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Star Wars: The Unknown Legends

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((Btw, DP, the Enclave I was referring is actually on Dantooine though if you want to be on Coruscant we can be.))


Unlike Jade, Aaron was preparing for his date in a different way. If was packing away several new items he bought at the store as well as equipment for two and his holocron. If clipped his utility belt around his waist which included his lightsaber before grabbing the bag and bringing it to the ship which was being preped for take off so it was ready when they were. He stood around and inspected the ship for a few more minutes before getting the green light from the docking crew. He smiled and looked at his watch before taking off towards Jade's room to get her and bring her to the ship so they could leave. He arrived and knocked on the door and waited for a response. "Jade, dear, are you ready? Can I come in?" He asked and listened.

Edited by Danniphantom

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After "serving" her required time at the Enclave, Amara had learned much, but she still hated it there. It was too quiet, still too peaceful. She had started "sneaking" away and going off planet whenever she could.


As Olden's trust grew in her, so grew Amara's trust (if not faintly) in her master. Despite her escapades, the girl had always came back, never staying away for too long. For the most part she always did as he asked during those two years. However, her temper and stubborness did not fade...completely, she still had the same fire in her eyes as she always had. The dark side of the force still lingered around her but so did the other side of the force. She never seemed sure of it being a good thing though, mostly stifling its presense with the former.


The day Amara woke up she started her normal routine; looking after her pet, cleaning up, dressing, caring for her weapons, picking up after herself, eating, and such. Amara stared into a mirror, a much taller young woman stared back. Long black hair fell over her shoulders, caressing the colorless clothing she still wore. Her lightsaber hung, concealed, on an even darker belt that matched her boots. She had left her gun in the ship, settling for just her sword and whatever else lay hidden on her person. The yellow in her grey-blue eyes still gleamed as they examined their reflection's appearance. Satisfied, she turned and exited the room in search for her fellow outcast or Master Olden.

Edited by evangeline5432

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Leon walked around his small housing gathering some supplies. He was, at that time, considering leaving Dantooine and going somewhere else. He didn't like this exile, he was barely allowed in the enclave itself, while his security clearance permitted it the people there tried to keep him away. Today was different, he had a meeting with the council and one of the masters will be leading him in herself and taking him to the council room. He grabbed the small backpack he had packed and a holocron that he kept as his journal before he walked out the door. He looked back on his small wooden shack that he called home for a year and a half. He sighed once and lifted his hand and using his powers he blasted a directional burst of energy towards the house and ripped it apart, leaving a dusty pile of firewood. He lowered his arm and walked back to the enclave.

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After stealing an outer robe from the unidentified Jedi's room, Kinir began walking the halls with his hood up, trying to block all semblance of sunlight. The Force guides him though, the robe was his size. He headed towards the mess hall and retrieved a sandwich. Somehow he figured he hadn't ate much the previous night. His next destination was the courtyard; many Jedi meditates there.

He sat down in front of a large Statue and began calling upon the Force to aid him. Slowly, his headache receded, but he kept at it, he even began to float.

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((Just to allow people to continue posting I shall post again!))


"We're here sir."


"Wonderous, begin landing procedures, I'm going to continue my nap."


"As you wish sir."


Sting's personal ship started to descend into the atmosphere of Dantooine. He was on a mission, a mission he had every intention of keeping. He was a Bounty Hunter. Straight from the top of the list of one of the most infamous crime lords in the galaxy. Sting was one of the best, an elite, and he had numerous scars to show for it. He had connections in the council so he was there to get information. He managed to get in good with the members of the council so he was able to freely come and go as he wished, he even had access to the archives and even the top level security holocron storage. He set down and pulled a robe over his armor to hide his true identity. He placed a small device on the outside of this jedi looking robe and he jumped out of his craft before it had fully landed. He quickly walked past his greeter and flashed his ID card and continued on towards the archives. The device on his robe flickered to life and a holographic image of one of the AIs that he carried around with him appeared it appeared as an armored soldier which stood, rather floated there, as he walked. It spoke and looked up at him.


