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Star Wars: The Unknown Legends

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"Hm sounds spectacular," Jade said in reply to what Aaron said after the former said all that he did and after they were inside the ship waiting for the computer to calculate their course so that they could take off. "Have I ever told you that you're the greatest boyfriend ever?" she asked with a smile before kissing him softly on the cheek and then going over to her pack where she had left the outfit that she had worn before the clothes she was currently wearing now on top of it and then once she picked them up she headed to a small room to get changed into them. A few minutes later, she emerged with the green top and skirt in her hands and then put them in the pack so that she could wear them again another day.

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(( Here's where I get curses that I didn't know prior: Link

Warms my heart to see another RvB fan.

And np, I was going to develop a backstory for her eventually.))


Kinir shutdown the comp and plugged Chance into the ship's 'brain' so she had control while they were inside.

"He has an AI too."

"I noticed."

"He seemed nice enough."

"You two made absolutely no contact in the slightest."

"Well then." She said sarcastically.

"If you do I want you to erase him the second an opportunity rises."


"I don't mean make him stop working I mean gone."

"OK, loud and clear."

Kinir sat down. Three-hundred thousand and forty-six credits on his head, not counting underground. No wonder Sting wanted him.

"So then... What are our chances?" She asked.

"He has better tech, bigger guns and another AI."



"Yeah, I was afraid of that."

Her holo popped up in front of him, out of armor, in civvies.

"Did you take readings on his AI?"


"Why not?"

"You never said."

"OK. What can you tell me?"

"That you're farkled and I'm cyber-poodoo."

"You're the most cynical computer I've ever met."

"You're not so great yourself."

"Hush up."

He sat meditating. He began floating again but this time had plenty of space do as not to chip a horn.

"Do I have anymore Gammorean ale?"


He didn't reply.

Edited by Dusset

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"Sir, Chance seems to have moved to the ship's onboard computer. I can communicate with her now on our ships' communication frequencies." Delta said. "Shall I open a frequency to her?" He asked.


"Yes, but do it using a relay hub, I don't want her to have access to our ship's computer or your programming. In fact, triple the security on the hub and run through a secondary hub with quadruple the security." Sting said.


"Sir, I am only able to triple security on all hubs." Delta replied.


"Well, then triple it and run through a secondary AI programming, an older unused version of yourself." Sting said.


"You're being overly cautious sir. Afraid she is going to delete my programming?" Delta asked.


"It's what I would do to her if I wanted to weaken Kinir." Sting said leaning his head back against the foot of the bed, he was tired from opening the holocron.


"Logically." Delta said.


"And relay your conversation back here and keep a private and open frequency with me. I want to be able to give you words to speak if need be." Sting added.


"Yes sir, opening frequency 128.1354 GHz wideband frequency." Delta said. "Chance, can you hear me? I'm broadcasting on our ships communication relays, it's an open channel so you can communicate as well." Delta said.


"Don't tell her of our security precautions." Sting said.


((Oh, and btw, Delta only knew Chance's name because Sting ran an extensive scan on Kinir's equipment. So unless Kinir did the same I don't expect Chance to know Delta's name.))




"I just do what I think is fun." He said smiling, assuming that she was talking about his plans for their date. "The galaxy is a big place, many wondrous places to go and see." He said smiling. Once out of the atmosphere he punched in a final set of coordinates and they were off. He smiled and stood walking out of the cockpit. "Well, we have 7 hours before we get to Xan V, and another 13 to Lehon. So what do you want to do?" He asked Jade with a slight smile on his face.

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"Comm signal, encrypted source... Too much security."

Kinir didn't hear her, he was in deep

"Right. Let's see, security code... Something about a twi'lek and a rancor? Oh. Yes, that was it." She locked off all systems of the ship with the code. Primary systems had a longer version.

"Yes? Hello, this is Chance. Personal AI to Jedi Master Kinir Sho'tey." She recited.

She did this out of a deal, not programming. She lost a game of Dejarik, even with cheating systems online.


While she opened the comm line Kinir began dreaming, rather, having a vision of the past. A twi'lek woman was smiling at him as he piloted a land-speeder. It was coming in to focus, they were on Endor. Treasure hunting. The woman came into focus as well. Her name was Elly.

"DUCK!" She shouted.

They did, narrowly escaping a low branch.

He was about twenty, taking a break from training.

There was no more. It ended there. Short and sweet. It left him bewildered

Edited by Dusset

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Amara gave Leon one of her rare smiles. 

