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Star Wars: The Unknown Legends

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((How old is Kinir anyway? I couldn't find his bio when doing a quick scan.))

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((That's not bad compared to this Jedi. She's in her mid-twenties. Even if she is younger she isn't that much younger.))


"As you wish. Follow me." She said taking a slight bow before leading Kinir towards the council room.

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((I was thinking twenty solid. Eh.))


Kinir followed the young Jedi. Instead of paying much attention to her he was watching his surroundings. He looked for cameras. He put his lightsabers back into his jacket and pistol in his boot, seeing as security was leanient. A new model R2 style droid whizzed by. As well he saw several students heading to a training room.

"So, how's life here?" He asked trying to break what he saw as an awkward silence.

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"It's quite calming, to say the least. Dantooine has always been a peaceful world suited well for training in the tranquility of the force." She explained as they entered the hall of legends which lay before the council room. This hall held massive statues of all the Jedi whom the council at the time of construction thought of as respectable and those whose legacy will forever change the galaxy. And at the end in what could be considered a "VIP" spot was Olden Miroro. His plaque was rather odd though. Where there should have been his birth and death dates, instead, there was a list of Eras and dates. The last one reading from the current era and The date of just a few weeks before to a blank spot, indicating if was still living. A notable surprise as the first date marked shows that he was born and died nearly 10,000 years ago. The girl showed Kinir to the door of the council room and took a bow. "If that is all you require then I shall leave." She said and stood for a moment waiting for a response.

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"Yes, thank you." He said.

Turning away from her he opened the doors to the council room and walked into a meeting.

"Masters, if I may interrupt... I'd like to address the council."

He wondered if they'd even allow him to speak. If an armed stranger walked in your door, what would you do? Kinir supposed he'd shoot out their kneecaps and disarm them. He was a little paranoid about strangers and guns though.

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The girl took one last bow and walked away back to her post at the central docking bay. As Kinir walked in the council members stopped and looked up at him. "This is merely an intermission between sessions. We have time, however limited, if you can make your address short so we may discuss the matter you may come down." The grand master said in a loud and deep but aged voice. "We have heard of your arrival here. Very unannounced, however, you are welcome here as a wielder of the force, our security systems are very powerful and very sensitive. Do not cause a commotion and you shall be fine and you will remain welcome. Access is at the moment restricted to the housing halls, the courtyard, dining halls and The hallways leading from your ship in the hangar to this very room. You must receive a data card from the security guard standing outside this room when we are ajourned. Is that clear? If so, then step forward, and let your voice be heard."

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"Thank you." He began. "My name is Kiinir Sho'tey. After years on traveling the fringe and aiding those in need, I come before you to ask my acceptance into the order. I'm aware that it is not protocol to allow Jedi to join later in life, but I feel I would do the most good being a part of the order."

He had little else to say. The topic was simple and he spoke with confidence. Perhaps even with bravado, but that could be taken as egotism.

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"He speaks the truth." A woman on the far left spoke. "Though he attempts to hide his past, either out of fear of distrust or a hidden motive. Tell us Master Sho'tey, where did you learn your use of the force and skills with a lightsaber?" The woman asked putting her elbows on the arms of the chair she sat in and connecting all of her fingers on both hands with the corresponding fingers on the other hand, making a a diamond like shape with her hands together which she then put up to her upper lip as she looked at Kinir.

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"A Gray Jedi, ma'am." He replied. "I'm sure you're aware of the cult of force users. Roughly eleven years ago now she located me and convinced me to learn the force. Apparently I was strong enough to be sensed off-planet, as we were only in the same star system."

His story could have been mistaken for bragging if he hadn't been sincere.


((Found my app: First page OOC, bottom post.

Making sure: Te apped rank was Knight but seeing as I brought him into the RP this way feel free to give him whatever rank.))

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"And what makes you wish to john the order now? Surely you've heard of us and know of our ability to teach more advanced skills. Why wait?" A Jedi on the far left asked. He was young, not too much older than Kinir himself. He was the youngest currently on the council. But despite his young appearance he was wise and strong, thus why he was present.