"Sir, if I may, perhaps having a more courteous attitude would get you farther, people would only logically be more willing to give you the information you want."


"Shut up, Delta, I brought you along so you could analyze the data in the archives. I didn't have you last time I was here so this time you can just download all of the information so I don't have to come back here. And yes, I am going for the holocrons this time too." Sting said. As he walked through the courtyard he saw Kinir and scoffed. "These jedi remain a mystery to me." He said almost under his breath as he reached the door to the archive, which was on the eastern side of the courtyard.


"The Jedi were founded long ago by a mysterious race of beings called the Rakata, who discovered the force as a means to..." Sting interrupted Delta by pressing a button on his wristband that shut Delta off.


"Noisy computer." He muttered. He started to work on the door, he tried his ID card and the pin number he was given but neither were working. Instead he took out a computer and plugged it into the wall to try and figure out what was wrong. Little did he know that the door was sealed off as the hallway was undergoing maintenance from a leak from the Enclaves underground fusion reactor, the connecting hallway was bathed in radiation.

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((Must... Correct... Computer...

The Jedi were founded 25,000 bby (even before lightsabers) by a group of force-users shortly after the Tython Force Wars. A clash that happened when a small group of force-users wan't to use the force for power, not knowledge. 5,000 years later they pledged allegiance to the new founded republic.))


Kinir, now attuned with the force, fell on his rump when Sting's presence startled him. Falling backwards from the fall his head bashed the statue and one of his horns chipped.

"Stang, that hurt."

When he searched for the mysterious presence he located a robed individual. He himself removed the robe and glasses and put them into a nearby trash bin. He got an odd-reading from this one, not a Jedi at least. Curious as well, trying to get into the archives. He didn't bother stealthing as he didn't appear as a Jedi anyways, he looked more like a smuggler. With a little skill and a bit of Force, he managed to jump on to the roof near the courtyard, providing him a good view of the one he hadn't seen before. Two years living here, he knew just about everyone.

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((Yes, that group of Force users were known as the Rakata, they were the first known force users in The galaxy and were known to have created the way of the force that the Jedi used. They were, in essence, The first Jedi. At least that's what I read on the Wiki.))


((I'll edit this in a few, I'm playing a game))

Edited by Danniphantom

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((Bah. The group was diverse, probably including some Rakata. But that's open to debate due to their galactic supremacy at the time.

But we should argue this outside of the RP, even if it is relevant, the mods might not agree.))

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((censorkip.gif I wrote a whole post then my iPod glitched and I lost it. sleep.gif)) 


Amara was walking toward her ship when her com alerted her to a waiting message. She lifted her arm and pressed a button on her armband. A series of beeps and twerps echoed through her earpiece. She listened intently, turning her attention to the ship that was landing. The droid on her carrier reported that the ship coming in belonged to a bounty hunter she knew of from her past dealings. She reached out, using the force to brush passed the man that disembarked. Her yellow tinted eyes looked away from him and she continued on her way to her small carrier. The young woman still kept tabs on him as she walked but she had other things to do. Leon had an important meeting today. She felt her heart split on following the man and Leon...she resolved to see the latter first.  

"Keep an eye on him," she instructed the unit. It beeped at her in confirmation then she cut the link.  


Amara went and came from her ship, seemingly uncaring about the bounty hunter's ship as she walked away. Minutes later, she had slipped soundlessly beside Leon. She glanced over at him, the corners of her mouth curling in a smile. Something few would even notice unless they were looking. She looked back ahead, her face expressionless once more.  

"Well?" she asked, glancing and nodding a greeting at the accompanying Jedi.

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((oh oops and okay happy.gif))


Jade had gone back to her room after a few minutes or so because she wanted to do something with her hair before the date. She had just gotten finished braiding her long hair when she heard the knock on her door before hearing Aaron's voice and said as she came out of the bathroom, "Yes I'm ready and yes you can come in." She wondered where they were going to go for their date and didn't know that they were taking the ship to get to wherever it was that they were going.

