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Star Wars: The Unknown Legends

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((k and the link didn't work tongue.gif))


Jade looked out over the ledge when they stopped where they did for the night as she listened to everything that Aaron said. "That sounds like a good idea," she said in reply as she sat down beside him on the ledge's edge. As she sat there, she could feel the pull of the force that the former had mentioned just a few minutes earlier and she also had her attention be on the sunset, thinking that it was really pretty.

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Eria's search for food eventually found success in the form of emergency rations that, while bland, served to sate her hunger. During her search she was able to get enough of a sense of the ship's condition through its shape in the Force to become more than a bit worried. Even if they had landed flat, the ship would need some very serious work if it was ever going to fly again. The lact of other people on board bothered her more than she cared to admit at the moment, so when she found a hatch that was open to the outside, she took immediate advantage.


As soon as she was off the ship, Eria's Force sense was flooded with the awareness of all the life surrounding her. The first sign of the others she found were two pairs of tracks heading off in one direction that lead towards where the sun was sinking towards the horizon.

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((k and the link didn't work tongue.gif))

((Damn, ok, just look up Lehon Star Wars on google images, I'll edit momentarily for my IC))


((And Jaina, is Eria blind currently? Because that's the feeling I'm getting... Oh, and Marcus is still on the ship just in rough condition in a healing pod of Bacta.))


Aaron laid back and looked up at the stars that began to show through the blanket of blue that was the sky. Remnants of the explosion could be seen in a nebula like cloud over the horizon opposite the setting sun. Aaron calmed a bit before jolting upright. "I feel something." He said closing his eyes to focus. "It's hard to tell for certain but I feel a presence, but with the force flowing towards this feeling I can't tell exactly if it's Eria, Marcus or someone else." He said. He stood up and grabbed his lightsaber. "Stay here." He said to Jade going to the edge. "I'll be back shortly." He said before jumping off and running towards the faint source of energy he was sensing.


((Oh, and Jaina, Eria will be able to feel Aaron and Jade's presence easily as the force flow from the planet (which is extremely strong and has an ebb and flow like an ocean the source is unknown but it can be used to enhance all force senses) is currently flowing away from Aaron and Jade and toward Eria.))

Edited by Danniphantom

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((okie dokie happy.gif))


Jade looked up at the sky as the stars started to come out, laying down next to Aaron a few minutes afterward so that she wouldn't hurt her neck while looking up at the sky. She had just closed her eyes for a bit before hearing what he said and opened them to see him closing his eyes to concentrate while also jolting upright. She then just nodded and said, "Okay" in reply to his last statement as he went off with his light-saber to see who was there that he had sensed before having her attention be on the sky again and at the stars.

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((I hadn't thought of that, but that seems like a fun enough after effect from screwing around inside the planet computer...))


Eria moved steadily forward along her chosen path, following the footprints that her Force sense outline in the ground for her. More troublesome was the fact that now that she was outside and could feel sunlight, she knew there was something wrong with her eyes. She couldn't tell what exactly about them wasn't working, but it was clear as day so to speak that something was up.


Possibly more importantly though, one of the two people up ahead had separated and started coming back towards her. It took her a moment, but Eria eventually identified the presence as Aaron's and relaxed significantly before calling out, raising her voice as she called, " Aaron, it's Eria, I could use a little help here!"


((Oh yeah, now that she's awake, Eria can pretty much instantly fix Marcus with her Force abilities))

Edited by jaina

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((I think for the sake of the roleplay though we should let him stay damaged wink.gif ))


As Aaron approached her he heard her shout, he couldn't quite make out her face as the sun was bright enough to limit his vision, but her voice and force signature identified her. He hooked his saber back to his belt and ran towards Eria. "What's wrong?" He asked as he approached her.

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"I can't see right now, Aaron, my little jaunt through that computer did something to my eyes, and I'm not sure that's all it did even," Eria called back, advancing closer. Being blind was not a fun experience Eria was quickly deducing, and she sincerely hoped her sight would come back. With whatever the computer had left floating in her head, not being able to see left her feeling particularly vulnerable.

Edited by jaina

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"It's alright Eria, just reach out with the force, as I'm sure you've come to notice this place is extremely strong with it in such a way that it literally saturates the air like an invisible mist. It ebbs and flows throughout the air with or against the wind. Just let that extra energy flow into you and reach out with your senses." Aaron said gently putting his hand on Eria's arm to let her know he was right there.

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Dark watched as several monks were took down by his newfound companion. Deciding this monestary had been dealt with, he made his way outside and looked at the one on a hillside. Raising a single hand up, he reached out with the force and began to pull on the top portion of the mountain. Even from the distance he was at, he could hear the rocks breaking apart and he could feel the weight. Positioning the chunk of rock over the monestary, he turned around and released his hold. The ground shook and dust filled the air as the giant piece of rock fell to the level ground below, bringing the monestary and whoever was inside with it.


"The Jedi should be getting word now that their colony is falling. The real fun is going to begin soon."

Edited by zakku_uchiha

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"Yeah I did notice that and it helps me build a picture of what everything around me looks like. It's also what helped me find you and Jade," she said, significantly more relaxed now, especially that she was in physical contact with someone. As they made their way towards Jade, Eria couldn't help but frown, she'd always been highly attuned to the Force and this place only heightened her perceptions. So she couldn't help but feel that something was wrong. Not in the immediate area, but somewhere, there was something deeply wrong happening.