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"My master only died two years ago." He said. "As well, after she died I spent a considerable amount of time taking down a crime lord on Nar Shadaa. I'd heard rumors that the mercenary leader who orphaned me was working with him. A vendetta if you will."

There was only a trace of nervousness in his voice. He didn't know the current rules of the order but revenge couldn't possibly be smiled upon. All his cards on the table. Not the best hand but modest. Hopefully good enough for them. At least he wasn't bluffing.

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"If this is all you have to say for the de fense of your request then you may return to your quarters and we will deliberate on our decision. We will summon you when the decision is made." The grand master said indicating that he may go by waving gig game toward the door.

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Leon followed her and met her empty gaze with a similarly empty gaze, but not one of anger or hatred, one of isolation and loneliness. Living alone because of his uncontrollable power has been difficult. He's also had to live carefully, due to his slow rate of healing. "I honestly wouldn't know what there is to do. I have had to spend my days either in the medical wing for treatments that keep me from getting sick, in my room meditating to learn to control my power or in the courtyard using my power to burn off the excess energy so I don't destroy myself. At the end of every day, which for me will be in about an hour, I have to use as much of my energy as I can so I don't overpower myself in my sleep and destroy the enclave upon awakening." He said. "It's a difficult way to live. People generally avoid me so I may seem socially awkward at times." He said quickly moving his gaze away from her eyes, hoping she wouldn't see the pain he's endured or feel it.

((Sorry it's been really busy.

And didn't Amara just wake up...coulda sworn it was dawn.))


Amara watched the boy with an unblinking stare as he spoke. Unbeknownst to him she had sensed great pain almost the moment they met. Perhaps that was one reason the boys were still alive? He finished talking and she raised an eyebrow which was hidden beneath the shadow cast by her cowl.

"Do I look like a team player?" she asked in regards to his statement about not being social. The fact of the matter was, she could care less. He was similar to her and she could relate on some level. It was the closest thing she had to companionship...with exception of her Master. Plus, he could prove useful. His master had made a mistake, one she planned not to. As for not knowing what to do...

"I suppose it is time we learned what there is to do. You still have some time intil the day's end."


Amara turned her thoughts away from Leon and to Olden. She was supposed to observe pleople here. So far nothing good had come out of it. She looked around her, trying to locate the man but there was no immediate "bond" between them as far as she could tell.

"Do you know where Master Olden is?" she asked.

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"Of course."

He didn't give a half bow as he left, he wasn't used to the practice. He stopped by the security desk and retrieved a permissions card. He wandered the sections he was alowed in for a while and returned to his ship. He still hadn't been directed to a room but he needed to retrieve something from the cupboard onboard. After entering the sixteen digit code which he changed nearly everyday in length and content, he entered the small ship.

"How'd it go?" Chance asked.

"They're deliberating."

"You're not going to get in you know."

"Oh shut off."

"I'm just telling you what's going to happen."

Kinir didn't reply. He was searching the chest-like compartment which with a mattress and other bedly things on top formed his bed. There it was. A portable holographically-able A.I. port. He could Chance with him. The device was smaller than a palm and fit into a datapad he had stashed in the same chest. He slipped this into pocket along with a spare power pack for his pistol. He uploaded chance to the computer and manually locked the ship up as he exited.

Edited by Dusset

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((The only things I would change about your post Dusset would be the laptop and walk outlet. Seeing as this is far far ahead of our technology so power is pretty much limited to power cells that are easily replaceable and cheap. And laptops are actually datapads...))

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Sometimes swapping between RPs screws with me. Had just posted in a modern day Rp prior.))

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((Sorry Dusset. I don't know what to post for you right now so I guess for the time being you can freeform until you interact with a character that is either mine or temporarily controlled by me.))