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Aaron was a little surprised when he walked in and saw Jade preparing herself for their date. He chuckled a bit as she prepared to go out for dinner, or go out to a cantina. "I guess this is my fault for not informing you of the plans I made for us." He started. "You don't have to change now we'll have a few hours on the ship. I was planning on taking us back to Lehon for a few days. I found an abandoned temple near a fresh water lake that we can camp out. I figured we could go with an unconventional activity such as exploring the temple and it's grounds for our date. Be a little spontaneous after seeing each other for a year and a half." He said smiling as he walked over to her and put his arms around her.




"Amara, hey!" Leon said turning to face her. "How've yet been since you were last here? It's been 2 months now hasn't it?" He asked. Although he was happy to see his friend if felt a sadness in his heart that weighed him down like a backpack full of lead. He was leaving Dantooine and he didn't have any place to go, so as he stood there greeting one of his only friends he wondered if if would ever see her again after that day.




"Sir the hallway is flooded with radiation from a core leak." Delta spoke to Sting bursting to life again.


"Didn't I shut you off?" He asked.


"Due to my state as an artificial life form I cannot technically be shut down, sir, I can only be hidden for a time. But you were about to open the door to your death, I did the only logical thing to continue achieving my prime directive and spared both our lives." Delta replied.


"What would that prime directive be again?" Sting asked annoyed.


"The only reasonable directive of any form of high level intelligence such as myself," Delta started, "survival." Delta finished.


"I honestly prefer the directive of propagation myself." Sting chucked as if put the computer away and started towards the other entrance to the archives.


"This so called directive of yours is illogical. It's merely for pleasure, pleasure caused by..." Delta started but was interrupted.


"I know how this kind of pleasure works Delta, thank you." Sting replied both annoyed and amused. He continued on and managed to get into the Archive without a problem.

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Kinir swung down from the roof off an arm on the statue. He rolled and followed Sting non-chalantly. He focused and stealthed himself, following not four meters from the man. While under stealth he took a swig. He had had plenty of practice using this force ability raiding illegal spice operations out of Hutta; he felt confident he wouldn't be detected.

Maybe he was being paranoid? No. He really did know most residents and passerbys here. So an unknown unannounced presence was an odd one. He wouldn't care but the Force didn't radiate off this one like a Jedi. So he followed silently.

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"Oh okay," Jade said in reply to all that Aaron said about her not having to change yet and the details about their date before he walked over to her and put his arms around her waist. "Sounds like fun, can't wait." This last part was said as she put her own arms around his neck before kissing him lightly on the lips and then pulling away again shortly afterward to put together a pack that had a few clothes that she'd need while camping with him on Lehon. Once she was done with that, she wated for him to lead the way to the ship.

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Amara chuckled in amusement, something that usually sent chills through any who heard it, but Leon would detect a sliver of something warmer. 

"Leon," she glanced at him, repeating his name back to him.  


"Mm, one month and a week actually." Amara said coolly. The girl looked at him, seeing the sadness that was hidden in his eyes and tone. 

"So, have you gotten any word?" she paused and took in a quiet breath as she received a massage from her ship; the bounty hunter had gone into the archives.  

She made no sign to acknowledge the message, only her hand moved to the band on her wrist. To Leon or the Jedi it would seem she was only drawing in a simple breath.  

Never once taking concentration from Leon, Amara still looked at the young man, a question that had been bugging her for a while on her lips. 

"Where will you go if they agree to it?" 


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((Lol, sorry DP, you got the short end of the stick, I didn't want to post too much because the roleplay between you and me is more involved... :\))


"Sir, it appears that you're being followed." Delta spoke quietly. "My life signs detector picked him up when we were in the courtyard."


"I noticed." Sting spoke quietly. He approached the Archive door and swiped his ID card. The scanner beeped and the doors slid open. He walked inside and found the nearest computer terminal where he pulled out a very small insect like machine that crawled unseen into the terminal and plugged itself in to one of the internal access ports, it then started to transmit data to Delta's memory banks of the AI computer in Sting's armband and on the ship he came to the enclave in.


