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Star Wars: The Unknown Legends

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Bane stared outward at the final outpost. He decided he would take this one on personally instead of just completely blowing it to bits. He turned on his lightsaber and it pulsed with a dark energy as the unstable crystal hissed and hummed with the energy being sent through the blade. He looked up at the sky as it began to rain. "A gloom day for the jedi." He said as he approached the base. The two guards posted outside noticed him and raised their guns. Bane merely waved his hand and they were both forced against the wall as an invisible force reached out and choked them. He grabbed one of them and violently forced his face against the retinal scanner. It cleared but the door didn't open. Bane looked over to the other side and noticed a hand print scanner. He smiled and cut off the other guard's hand.


He pulled out the bone and shoved his hand inside the organic glove and placed it on the scanner. It scanned for a moment but it didn't accept. "A biometric pressure sensor too, eh?" Bane asked himself looking at the door. Two guards on the inside of the door prepared to fire as soon as the doors open, they saw a heat coming from the center of the door, Bane's lightsaber was cutting through. They readied their guns but before they could fire Bane kicked in the door and the two pieces of the flying door hit each guard. He laughed as he continued through the base slaughtering the weak and pathetic guard held within. "Too easy." He said chuckling. He finally reached the generator room and set it to overload. ~10 minutes to get out of here.~ He thought as he began to leave. On his way out he heard a name called. ~That name. It couldn't be.~ He thought as he slowly turned around.


He was suddenly struck by a large heavy beam from the support of the building. It sent him flying several feet back and he dropped his saber. He was lifted off the ground by an invisible hand by his neck and he floated there for a moment before being slammed against the wall to his left, then his right, the ceiling and finally the ground. "God damnit!" He said as he slowly lifted his arms and stood up. Surprisingly he managed to keep a death grip on his lightsaber. His arm band beeped as two minutes passed from when he overloaded the generator. ~Eight minutes left.~ He thought, ~if I can just get out of this base I can take as long as I need to take to beat this guy. Whoever he is.~ He turned and ran towards the exit which was only 50 feet away but he was pulled back suddenly and very forcefully. He slammed against the wall again and a heavy beam came down and pinned him to the floor. The sudden weight of the beam caused him to pass out.


His arm band beeped again. He lifted his arm and rubbed his head, rather his helmet and looked around. He put his arms under the beam he was being pinned under and lifted, it was heavier than he thought and he struggled to simply lift it off his body, but he managed it. A hand suddenly came down and grabbed him by the throat. He gasped for air as he ripped at the hand with his claws but to no avail. ~This guy is strong.~ He thought. He was dragged out of the base and as he was his mind relaxed a bit, one less thing to worry about. He turned on his lightsaber and tried to cut the hand off of the person holding him, but as soon as the lightsaber flicked on the unstable crystal lost it's focus momentarily and stalled the saber, it shut down and wouldn't turn back on. ~censorkip.gif!~ He thought. There was a violent explosion as the generator finally reached a critical point and destroyed itself. ~Heh, if I die, at least I know that the adopted demi god didn't win.~ He thought, again referencing Norse mythology. ((I don't care that this is a long time ago in a galaxy far far away...)) He started to black out as he lacked the oxygen required to maintain consciousness. Just as he was on the verge of passing out the assailant released his grip and Bane fell to the ground. Bane coughed as a familiar voice rang out.


"You're still as weak as ever Dustin." The raspy voice said.


"That's," Bane coughed again, "that's not my name. It never was." He finished.


"You're right, you've always preferred your mother's last name, Essex." The man said.


"Why have you returned?" Essex asked standing up and stumbling a bit. His vision twisted and turned as he regained full consciousness.


"You needed me to return. So here I am." The man chuckled.


"I don't need you, I've never needed you, you and your jedi order always held me back." Essex spat.


"And yet here I am." The man said smiling, though it was hard to see with his cloaked face.


"Enough talk, it's time to finish this, I should've done this 25 years ago." Essex said turning on his saber and charging the man.


((Sorry Dusset rolleyes.gif didn't see that you edited your post, let me edit mine.))




((Here you go!))


"Identification code recognized. You're clear to land, bay 6." The voice said. The Ion canons lost their lock on Kinir's ship and powered down. "Welcome to Dantooine, and the newly renovated Jedi Enclave." The voice said once more before cutting off their end of communications.
Edited by Danniphantom

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Loki was completely enraged if he hadn't trained to contain his anger he would have completely gone mad. He finally stopped the storm completly drained of energy. Anyway he had lost the challenge he decided to go to the last outpost and complete the mission.


he dashed towards it at full speed. He heard the sounds of fighting inside he leaped onto the wall and watched the unfolding battle.

Edited by alexxo97

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((That was only Essex's 7th, if I remember correctly you still have 1 or 2 left...))

