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Star Wars: The Unknown Legends

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((i posted this Danni:


Jade was about to reply to her question about what all had happened while she was unconscious when Aaron beat her to it. She listened to everything he said also thinking and adding to herself, And each other not knowing that the former was doing the same. She had her attention go back to the water below them as she thought about what else they were going to do or talk about.


waiting for you and jaina to post))

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Amara watched the boy as he spoke. "Some just aren't cut out for that life, I suppose." she said with a cold calculating tone. Though, if she did have an opinion on the death of the family and former master she kept it hidden; along with the numbness she felt toward those deaths. There was however a sliver of amusement that she let slide by as he spoke of the Sith using his powers for their gain. The girl knew very well that it was true. She was rather surprised that another hadn't found and taken him by now.


"Yes, about that," she looked at the boy with curiosity. "...how exactly did you do that?" Amara knew that would have been no easy feat and that one fact had been preying on her mind.

"Can you walk again?" she asked after a moment, wanting to finish the task she had set out to do.


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((Well, I'll wait for Jaina to post... Zakku, you are no longer bound to my posts so you can post at will to continue, I will read with enthusiasm.))


"I can." The Jedi said standing and stepping forward. He still looked weak as he walked but he seemed more efficient than he was minutes ago. "I don't know exactly how I do it. I just do when I need to. It's like any other force power, it's hard to describe how you do it, you just do." He said. "But I have to be careful, when I do it I have to push the force out of my body at a violent rate, it drains me greatly to do it. But at the same time, if I do it too fast this happens," he lifted his hand and took off the glove it was in, he unwrapped the bandages that surrounded his forearm. It revealed a large, and recently made, gash in his arm. It ran down the length of his forearm on two sides and they were pretty wide. It looked as if the force of the blast just tore his arm apart from the inside out. "This happened while I was attempting to control the flow of the force, right after it happened I passed out from the pain, when I woke up they told me that they had to do extensive muscle reconstruction, this happened 3 years ago and it looks like it happened three days ago, wounds this bad never heal properly, or I just lack the ability to heal." He said. To his ignorance though it was the latter of the two, he completely lacked the ability to heal his own wounds properly, it can take weeks to heal even the smallest of wounds. This left him very vulnerable, but he never realized this.

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"I see, so to speak," Eria replied calmly. She turned her head briefly between the two of them, certain she had felt some flicker of connection between them through the Force. It seemed that they were learning more about each other as well she silently decided. "Then what should our next step be in your opinions?" she asked, stepping back to lean against a tree.

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"Well, for now we are taking a break. It is getting dark and I don't know what kind of creatures live on this planet. So we should lay low and get some rest until morning." Aaron said. "Then we can continue looking around." He added.

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Jade listened to Eria's question for what they should do next as well as Aaron's reply to it and said in agreement with a small nod, "That sounds like a good idea." She was exhausted anyway and she figured that the two of them were also she just didn't want to say her suspicions aloud since she could be wrong. She also didn't want to say that she was exhausted because then they would probably make her sleep for a bit or something or be worried and she didn't want that.

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When he said he could walk, Amara started to make her way toward the ship; she paused only briefly while she looked at his arm.,

"I see." the girl said with curiosity while meeting the boy's gaze. This boy was intriguing. He seemed to possess great power over the force but in turn he lacked the ability to heal quickly... She stored that bit of information away as she got to her ship. The girl glanced back at the boy with something almost like suspicion before waving for him to follow. Once inside she quickly gathered what she needed then she went into the makeshift medic room and got out some bacta patches. Amara quickly set about cleaning off her hand and expertly doing everything she could to get it to heal faster.


Minutes later she looked up just by chance and saw the boy still there. She was slightly surprised and it showed. She had forgotten about him.

"Oh! I'd forgotten you were there... This is going to take some getting use to. I'm not use to having...guests" she said, looking almost apologetic but those words never came from her lips.

"You have a name?" she asked instead.

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"My name is Leonidas (SPARTA censorkip.gif YEAH!!!) Carth." Leonidas said. "My friends call me many names, such as Leon, Leo, Carth, Le, and my actual name. You can call me anything you want (I like Carth, but Leon is also pretty cool so your choice, that's what I'll call him around your character)." He added. "And I'm used to not being noticed, so it's quite alright." He said.


((I think that in order to develop the character better I'm gonna have him have some trust issues and be kind of depressed because of his loneliness, so he doesn't smile, ever... I mean occasionally but he rarely smiles.))

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Bio Format:


Name- Loki



Race- human

Class- Dark jedi


Rank- Master


Personality: do i really need to writhe one i am not very good at sticking with what i right in the personality


Appearance:user posted image


Clothing: as seen in pic


Armour: like the pic


Weapons: like the pic


Lightsaber Color: the pic


Force abilities: force storm, telekinesis, force leap, force speed, battle meditation


Short History: he was taken in very young not knowing where he came from or who he was. To him Shaan-Tar had always been a father figure but he didn't know that it was under his orders that his parents where killed. Over time, he discovered that the only thing to make his "father" proud would be to become powerful and so he sought to become just that.