"Sir, this is remarkable. All the data I'm receiving, it's as if I were asleep and I am now waking up into the vast amounts of knowledge!" Delta said.


"That's great, since you're up why don't you go make me some coffee, I could go for a cup right about now." Sting said sarcastically.


"I'm sorry sir, my reaction was illogical. It's as if my AI protocols, momentarily, were bypassed in the sudden rush of mass amounts of data flowing into my memory banks which I could instantly recall as if I had written them there myself. I guess it would be my AI equivalent of what you would call an endorphin rush." Delta stated.


"Run diagnostic and try to restrain yourself next time." Sting ordered. He started to walk towards the Holocron vault where the Jedi's most mysterious and top secret information was. He, luckily, had top level clearance and could access this section. He was the only one not on the council or previously on the council who had access to high security sectors like this. He smiled as the doors opened revealing 6 holocrons suspended in zero gravity above a cone shaped pedestal. They were suspended in mid air and could easily be taken by him at that moment.


"Delta, is there any section of the archives that records the current known data of these Holocrons?" He asked.


"Yes sir, though they are currently password protected by ID code, sir. Would you like me to input your security code and access these files?" Delta asked.


"Yes. And download them to primary and secondary storage, security privilege, highest, Priority A-15D3." Sting said.


"Yes sir. Beginning file transfer." Delta said.


"And now we wait."




Aaron smiled and returned the kiss but before she pulled away he was able to sneak in one more. "Alright. Let's get going, we have a 12 hour ship ride to Lehon." He said walking to the door and grabbing his bag which he had set down by the door when he walked in. He put it around one shoulder with the single strap it had on it so that it rested on his back like a quiver of arrows, then he tightened the strap so it would stay there and it would be out of his way. He walked out into the hallway and onward towards the docking bay. It was going to be a nice couple days. He thought about it on his way down. ~Four days, just her and I, this is going to be nice. No missions, no interruptions, just four straight days of leisure and relaxation.~ He thought happily.




"I shall let you two alone for now. I will be waiting by the council room door when you are ready, Leon." The master who was walking with Leon said before walking away with dignity.


"I don't know. But I guess anywhere would be better than here. The council has already approved my leave, this meeting is informal, to tell them of my departure and to thank them for everything." Leon said. "I just can't stand the exile any longer." He added. "I might go to Tatooine for a week or two. There are some swoop bike races that I wouldn't mind seeing. Then I might go to Markem Te and try my luck at the Tract of Markem Te." He continued. "But my time here at the enclave, at least for the foreseeable future, is over." He said. "Maybe when people have forgotten my name and moved on from the hate of the past I will return. Whether I have to wait until I can return like Master Olden can or if I can't come back. Either way I'm not sure what will become of me, or when I'll be able to see you." He said now even sadder than before. "Oh, that reminds me." He said reaching into his bag. He pulled out his old lightsaber, then one he had owned when he first met Amara. "I want you to have this. Since I've constructed another, this one doesn't serve as much use to me anymore other than just a keepsake. Keep it to remember me by, just in case we don't meet again in this lifetime." He said.

Edited by Danniphantom

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The young woman watched as the Jedi left, glad that now they at least didn't have someone listening to their every word. Though the girl half wondered if she should tell the master about their intruder... 

Amara turned her attention back to Leon yet again. As he talked a sadness came into her eyes and as he finished, she frowned. The com beeped at her and the young Sith pressed a button with slight annoyance.  

"Not now," she hissed. A low whistle followed by a few beeps sounded through the air reporting that the bounty hunter had now succeeded at receiving acess to the archives and was now uploading data. 

"Activate R59 and O22," she told it using a code she had worked out long ago. Amara scowled and tapped a button, disconnecting the link. She looked at Leon, unsure if he had understood her mech droid.  

Belatedly responding to Leon's offer of his old lightsaber, she shook her head.  

"No. I can't. I will not need it if I will be providing your transport." she told him, a look in her eye suggesting that she would not be taking no for an answer. 

"And if you wish, I can get you a new identity. A fresh start with no past." 


((You wish for Sting to be followed?))    

