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Star Wars: The Unknown Legends

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((Actually we did a two year time skip... You're free to start anywhere.))

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((@ monkey: hiya biggrin.gif and i think you can happy.gif))

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(wow i feel dumb)( while reading everything i fell like everyone is a jedi now am i right?)

It had been 2 years since that mission with Bane, the night when he returned was truly revealing. He was having the same dream as always the family the baby the house the fire the troopers, but that time something was different. The troopers uniform was clear this time they where imperials and the man leading them was non other then Shaan-tar. It was that day that he defied his master for the first time. Loki remembered how he barged into the hall and attacked him. Truly a foolish idea really, in truth he owed his life purely to luck.


He had managed to escape that dreaded planet and he swore to never return.


Now he lives in a hut on Kashyyk where no one will bother him. Most people live in the trees where its safe but he built his hut at the base of the trees so that he may be left alone. There he had been honing his skills seeking only revenge.


(wow i never thought i could write something like this)

Edited by alexxo97

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((@Dragon: Hey biggrin.gif


Bio Format:


Name- Polo


Age- 24


Gender- Male


Race- Bothan http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Bothan


Class- Bounty Hunter, Cargo Shipper, Spy


Cause- Where ever the money is


Personality: He is a kind person but he can flip on a dime when credits are introduced into the situation. He will take any job if it pays enough money.


Appearance: http://i1104.photobucket.com/albums/h326/m...6/BothanPic.jpg He only stands at 5 feet.


Clothing: See picture


Armour: No armor


Weapons: Disintegrator pistol, Bothan knives and superior intellect.


Short History: Ever since Polo was a young pup he had been recruited into the Bothan Spynet and was trained to be a spy. He was a highly intelligent individual who never used memory cubes to retain information and always kept the information that he gathered within his own mind. After a huge fight with his handler which resulted in Polo firing his disintegrator pistol and disappearing into the vastness of space. He soon after became a bounty hunter who still operated in espionage as well as transporting cargo for anyone that had money.


Other: His ship is called The Liberated One. http://i1104.photobucket.com/albums/h326/m...rim-d31dzgn.jpg ))

Edited by monkeyboy225

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Loki decided that he couldn't keep living without knowing who he was. He had two options he could return to the empire guns blazing or he could break into the jedi archives. One way or the other it was going to be difficult. he got on his ship heading for Dantooine.

Edited by alexxo97

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(( This is his spacesuit. http://i1104.photobucket.com/albums/h326/m...oza-d4vrm2l.jpg ))


Polo's cargo ship drifted through a floating graveyard of a long forgotten battle which he thought could possible be a site of a battle from the Clone Wars. Polo got into his spacesuit as he was going to see if he could salvage any old technology which he could sell at a high price. He left his air lock and drifted toward a large battleship which seemed to have men floating around it in strange suits that were all identical. He drifted into the ship which a welding tool to help him take anything that he found valuable to sell.

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Loki could see Dantooine out of his ship. He tried staying close enough to see it but far enough as to not be picked up by the republic long range sensors. df i'm gonna do this

"I have got to do this quick, I can't let the republic find out who I am", he thought.


(edited now going towards Dantooine)



Edited by alexxo97

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Kinir returned from the mess hall. Meal in hand.

"What in the name of the force are you eating?" Chance asked as he entered the ship, skirting the BFG.

"It's called Mubasa Hock. I thought it'd go lovely with Ithorian whiskey."

"Hutt food is disgusting."

"I have exotic tastes."

"Sure. Drink and eat as there's a bounty hunter we can't identify on our tail."

"And what would you have me do? Chase him down? Report him to the council? He clearly has an in here, and superior technology."

"Giving up are we?"

"More like waiting."

"Wanna let me in on the secret?"

"Close combat is the only area where I excel past Sting. He can snipe me, keep me at bay with a rifle and can cloak and dagger better. But even without my lightsabers I could beat him if I got close."

"And how will you do that?"

"Wait for the predator to come to the prey."

Kinir sat at the console eating his meal. Finally finishing he pulled up a martial arts style combat routine using the big holoprojector in the cargo hold. It'd been some time since he learned this here at the enclave.

"Watch for the package."


((Food database's link: Link ))

Edited by Dusset

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"You must find your own path now. If you wish to stay here and find your path you are welcome, but if you must go to find it, then you are also welcome. I will not be holding your hand and guiding you through this anymore, so to say." Olden said to Amara. "You will not know of my presence, but I will be there." He said smiling.




"Prepare a droid. Strip it of everything except the parts necessary to protect the device and to keep it en route to the hangar. They will probably destroy it once they have the device, I don't want a perfectly good droid being wasted like that." Sting said to Delta.