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Kinir smiled. He gave a wink to Chance's optics.

"Shows you!"

"Doesn't matter, you're a bad pilot anyways, so no one cares."

"Oh yeah?"

He took the helm and flipped the ship so it was facing space.

"Open rear window."

It did and he cut the engines, flickering them on to control the fall. He was flying backwards. Eventually he spun it around glided into bay 6.

"What now?"

"I'm shutting down now..."

"OK, lower the ramp, when I get out seal hatches and lower armored window shades. I want it air tight. Maybe scent of Nabooian nectar?"

He walked down the exit ramp and took out his weapons. He didn't want to get tackled by security. He could hear Chance sealing the ship. He waited for the welcoming party.

Edited by Dusset

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((Oh, ok... well I have HW to do so if I finish that with enough time to post I will.))

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"My name is Leonidas (SPARTA censorkip.gif YEAH!!!) Carth." Leonidas said. "My friends call me many names, such as Leon, Leo, Carth, Le, and my actual name. You can call me anything you want (I like Carth, but Leon is also pretty cool so your choice, that's what I'll call him around your character)." He added. "And I'm used to not being noticed, so it's quite alright." He said.


((I think that in order to develop the character better I'm gonna have him have some trust issues and be kind of depressed because of his loneliness, so he doesn't smile, ever... I mean occasionally but he rarely smiles.))



Amara nodded. "Well then Leon. I trust you know my name considering but if not, I'm Amara. Just plain Amara." she said her name without any enthusiasm or emotion. The girl finished with her hand and then stood. She walked toward the ship's storage bay, gesturing for him to follow.

"So...what does one do around here?" she asked entering a small "room" that was filled with crates, packages, and such. She walked straight toward the back of the bay and picked out a couple sacks. She tossed them across her shoulder then walked out of the bay, not watching as the door slid shut. The girl walked toward the entrance of her ship, waiting for him to answered.



Go ahead and have them head back to wherever her room is. xP))

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((Sorry, I haven't been feeling very creative... I'll post tomorrow, I have stuff that I have to do in the morning so it won't be until later.))

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Amara led the boy in silence toward her room. As she arrived she turned to face the boy.

"How fast does news travel through the enclave?" she asked, wondering if Olden had found out about the incident yet. Without waiting for the boy to answer she turned and disappeared into her room. There was a small commotion then Amara came back out minutes later, the sound of teeth knawing on a bone echoing from her room. The young Sith seemed unfazed as she met his gaze, her cold empty eyes glaring at his.

"And you still haven't answered my question." she said rather softly.

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((AGH! Sorry guys! I completely forgot to let you guys know that I was going away for 3 weeks on Outward Bound. Let me get a few personal things settled and I should have a post tonight.))

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((Ugh, Jaina kind of left again so I'm still not going to be able to post for us DP... And for now I'll post for Eva and get Essex's post out soon when I have more time to write it. It's hard to write long drawn out battles.))


Leon followed her and met her empty gaze with a similarly empty gaze, but not one of anger or hatred, one of isolation and loneliness. Living alone because of his uncontrollable power has been difficult. He's also had to live carefully, due to his slow rate of healing. "I honestly wouldn't know what there is to do. I have had to spend my days either in the medical wing for treatments that keep me from getting sick, in my room meditating to learn to control my power or in the courtyard using my power to burn off the excess energy so I don't destroy myself. At the end of every day, which for me will be in about an hour, I have to use as much of my energy as I can so I don't overpower myself in my sleep and destroy the enclave upon awakening." He said. "It's a difficult way to live. People generally avoid me so I may seem socially awkward at times." He said quickly moving his gaze away from her eyes, hoping she wouldn't see the pain he's endured or feel it.




"Good day, Master Kinir. Would you like me to lead you to your quarters? Or do you have urgent business with the council that cannot wait?" A young female Jedi asked. She looked to be in her mid twenties, human, brown hair, blue eyes that turned slowly to a dark green at the center. Her face had soft gentle features and all over she was a pretty girl. She stood there waiting for a response.

Edited by Danniphantom

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((that's fine; I'll just poke her in a pm))

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Quarters? Had he been here before?

"No, please take me to the counsel, if I wasn't interrupting anything."

She was striking. Too bad she was a Jedi. Maybe... no. First impressions tend to be important. And he was already much too old to really... join. There were those exceptions though. And he did feel he was powerful enough to be added. Hopefully they thought he was disciplined enough too.


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((Just so you know Dusset, the times have changed, inter Jedi relations are expected to maintain the population of force sensitive individuals.))

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((Yes, but Kinir's... Well. An censorkip.gif. His primary character development flaw is overcoming his past of well... Scumbagery.

So taking advantage of a younger Jedi isn't on his agenda.))

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