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Kinir followed him into the inner vaults, he'd been here once or twice. Leaning up against a wall next to the man he destealthed and casually drank from his flask.

"Lovely day for computer overrides, no?"

On a wrist holocom he'd acquired Chance popped up, she had been busying herself with other matters and actually paused when she directed the wristcom's lone photoreceptor on the man. His armor, or what was visible, was the same style her holo image wore.

"There aren't many people with access to the holocrons you know. But I don't know of any who can't access the holocron by natural means. Not making you a Jedi, so if I do ask, who might you be?"

He took another swig and put his flask back in his jacket.

"And if I do say, you're quite rude to that AI of yours, you should be more considerate."

Edited by Dusset

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Leon opened his mouth to object, but he saw her look and let out his breath. "So you'll be coming with me then?" He asked putting the lightsaber back in his bag.


((Sorry for the short post, not much else to post when asking a question... And yeah sure, go ahead and tail him if you wish, Kinir is already on that but two jedi after one bounty hunter who hasn't done anything wrong should be quite interesting.))




"Miraculous objects these holocrons are. Did you know they are capable of storing nearly an infinite amount of data within the inner crystal. These shapes that the element they are made of form into is really just a shell to protect the crystal inside. Nearly impossible to read unless you have the proper equipment. Luckily these six holocrons are not the first that I've come across. A dark jedi by the name of Darth Vexion owned one. Maybe you've heard of him, quite a miraculous dark jedi he was. He brought together a coalition of planets when he was 25, not something easy for a former slave boy to do. You see, Vexion was owned by the same hutt that I've been hired by. So in a way, Vexion and I are connected. Well on with this history lesson, Vexion was only 25, and not even a jedi, when he formed this coalition. This coalition of about 50 planets across 18 systems became known as the Blood Water Contingency, because this planet that became the central hub of the Blood Water Contingency had this odd mountain, and on this mountain was a temple, and in this temple's basement there was a hidden monastery several times the size of this enclave. Now, in this Monastery, which I'm sure you can guess the name of as it was the inspiration for this coalition's name, there was a mysterious substance known as blood water. When it was ingested it would transform these people into vampire like creatures. They were said to have had gray skin, blood thirsty glowing red orange eyes, fangs, claws. In fact, this transformation was a very powerful transformation. It could be done at will with no foreseeable consequences. Except, over the course of the next thousand years the original drinkers of this Blood Water started experiencing side effects of continual ingestion. It acted like radiation poisoning. Well long story short they all turned into giant bat like creatures that ended up inhabiting the dark caves of this world known as Vexus Alpha. Except, Vexion. Within this time he learned the way of the force and was able to purge this sickness from his body. But he kept his power of transformation, he called it a gift. Well, he turned out to be a very powerful sith lord, he ended up causing a great deal of trouble to the New Galactic Republic and destroyed many valuable assets to the NGR, almost wiped it out completely. That is however until his sickness returned with a vengeance. Being 2000 years old had its toll on him. He was unable to purge it from his body and instead of mutating, he died. Well before his death he built a holocron out of a crystallized form of this Blood Water. He fashioned the entire holocron out of different forms of this crystallized water. His holocron became a myth among the primitive civilizations of planets of this Blood Water Contingency. It became known as the Blood Water Stone. It was said to hold great evil and it was hidden within the Monastery that housed this blood water." Sting spoke, never once looking at Kinir for more than a second. He walked around as he spoke and examined the amazing and intricate design of the holocrons.

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"That's quite the tale you have there." Kinir said, paying only enough attention to his words to understand what he said, the rest of his attention was on Sting himself. "But what do vampires have to do with anything?"

He crossed his arms and stared at the man. Who was more interesting than anything at the moment.

"But you still haven't any of my questions."

Great, he thought, this wasn't a two-bit human at all. This one seemed like he actually had purpose for being here. But in his defense all he had done was question who he was... while in a restricted area. Masterhood only got him so far. Guards wouldn't question him but other Jedi sure as druk would.


((I love colorful Star Wars curses.))