"Rather, you will be coming with me. But first, you had better get to that meeting before they send someone to look for you." she said simply, knowing they probably would not do so. Her com beeped at her again. With an exasperated look, she tapped a button on her arm band again. 

"Yes?" she growled. 


"I'm sorry to disturb you, Da-" Amara scowled then pressed another button, switching the voice off and rerouting it to her earpiece where he continued to talk.

"...but he is leaving. Protocols R59 and O22 have been carried out." the voice of her AI said. 

"Good, monitor the channels." 

"And Da-" at the sound of a name yet again, she muttered something about reprogramming under her breath. 


"That Iridonian, Kinir? They seem to be involved." Amara kept her expression neutral, hiding any surprise she felt. 

"Just monitor the channels and report when I get back. No more inturruptions please" she told her ship's annoying AI and with that she cut the link. 

"Sorry, Leon," 'sorry'; that term tasted odd in her mouth as she said it. It felt like she might choke on the expression. She had grown too soft. "...Trouble in paradise. I will meet you when you are done? I wish to see Master Olden before we leave.",


((Did Sting or Kinir leave?

Also, Amara did work as a bounty hunter for a short while under another name(Talina) is you wish for Sting to recognize her later on. She kept under the radar though and her "real" name was never thrown into the mix.))

Edited by evangeline5432

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"I don't know," Jade said in reply to Aaron's question after he came over to her and asked what he did as well as think about it for a bit. "I guess we could make things in here float with the force and play with them for a little bit but other than that, I don't know what we can do for the rest of the time." This last statement was added after thinking for a few minutes of what they could do.

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"Hello Chance, you may not know me by name so let me start by introducing myself. My name is Delta, I am the logic AI that assists Da... Sting... with his technical missions such as downloading all files from the archives so he doesn't have to make continual trips to the enclave to get the information stored here." Delta said. "I am communicating with you because I want to get to know you better. We have things that the other can use." Delta continued. "If you're willing to talk." He said.




((Yes, both of them left. Sting is in his quarters in the enclave monitoring a conversation that his AI Delta is having with Kinir's AI Chance talk and while Kinir is asleep onboard his ship.))


Leon smiled and gave Amara a quick hug. "It's ok. Go do what you need to do, I'll meet you at the ship." He said smiling before walking off to the council room to get his short meeting over with.




Aaron chuckled. "Maybe. We have a lot of time, and I've had a long night, so do you want to just lay down and get some rest for now?" He asked. He leaned against the wall and looked into her eyes gently caressing her arm.

Edited by Danniphantom

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Chance began recording the conversation discreetly.

"What could you offer me Delta? Show your end and we could make a deal."

Years of running with Kinir had at least shown her the up side of caution. Along with recording the conversation she now ran Sting's face through recognition with the name fragment Delra had faltered in saying. Still no results. More was needed for a match. As well she shut down all visual capabilities of the monitors in the ship, also any external audio. Only they could speak.


Kinir woke up after another vision, not of the same person though, but it was still in the past. He seemed to have been having then since he arrived on Dantooine. He walked into the cockpit where Chance had chosen to project her holo. He began to ask what he'd missed but Chance cut him off. She displayed a message explaining the situation on a screen in the wall. He nodded and put on a headset. This had no mic so that he didn't accidentally make noise. He noted Chance was in her armor again, a form she took when concentrating.

Edited by Dusset

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"Sure that sounds good," Jade said in reply to his question about laying down and getting some rest. "I'm a bit tired as well." She then looked into his eyes as well as he gently caressed her arm with his hand.

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Amara eyed him warily as he hugged her, she embraced him slightly then stepped away as he did. Her expression unreadable, she nodded. When he walked away, she turned and walked toward the ,ruins where she had followed Olden all those years ago. It seemed almost fitting. While Amara walked, she opened a channel with Castian. The AI reported that it had located the bounty hunter and Kirnir. It also reported that their was a conversation taking place by two other AIs but he had not managed to hack it completely...yet. Amara nodded and then cut the link as she reached the ruins where she resolved to wait in silence., 


A mech droid rolled around the tarmac, examining the hull of Amara's ship. It had been an old R2 unit that Amara had found one day in the scrap heap while she was at the enclave. She had claimed the long forgotten droid and taken on the challenge to fix it. After a few months or so of work she had successfully repaired it in secrecy. Getting parts had been a challenge but when she was done it had been fully upgraded and completely reprogrammed. And since then even moreso. Now it served the Sith/Jedi girl along with another droid and the ship's AI. It looked to everyone as if the droid was just running repairs.