"Right away sir." Delta said disappearing and going to follow Sting's orders. Sting stood up and hid the holocron data crystal in his armor and set the shell on a dresser before he collapsed on his bed ready to sleep. He was asleep before he hit the mattress.




"It's always so peaceful in here." He said opening his eyes slowly and looking at Jade. He looked back to the window and took a deep breath in and released it. "Are you hungry at all?" He asked, looking at the clock. ~15 more hours.~ He thought.




Leon smiled at the boy and nodded. He stepped onto the ship and set his luggage down just inside the door before he moved to an empty room and sat down on the bed. He thought to himself, he felt like a cosmic joke. He couldn't heal quickly and his body was a constant threat to the ones he cared about. "I will gain control of this power." He said. "But I don't know how I'll get over my inability to heal normally." He added.

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"It is," Jade said in reply and agreement to Aaron's statement that he said while looking at her before he breathed in and released it. In reply to his question she said, "No thanks. I'm not hungry." She then looked out of a nearby window as well, thinking of how calming it was as she watched the hyperspace stuff go by.

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Loki was now well rested and was preparing his descent he wanted to be in and otu fo the Enclave on Dantooine as fast as possible. He took a few satchel Charges with him ... just in case. He took the helm of the ship and started its landing. He was planning on landing not too far away from the jedi enclave but not too far away eider. And so he began entering the lower atmosphere of the Planet.

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((Where is everyone? Like in the Star Wars Universe.))

Edited by monkeyboy225

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Kinir finished his warmup and moved onto the big stuff. There were aliens that would consider his warmup a month's exercise. He stripped off his jacket and boots, and as he did Chance's subroutine programmed a huge combat droid to attack him. One could argue that it's pointless to train with holograms, but points of contact were displayed over Kinir and his opponent. In order to defeat the holo he had to strike each spot at a certain speed or power. It helped that Chance cheated. With the new tech it would be even more challenging.


Chance, had she been a living being, would have been bored. But she occupied all unused branches of her program with an infinitely impossible game of dejarik. She'd come close to winning once, but the program spawned more enemies, not something you can do. She had primed what few firearms the ship possessed and was leeching off the enclave's power generator to keep everything on without wasting their own power. Beyond the internal guardian turret, or as Kinir called it, the BFG, the ship had eight guns. Two in the front, two on the back, one on top and another on the bottom, and one on each side. Unfortunately they weren't particularly powerful but they made that up in firing range, anywhere on or around the ship could be be hit.

She perked up when she took the advantage in the game.

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The Bothan was just leaving a ship that seemed to have very old modeled battledroids as its crew which was a strange sight to him who had never seen an entire ship piloted by droids before. He had salvaged old CQC programs from most of the droids which could fetch a good price if he sold it to the right people on the black market. He loaded his ship with all the cargo that he had found and all he had to do know was head to his secret base and unload most of the cargo until he could find anyone to buy the items. Polo punched in the coordinates to the planet, Dantooine where he had his base in one of the old Rakatan ruins that had been left untouched which he had fixed up.

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((Amara is waiting for Olden to close the conversation if you wish?

Also, one of the astro droids loaded all of Leon's luggage.


I will post my response later. Right now I gotta get ready for class. *runs off*))



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((An all out assault on the enclave wouldn't work Alex, the enclave has a very heavy security system so any sith not authorized to be there when a detonation goes off would be destroyed within seconds.))

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((don't forget about replying as Aaron, Danni happy.gif))

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((Not to mention you'd have A LOT of angry Jedi.))

Don't forget Kinir's droid, just waiting on it.

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Polo entered the Solar System of Dantooine and drifted into orbit around the planet. He took his helmet off and started to stroke his breaded beard as he decided to pay a visit to the Jedi enclave that was stationed on the planet's surface. He punched in the coordinates of the Enclave and watched as the planet continued to get close as he entered the atmosphere and he saw the enclave from the sky. "I hope they like the gifts I brought them and they want to buy some stuff." He said to himself as he looked over at a belt holster which held five Jedi lightsabers that he had found in the old wreckage of that battle which had surprised him.

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(the point of having the detonation in the back and entering over the front gate was to make the jedi go there and i plan on not getting cought)


(btw how did the jedi not notice a sith ship flying right overhead at low altitude?)

((The Defense systems target anyone not authorized to be there, seeing as you both attacked the enclave *and* entered without authorization the defense systems would destroy Loki in seconds... And the Jedi are peaceful, they will authorize entry by anyone who will keep the peace, otherwise the defense system obliterates them. An all out Assault on the Enclave by one person would be incredibly stupid, plus without prior discussion, planning and/or approval I won't authorize it.))

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