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((it's okay happy.gif))


Jade nodded and picked up her pack as well and the clothes that she had worn minutes before, before following Aaron out into the hallway and then towards the hangar where the ship was. She couldn't wait to see that planet again and even better was that she got to go there again with the person she loved. Mm relaxation here I come, she thought to herself as she walked beside him down towards the docking bay. I'm definitely going to enjoy our little trip.

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"Well, this said Blood Water Stone was found in a Monastery visited by me. It was found, by me. And it was deciphered by me. Ultimately it was also destroyed by me but that's besides the point. I've had experience with holocrons before, so I can easily get all the information from them when I want it. Unlike the jedi here, still very young and primitive in comparison, can only get data from them when residual energy is given off during a power cycle. These thing literally thrive off of the force. So it gathers them within the crystal which allows the power to be used by the crystal to give it the ability to store mass amounts of data, let alone that it can last indefinitely from its creation to its destruction. I feel sorry for the Jedi, they will never know the knowledge these things hold. At least not in the current order's life time. Lucky for me I don't have to wait that long, as I have the technology to both read these things and I have the clearance required to take them. Also, I have a very, very long time to learn what they mean." He said smiling.




Aaron walked into the hangar bay and gave the attendant a thumbs up, who in return nodded and started releasing the magnetic locks that held the ship in place. He opened the hatch and let Jade through first before he stepped in and went to the cockpit and started the ship up. He set in the coordinates and started to take off while the computer calculated their course. "Let me correct what I said earlier. It's actually going to take twenty hours. We're making a stop near the Xanus system so we can see the volcanic emissions of Xan V, the volcanic lava is launched from the moon's low gravity and crystallizes in space, it leaves a trail of what look like diamonds and rock as the carbon frees itself from the imperfect volcanic rock." He said. "We're lucky enough to see it, as it only happens once every couple hundred years." He said.

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"Yes that's all fine and dandy. But I still want to know who you are." Kinir said.

Chance may have been silent but she was running his face through a recognition system on the ship wirelessly. She eventually found a match from the few times her photoreceptor was in line with the man's face. Ah, pirated ships. They have all kinds of hidden goodies. He had traded in the miniature one-man fighter for a freighter, capable of hyperspace.

Through an earpiece his identify was confirmed as a bounty hunter going by Sting. No other information was acquired. Kinir was still curious though. He wanted his real name.

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"You won't get it." Sting said. "My name that is." He clarified. "Yeah, I know you've been running me through recognition, I've had Delta analyzing your equipment and software since I stepped into the courtyard. "I recognize my mark anywhere, I wanted to know what I'd be up against. But for now I'm here for information, information that could make your capture meaningless. See, I'm no fool, I've been sizing you up since I got here and your death or your capture at this time would not be very advantageous to me. You're going to lead me to something that I want, and whether you know it or not you will lead me to it. Because you are curious as well, if you seek it it will be because you desire it as much as I do, but if you don't lead me to it your masters will make you. 'For when we meet at the crossroads of Destiny, it will be the Mantle of the Force that brings us together.'" Sting said before taking a holocron from it's containment and walking back towards his room. "I am done speaking with you for now."

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Kinir exited as Sting did, trying not to get locked in.

"Capture?" He asked himself. "I have a bounty on my head?"

Rationalizing he figured he would have many, and... oh right. Garjuna wanted his head on a pike. But so did his rival hutt, so at least they'd shoot at each other before shooting at him. He had some tricks he didn't reveal though. He was strong in the force, and Sting, if he was even remotely attuned, wasn't powerful enough to sense that. He had once moved a cargo ship out of a gorge. Racing back to his ship he opened the ramp and sprinted up it. If he was being hunted he was going to fight the kark back. Throwing his hold-out blaster on a box in the cargo bay he opened a large container connected to the wall, one of few in the bay at all. It didn't have anything in it, it was it. A long-range signal tracker. As well, a high powered computer that cost at least two-hundred credits. Something he never paid for. Granted he did steal it from pirates, so it was fine.

