the hangar. Knowing he couldn't get into the ship itself he stood in the view of a camera and waved to whoevere was watching from the ship.

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Loki, knocked at the door again and again but no one was answering. So he sat down by the gate, waiting for someone to come by.


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((Sorry, but is the bounty hunter still there??


Where is Loki?))


The green astromech rolled into the flight deck and beeped at Amara. She chuckled and turned to face the small droid.

"Yes, Theta?" their were a series of trills that followed her silence.

"Yes, he's staying with us for awhile. Leave him be, all right?" she told the droid. Theta whistled at her then rolled off, leaving Amara to run her diagnostic and commence with a start-up process.


Castien's image flickered in behind her and took substance.

"Was the damage fixed?" she asked.


"Yes. And the boy is sleeping. Do we leave?"


"Soon. I have to finish the diagnostic and take care of a few things. Then. we leave." she said.


"Very well, Amara." the AI said then his image faded again.


((Did you want Amara to leave the planet yet, Danny?))

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((I posted in relation to Sting at the very end of the last page.))

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((Yeah, leaving the planet is fine. Sorry I haven't been active, I started school and getting everything all organized has been a challenge, but I will be more active once I get into the routines that I have been setting up.))


((And I'll wait for you to take off Eva smile.gif ))


Sting's ship stood there, it was small, but it flew fast and reliably. It was guarded by an unseen energy field that disconnected any electronic attachments to the Enclave, no one could hack the ship unless they got in physically. But the shield could only be taken down by Sting's wrist device and Delta's AI confirmation. The ship stood like an impenetrable statue that mocked those who would attempt to get in.




Aaron stared out the window of his ship. He had his wrists crossed behind his back as he watched as nearby stars whizzed by and the distant once slowly passed. He was excited, but at the time he was bored all this time on the ship had exhausted his entertainment. He probed his mind for an idea as to what could entertain him for just a couple more hours.

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Jade continued to look out of the window close to her as well before turning to Aaron and asking him after a few minutes, "Do you have any games that we can play for a few more hours until we get to the place where the explosion will take place?" She couldn't think of anything to do while waiting and was a bit bored as well. Playing a game was all that she could think of for now and hoped that he had any on board his ship or she'd probably die of boredom before they got to their first destination and then their final destination afterward.

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Kinir looked around the ship for it's entrance. Once found on the other side of the ship he walked... Into the field. He gave it a swift kick and decided it wasn't going to happen.

"Why don't we have this?" He asked.

"Better question: Why don't you?"

He replied with the Iridonian equivalent of touché. Moving to a wall console he looked for a deactivation sequence himself.

"Oh! We don't because there's an auto firing system on the ship when a stranger tries to get in!"

"Too late."

He never found an activation and walked past another camera, smiling and waving. As he exited he scared the druk out of the guard when he approached from behind and asked where this ship had come from. No help, but he wished him a good day and walked off with Chance's holo displaying.

"Right, remember when I said our chances were slim?"

"Yeah?" She asked.


He left her in bewilderment 'till they were far from prying cameras and open ears.

"We know there are no automated turrets on his ship. That's why I kicked the shield, most guns wouldn't have shot. But I quickened my foot with the force, needless to say my toe hurts, but it would have activated high-end security guns. Like ours."

"So we did have a reason to go."

"I didn't even need to use the console. I wanted to feign like I was trying to break in for a fight."


"Thank you."

Edited by Dusset

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"I do have a holodeck. I usually use it for training. But occasionally I use it for entertainment. I don't know what entertainment protocols I have." Aaron said. Moving towards a door that lead to the lower portion of his ship. He walked up to a computer and started scrolling through a list of scenarios.




Leon continued to sleep. He tossed and turned, sweating a bit, he seemed to be having a nightmare.

Edited by Danniphantom

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