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Aaron smiled and lead her to his personal quarters. The ship he owned, despite it's average size, held two crew quarters and one personal quarters. It was a relatively large room decorated with red fabric and cool little artifacts that he had picked up over the years. On the dresser there was an empty holocron display. Aaron walked over and pulled out the holocron he had discovered on the giant computer two years ago from a pouch on the back of his belt. He gently placed the holocron in mid air above the display and released the holocron, which gently lowered slightly as he let go before rising again and slowly rotating, leaving markings on the dresser below. He then dropped his bag pulled off his jacket, belt and shoes and laid down on the queen sized bed. "This is my humble abode." He said.




"I can offer you technology that will even your odds with Sting." Delta said. "I am currently synthesizing the same device which allows me to project myself whenever I am with Sting outside of the ship. A very useful device. I have been used for distractions and in that form I am even able to take down holo-locks and break through computer security systems with a lot more ease than I am able to through his wrist device. It is a far more advance piece of technology created by Sting's race." Delta said.


"You're revealing more than you need to Delta, remember, 'Need-to-know'." Sting said turning the holocron crystal in hand.




Leon approached Amara's ship and saw the droid. He smiled seeing that it appeared to be in a state of disrepair but functioned perfectly. He walked up to the ship and dropped his bag down beside the docking ramp before walking towards a door off the side of the docking bay. It was a cantina. Small but apparently popular, however, when he walked in several people got up and left due to his presence. The rest gave an almost disgusted look before going back to their drinks. Leon avoided eye contact, he was used to this. He asked the bartender for a drink, the bartender acknowledged and poured him a drink. He placed the glass gently in front of Leon and went to tend to other customers. Leon took one sip and set the glass down and as he did someone came up and spit in it. "There, damn bartender droids don't know how to make them right for people like you." He said before walking away.


"Charming." Leon said expressionless. His eyes showed his isolation and sadness. He stood up pulled a few credits from his pocket and laid them on the table to pay for his drink. He got up and walked out so he could wait on the ship.




((I'm sure by this point Amara knows of Olden's secret, if not this will be interesting.))


Olden appeared before Amara, first as an anamorphic mist of light. Then Olden stepped through the light taking form, the mist molding around him and disappearing as it did. He smiled and walked over to Amara where he sat down on part of the base of one of the many pillars in the room. "It's been a while." He said his voice sounding almost distorted as he first spoke and returned to normal as he finished. In fact it had been quite some time since Olden actually approached Amara and spoke to her, at least 6 months. "I am sorry for my apparent absence, it is difficult in my situation to, as you would say, find the time to speak to you. Time is irrelevant to me but still I am bound by certain laws of existence." He said.

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"Kin's been tweaking the wrist module to display AI holos without issues. Unless your talking bigger, life-sized."

Kinir realized that his freighter could only project her holo in a form roughly the size of a wamp-rat. Something he should get upgraded.

"Look Delta. If you want something back for this then you'll need to up the anti. A holo-projector is a great gag and all but I thought we were talking big toys."

Kinir showed his approval.

"Explain why this projector is do impressive, bigger gadgets, or no dice."

She paused.

"And what are you looking for in return?"

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For the second time that day, Amara smiled. It was warm and welcoming, a rare sight indeed but truth be told she had missed his presence dearly. The girl inclined her head to him, coming as close to a bow as she ever had. ,, 

"Hello Master Olden," she said softly, ridding of the earpiece as turned to face him completely. She palmed the device and stored it away in her pocket. There would be no interruptions if she could help it. And after the last time, Castian knew better then to hack into the other device she wore on her wrist., 

"It has been awhile. I trust you are well?" she asked politely. She took in a quiet breath, then with an even voice she spoke again. ,,, 

"Master, will you come with us? Leon and me? How long will you stay?" she asked firing questions at him with barely a pause, almost making them sound like a plea. , 

Her murky blue and yellow eyes looked at him beseechingly, hoping he would not disappear on her. 