Plugging Chance in,

"Activate security protocol 18a."

18a was not actually a security protocol, but a surveillance one. It activated every camera it had access to, whether it be the ship's or not. They all displayed on a screen.

"Run facial recognition again until you find him."

As she did that he popped open his weapons locker. He located a bigger pistol, larger than his previous, and holstered it on his boot.

"Negative. No new results."

"Run it through republic-"


"Override Zeta."

"As you wish."

Chance, being an AI, had free will, to an extent, and a personality. With a passion, she hated the New Republic's firewall on subsystems. It was run by another AI, who she wanted to grind into digital dust.


"What did you find?"



"Fine, no actual name, listed as Sting. A big-time bounty hunter. If he's after you Kin, you might as well not even try."

"Shut. Off."

His temper was rising steadily. But he sat next to Chance's holo and researched his bounties.

Edited by Dusset

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Sting sat on the floor of his room and closed his eyes, concentrating hard. He had the holocron in his hand as he focused. It started to float and it slowly unwound itself, solving the puzzle that was on the outside before it opened and revealed an inner puzzle. The pieces of its outer shell floated there as the inner shell began to unravel. Once finished all 12 pieces floated there circling around a green crystal that glowed brightly and illuminated his dark room. He grabbed the crystal and panted. "Damn, that gets easier every time but it's still nearly impossible." He said.


"You just need more training, sir. It is the only logical thing to do in order to make it easier." Delta said bursting to life again.


"Yeah, but training is hard when I rarely come across holocrons such as this. Using the force is not something easily done by one not sensitive in its presence." Sting replied.


"What did you think of his AI, sir?" Delta asked.


"Have a little crush do you?" Sting asked smirking.


"It's nothing like that sir. I feel like I've seen her programming before. It's familiar to me, some of her scripts are near identical to mine. Logically she could even be a split of the same Alpha that I came from." He added. "A chip off the old block, as the humans would put it." Delta continued. "What spikes my interest is that she is not listed in any of the archive files."


"What of it?" Sting asked.


"Well sir, I have all created AI information stored in my memory banks, right down to the humanoid subroutines such as simulated breathing. And I personally know 4 of the 15 AIs in existence not including myself. There were 3 Alphas, one for each of the creators of the line of code that created AI in the first place. The God Algorithm as it was called. I personally know 4 of them because we were all split from the same Alpha, and you have them in your library of AIs." Delta said.


"So maybe she was from a different Alpha." Sting added.


"Not possible sir, as I said, I have detailed records of all AI from all 3 Alphas in existence sir, she is not one of them. A sixteenth AI." Delta replied.


"So what importance does this have with anything?" Sting asked.


"Well sir, you said you wanted to achieve immortality to better understand the universe, until you can accomplish your ultimate goal. Well, I may just be speculating here, but logically speaking, it's as if Chance weren't an AI at all, but an actual consciousness that was once living but now transferred to a computer. Almost like a download from flesh and blood onto a motherboard. If that is the case, she'll have answers for you on how it's done, because as far as I am aware it has never been done in history." Delta said.


"Also without knowledge of the AI we can't fully understand the quarry's defenses and limits." Sting said.


"Right sir, and if you want to have a better chance of capturing Kinir, you'll want to get to know Chance a little better." Delta said.


"I like the sound of that, 'In order to have a chance, you have to know Chance.'" He repeated to himself. "Alright, but I am going to put us on equal footing. I think Chance deserves to holographically manifest herself wherever Kinir goes. She'll be of better use to Kinir and will make him that much more of a challenge." Sting smiled.


"You always have to make it more difficult for yourself, sir." Delta said. "I shall run the manifestation program, a new holographic generator will be ready within the hour sir." Delta added.


"Thank you, Delta."


((Delta is like this by the way: http://www.roostertooths.com/content/rvb/i.../cast/Delta.jpg, only with different armor.))


((Oh, and I don't mean to God mode here if I am, just making speculation and opening up possible sub plots.))


((And you're going to have to inform me on the definition of Kark, because I can't find it anywhere.))

Edited by Danniphantom

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