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Loki woke up suddenly, plagued by the many nightmares he has had ever since he was little he saw soldiers, a house fire, people screaming he was crying. At the end of these dreams he whould always wake up in cold sweats. he got of his bed slowly, taking his time after all in this world the people who could order him arround where few.


He put on his Robes and put on his mask, He wore it because he didn't want anyone to see his face(it was slightly burned and he has quite a few scars). He Attached his lightsabers to his belt and walked out of the room.

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((Just so no one freaks out I did accept him guys...))

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"You're having dreams still." A sith stalker said as Loki passed him. He stepped out of the shadows and started walking beside him. "Have you told anyone else?" He asked. He carried his new lightsaber as it pulsed in his hand, he hadn't put it down since he left the planet.


((For the sake of roleplaying let's have these two be... well, not friends, rivals with understandings, comrades. Almost like friends but with competitions for strength... this is Aethis or who was formerly Aethis and will now be referred to as something else as soon as Shantaar assigns him an identity.))

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no i havn't told anyone and i expect you to keep your mouth shut, he said coldly while continuing on his way. he was in no mood to deal with anyone today. I wonder if there are any people i can "practice on" today, he said idly.


(you should really keep all the Char bios on the OOC or on the OP somewhere

also how many powers can a master have?)



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((For now, only 5, I give them out at random points during the roleplay... Sith Stalkers get 8 though because they can have any 5 and then there is a list of force powers that the stalkers have to choose 3 force powers from. And don't forget to capitalize, use quotations and punctuation, it makes it easier to read your posts.))

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(I'l be more careful about my punctuation.)



Lokie was heading towards Shaantar's quarters to receive an assignment. While he was walking he was pondering his nightmares, questioning himself. Why did they feel so real ? Where they a vision of what is to come or of what has already passed?

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((I can understand in some cases where people use mobile phones, but it's just best to maintain the best punctuation as possible. I mean "He walked around, tired, hungry and bored." looks better than "he walked around tired hungry and bored." At least in my opinion...))


Aethis followed. He was going to the same place. He had just returned from his mission and had to report in. He walked beside Loki not saying a word. The energy and power from his body radiated and filled the air around him. His body was still heavy with the built up energy from the planet he had returned from.

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Lokie made it to the door, which he opened with the force, parting the doors with ease. Walking with a steady and confident past till he reached the Sith Lord. He knelt in front of him and asked, Master? You summoned me?

Edited by alexxo97

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((Did you have a plan for this "assignment"? Seeing as Shantaar is mine to control I figured I'd have to be the one to have him give it to you, if you had any specific idea... and again, don't forget quotations "" when your character is speaking, it makes it an easy read...))

Edited by Danniphantom

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((Oh goody... let's start off with an easy one.))


The cloaked figure that was the Dark Lord of the Sith turned from the window he was at. His body was covered in the black robe that he swam in. His voice, low and almost like a growl rang out in the still air and drowned out the sound of the screaming voices in the background. "At this point the Jedi have reclaimed the planet Aethis and Dark have claimed. A small loss but still a loss, however, we cannot distract what little force we have with a petty quest, the jedi will relentlessly attack our forces as they claim and reclaim the planet in an endless battle with pointless losses on both sides. Aethis, I trust your squad is in that system on command to wait for further orders?"


"They are my master." Aethis said bowing slightly at the stomach and placing his hand across his chest. He then returned to his standing position. This angered many masters who encounter him, Aethis seems to show such disrespect and yet Shantaar does nothing or it may be his apathy that allows Aethis and his squad to get away with this.


"Recall them at once, we have no need to keep them there. I want Alpha and Vex to go to these coordinates however," Shantaar said as he slid a data-pad across the stone table in front of him. "It is a planet much like the one you just took over, strong in the force where it is literally saturating the air. Send them there, it is a abandoned, save a few locals." Shantaar said.


"As you wish." Aethis said as he took the data-pad and started typing something on his electronic armband.


"And now for the two of you, there is a planet about 15 lightyears out from the Mandalore system. It is currently inhabited by jedi, we must secure it, there are fourteen outposts on the planet that must be taken down before one of our capital ships can go in and bombard the planet and reclaim it for the sith. I trust you know what must be done. Aethis, for this assignment you will be called Bane." Shantaar said. "Now go, get out of my sight and don't return until this job is done." Shantaar said returning to his window.


"Fourteen outposts, so that's 3 for you and 11 for me?" Bane said jokingly as he walked out.

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Not if you can't get to you ship! He said while sticking bane to the ceiling and heading towards his (i forgot to mention this I will be using a Fury) Fury, while using force speed he was there in an instant. He prepared his ship for take-off as the antimatter engines roared. he punched in the coordinates and made his departure from the planets gravity.

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