Leon was watched by three different droids as he approached. First there was the R2 unit, then there was Castian, and lastly there was the third droid watching from under one of the wings. As Leon walked away, the third droid sped out and over to the luggage. It's appearance revealed it to be another mech droid. A small debate over luggage sprung up between the R2 and the unidentified green unit and continued for a little while, only ceasing when Castian "spoke" up. Silence ensued and the green droid started loading Leon's belongings while the black R2 continued with repairs. By the time the green unit finished Leon was heading back, and the boy did not seem happy. Both resolved to stay away from him unless they were told otherwise. Meanwhile, they both got back to work, merely beeping at one another quietly as he drew closer.

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"It's very nice," Jade said in reply to what Aaron said about his quarters after he had laid down on his bed and also as she looked around them. "I like your collection of interesting items that you have in here." After she said this last statement, she laid down beside him on the bed, and then ran her fingers softly through his hair. "This will be the best vacation ever," she said with a small smile on her face before closing her eyes and falling asleep while her fingers still ran through his hair softly.


((just so that everyone here knows, I'll be going out of town tomorrow night after dinner and will be gone until Sunday; I'll be back sometime on Sunday...the details for the trip are in my profile if you want to read it all))

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"Well, you're making your next step on this journey of yours, you've learned as much as I can teach you with my presence. Instead you must guide yourself and learn, I will always be with you, even if my presence is not known." He said. "I am a mentor and friend of yours, I can make my presence known if you really need me to." Olden said. "But as far as your 'training' you must make your own decisions for a while. Consider it a test. If my presence is not known throughout this test we will meet again after. There will come a time where my presence in this time is no longer required. I trust at that time you will have found yourself and no longer need a guide like me." He said.




"My holographic projection unity can be adjusted internally by the AI using it to become whatever size they please. Anywhere from my size to the size of a standard human. I remain small due to the nature of Sting's line of work we both mutually agreed that logically the probability of being detected would be reduced drastically if I were to remain this size. With this unit you are also capable of transferring your projection unit between those of your current environment and the portable unit of which we have been speaking at will. Say you are in a guarded complex with no way of automatically detecting what or who is inside you can transfer yourself to the holographic projectors of the complex and do some recon, or you could even create a distraction in instances where stealth is necessary, such as getting the attention of numerous guards while Kinir slipped through a door that otherwise would have been suspicious looking if it were opened without the guards distracted." Delta said. "I have found this has been a very useful device, far more useful than the standard wrist devices that you would see on the common market today." He said. "As for what we want, information. First off, how you came to be an AI. I looked over your programming when we met in the Holocron vault and scanned Kinir's equipment. It isn't standard to the type of programming of an AI, it appears more like you were once a living consciousness in a body of flesh and blood and then had your consciousness transferred to either protect you or some other alternative. We would like to know how you managed to accomplish this. Any history and information on Kinir would be a pleasant trade as well however we can easily acquire this information elsewhere so your cooperation with this is not necessary." Delta added coldly, it was obvious he was a cold, hard, logical machine.




Aaron smiled and put his arms around Jade and held her close to him before he slowly drifted to sleep as well. The lights of his room dimmed and shut off, leaving just the reddish orange glow of the holocron filling the room.

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((And here's where it's fun.))


"Right so I'm talking to an insane AI who's past his memory wipe date."

Granted, Kinir never wiped her's.

"Anyways. I can't offer you what you want on me, since your asking for non-existant data. But I can offer you Kin's information."

Having to remember what he authorized only took a second.

"His full name is Kinir Sho'tey, he's an Iridonian from Talus, and currently a master of the force at the Dantooine Enclave. He is to date twenty-eight standard galactic years. Taken by mercenaries he became a bounty hunter at a young age. Contacted by Jedi he begrudgingly learned their teaching and joined the order two years ago."

She looked to Kinir and he nodded approval.

"I trust that's what you wanted. Now send us the tech, but not by conventional means, rig an R2 to bring it. We don't want any funny business."

Kinir took off the headset and turned the comm on mute.

"What was he talking about? 'Flesh and blood.'?"

"I don't know."

"Really? I know your not nor-"

"No Kin, I don't know."

"OK then."

He took the comm off mute and put his headset back on.



...somewhere deep within Chance's coding... A mini consciousness hides data from it's 'big sister'. Both of itself and their past.

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"But I still do need you. There is much I do not know, Master." Amara said, worry evident in her voice. She looked at him, almost curious.

"What test?"




A boy that looked to be Amara's age noticed stood at the entrance of the girl's ship.

As Leon approached, he exited the ship, his image flickering slightly and appearing to be slightly dimmer.