Leon nodded at her remark to find something to do. "No, I'm sorry, I don't know where he is. I wasn't even aware that he was at the enclave, or even alive again for that matter." He said. "From what I know, however, he tends to slip in and out of the enclave a lot. The records are surprisingly thorough on his personalities and his behavioral tendencies."

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((Np, it's hard to move an RP with only two people.))

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((If you want Amara could meet you char, Dusset?))


Anger flared up in Amara's eyes and the force seemed to shimmer around her, showing perhaps a sliver of what had first attracked her old master. There was great power to be had there but she kept it quelled. Just terrific, she was trapped at this Jedi enclave with no way to get off and her new found master had gone places unknown. Anger was tainted by annoyance now as Amara visibly took a breath.

"Let me get this straight. I am trapped here for a little while. I am to observe the scu- Jedi, and I have no clue what exactly I am supposed to do. And neither, it would seem, do you? Hmm?" she sighed.

"Any clue where I might find him?" she asked, mildly distracted by the newcomers she had sensed earlier.

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Kinir spoke to a guard who pointed him in the direction of the living quarters. A wandering Jedi showed him guest quarters and left. He plugged Chance into a computer in the room. She tried to shut down surveillance in that particular room; but she didn't have the necessary infiltration protocols. Moving back into the chip Kinir placed her in his datapad. Her holo showed up, which was a Mandalorian woman.

"So. What's the plan then? Sit here until they say you're not in and leave?"

"Your a little..."

"...amazing? Try very."

Kinir sighed and grabbed the datapad. He decided to explore the enclave. With courtesy he let Chance stay online and holo-up.

Edited by Dusset

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((Alright, DP, Amara, Dusset, I'll start us off))


--TS 2 years--


It had been two years since the destruction and stranding of Jade, Aaron, Eria and Marcus on the unknown planet of Lehon, or Rakata Prime, the induction of Kinir into the council and his official achievement of the rank Master Jedi, and Amara's discovery by master Olden Miroro. Since then Jade, Aaron, Marcus and Eria arrived safely at the council to tell of their discoveries, however, Aaron kept the holocron he found private so he could do further studies on it. Jade and Aaron continued to get to know each other and ultimately ended up falling for each other, where, respectively, they became a couple who would help advance the other's abilities and edge them on to achieve greater power. Master Olden gained trust over Amara as her training continued and slowly started loosening the figurative leash he had put on her when she first arrived at the enclave. Leon developed his powers and learned to control them, though he is still shunned among the enclave and seen as a danger, for even though his control of his power has increased indefinitely since he first met Amara he still didn't have full control of his unusual power. He currently resides in a small home just outside of the enclave in one of the eastern courtyards near the remnants of the old enclave. He lives almost in exile both for the protection of the enclave and in isolation and sorrow for his inability to be accepted. Much has occurred and all have grown stronger in their own ways.

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Since arriving back to the council on Coruscant to tell them of her, Flint, Eria, and Aaron's discoveries of where they had all gone and whatnot, Jade was happy with how her and Aaron's relationship had been going lately and was now getting ready for a date that she had with him. She didn't know where they were going but she didn't care as she got dressed in a simple outfit of a khaki skirt and a lime green top. She put on a pair of flat boots and had the belt with her light-saber on around her waist as well before heading out of her room to wait for Aaron in the hallway so that they could head out together.

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Kinir opened his eyes and immediately shut them. censorkip.gif it. Never again. Never. Again.

He'd gone to coruscant the night before and got wasted. Celebration? Or was he just that bad? He couldn't remember, it was a foggy memory. He knew he hadn't flown. That's what he had Chance for. He didn't know what time it was nor who's quarters he was in but they weren't his. He staggered out of the room making sure he had his gear. Yup, lighsabers in jacket and pistol in boot. But... What was this? Excellent. Dark sunglasses. At least he knew himself well enough. Putting them on he stood outside the room focusing until he wasn't drunk. But now he had a splitting headache and...


That fly was loud.


((What a nice way to start the day, huh? Hungover in a stranger's room? Lovely.))

Edited by Dusset

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