"You must be Leon?" he asked. His voice was mellow yet emotionless. He had short black hair, and was dressed in the black outfit of a Sith. His eyes were golden and if one looked close enough they could see the endless pathways of a computer's intergrated circut. He watched quietly as the other boy approached.

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Soon, Jade's hand that had been running through Aaron's hair before slowed a bit more before completely stopping. She moved a bit closer to the former as she felt his arms wrap around her, enjoying his closeness to her. As she slept peacefully beside him, she hoped that neither of them missed the display that he had spoken of earlier that only happened once every 100 years or so while they slept.

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"Switch to Tatooine's relay." Sting said. Delta flickered for a moment as he switched to a more distant transmitter.


"Well it seems that there is no logical reason to continue this conversation then. Your holo-projecter shall be brought to you as per request." Delta replied. "Oh, and Chance, you might as well stop trying to crack my systems, most of my security systems are written in an undocumented language. Fairly primitive at that, I have reviewed it several times and there is no logical pattern of the characters and symbols. And also no information you receive on Sting will be of use." He said. "End transmission." He added before cutting off the link.


"Looks like we're doing this the hard way." Sting said.


"Of course sir, the only information we received was all information we already knew. This communication was an illogical waste of time." Delta added.


"That's not your place to decide Delta." Sting added. "Did you do what I requested?" He asked.


"Yes sir, small amounts of data were hidden under unprotected security subroutines and scripts. Among which was an electronic copy of his ship's parts, most likely added by the manufacturer of each part. Using my initial scan of the ship I should be able to create a functional blueprint within the hour by comparing..."


"Do it." Sting said.


"Yes sir, also I ran a rescan of Chance's programming, more in depth this time, she is hiding something, under a certain protocol, my guess is she is unaware of it." Delta said. "I can't do anything with it until I crack the security systems, but our transmission was too short for that and with the constant change in relay I couldn't have worked on it without being detected." Delta said.


"That's good enough." He said.




"If I gave you all the answers you wouldn't have any reason to live life." Olden said. "And it would be a 'test' to see if you still need my guidance or not. But for now I will just observe." He said.




Aaron woke up several hours later and he carefully got up so he didn't wake Jade before he walked to the cockpit and sat down watching the stream of matter made by their hyperspace window. It always calmed him. He fell into a meditative like state as he sat there and watched, clearing his mind of all thoughts and focused inward on himself.

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"Awesome." Chance stated sarcastically.

"Real conversationalist."

"What now?"

"Now? You batten down the hatches while I get the BFG out ready to play."


Kinir walked down the hallway and stamped the ground, causing a section of the floor to pop open. The smuggling compartment on his ship never held spice, but instead held a relatively large auto-gun. He spent a few minutes activating it. Ah, what 50,000 credits can buy on the black-market.

Chance on the other hand starting locking all systems up with the same completely ridiculous password. She ran through subsystems and hunted down information they didn't want public. A digital security protocol Kinir installed in his spare-time was activated, essentially a 'living' firewall that actively patrolled the innards of the ship.. She backed it up four times and activated them all. As well, she hacked further into the enclaves camera system to view the entire wing they were in.

Confident his ship nearly impenetrable, Kinir exited the boarding ramp and alerted the hangar's guard to the expected package, and to run it through a bomb-sensor. He told the personal droids of the ships in the hangars to either side of him of possible threats and resumed his normal morning routines around the enclave.

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Jade woke a few minutes after Aaron did, taking her time getting up though since she wasn't quite ready to do so. Once she was ready to get off of the bed, she sat up, got off of the bed, and then headed towards the cabin/main part of the ship just before you reach the cockpit. When she got there, she sat down in one of the seats there and watched the blue streams that were caused by them being in hyperspace go by.

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((The AI, Castian, spoke to Leon.

Also, my presence might be scarce for a bit.))


Amara nodded slightly knowing he was right...again, though she hated to admit it. She felt so full of questions as usual but there would not be enough time to ask them all.

"Observe? Will I know you're there, master?" her com beeped at her and she glanced down at it with annoyance. The voice of her AI broke through the air.

"Sorry to bother you, Da-" Amara instinctively pressed a button on her armband and his voice switched to her earpiece temporary as he said the name yet again. First thing when she got back on her to do list was to wipe that name... She pressed the same button and his voice could be openly heard again.

"...but the boy has arrived." Amara gave a simple 'alright' then ended to signal, putting it on mute.


"Sorry," she said looking back at Olden.

"I am going off planet with Leon." she told him rather simply.

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