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"Let them come, I already have the rest of my team on their way." Aethis said entering the room he just blasted into. It was a lengthy hallway that branched off into two separate rooms. There was a plaque on the wall, written in a language unknown to Aethis. He growled, angry at the inconvenience and blew it off the wall. He looked down the hallways and chose one and walked to the end. In the room on a mantle under another plaque was a lightsaber with a dark glow to it ( f64b72063471f86c1a69add7316fed08.jpg?127 only red). Aethis smiled and laughed as he pulled it towards him and turned it on. The blade hummed darkly and crackled, obviously an unstable crystal (http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Synthetic_lightsaber_crystal third of the way down the page) Aethis smiled again and attached it to his belt and ran down the other hallway to find a lightsaber of the exact same make. He grabbed it, but didn't attach it to his belt. "I got a little present for you Dark." He said snickering. "A souvenir if you will."




"Good, we'll be here for a while, seeing as Marcus is in critical condition right now. So we can take the time to gain control over this saturation of energy." Aaron said helping Eria move along by reaching out with the force so she could feel where he was. As he would help her physically when she needed it he also recognized her position and wanted to help her adjust as fast as possible.


((Is the feeling Eria is feeling Marcus's critical condition, or something else? If it's Marcus then perhaps we can make it so that Marcus is not getting better from the healing pod and is close to death, but only Eria can feel that (assuming we still have that romantic sub plot idea still rolling between them) and then Eria can try to heal him to a point where he is more stable? If not then I will follow with curiosity.))

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Jade continued to look up at the stars while waiting for Aaron to come back. She thought that she heard him talking to someone close by but wasn't sure so she stayed in the position that she was in, continuing to wait. As she waited she spotted a few constellations she knew along with some that she didn't before sitting up so that she wasn't laying down the entire time. As she did that, she looked out at the water and liked how the still setting sun shone down on the water below the ledge.

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((That'd be fine, but also there was remnants of the computer's data))


"I figured that from what I felt of both his presence and the ship's condition," Eria responded. She continued following Aaron till they reached the area was Jade waiting. As they came to a stop, Eria spoke softly with a slight smile as she said, "Hello Jade."

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Jade turned at hearing Eria speak getting up and then hugging her once she got to where she and Aaron just walked up while saying in reply and in greeting, "Hello Eria. I'm glad that you're okay." She then pulled away and noticed the condition that she was in adding, "For the most part anyway."

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Eria firmly returned Jade's hug before nodding in agreement as she said, "For the most part yes. Still what all has happened since I fell unconscious?" Now was as good a time as any to find out what happened since the computer had exploded.

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Dark collected the weapon using his force abilities and added it to his collection on his belt. Just as he did, a person appeared at the bottom of the stairway that led up to the monestary. His garbs were bright and he wore a wrap that covered his facial features, but the force was oh so prominent within him. To Dark's satisfaction, a Jedi had finally arrived and he could show his prowess.


"Your monks were weak and they came in numbers and yet, the Council only sends one of you to take us on? Whether they did it out of fear or stupidity is not my concern, I'll still have your head plastered into the walls as a permanent reminder that our power is to be feared by all."


"You still speak like a child who is overwhelmed by his power. Your next lesson shall be in restraint and the benefits it brings."


"You speak as if I'm your pupil. More a reason to slice you down."


"So naive."


Dark growled and his balde extended with a crackle. His adversary before him also retrieved his blade. To Dark's surprise, the man before him wielded a dark red blade, untypical of a Jedi. Just who was this man?


((Danni, you're welcome to join the fight, but I don't want him killed. In fact, this man is far more powerful than our two guys. I'm doing this for a bit of character development for my guy.))

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"Not much, we only just came to a little while ago ourselves." Aaron said. "Marcus got the worst of it by the way we landed... Jade and I woke up looked around a little and decided to take a walk, get to know the surroundings a bit." He said. ~And each other.~ He thought as they stood there.




((Ok, oh, and btw, a little flaw with Unstable lightsaber crystals if you read the wiki is that they will occasionally fail and cause the lightsaber to power off for a time, usually only a few seconds, but they cause a lot more damage on impact. It's a saber balanced in power and weakness.))


Aethis exited the monastery he was in and saw the fight. He extended his new lightsaber, which was darker than Dark's (odd wording...) but lighter than the new opponent. Just as Aethis was about to join in he saw in the distance a speeder. He felt the presence of another Jedi, not as powerful as this new apparent dark Jedi but still a worthy adversary for Aethis. When the Jedi dismounted the speeder he extended his saber, it was a silver blade, obviously constructed with a rare Adegan crystal. "Looks like the cavalry has arrived." Aethis cackled before charging the silver bladed jedi.

Edited by Danniphantom

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"Well, I was young, I didn't understand what I was doing and was influenced by the people around me." The jedi said to Amara. "I thought it was ok but, then one day, I struck down a simple family, they had no connection to the goal of my master and I, they could've lived and it wouldn't have affected my mission in the least. But I couldn't help it, without control I unleashed my powers and completely destroyed their house. They had a son, sleeping upstairs in his crib. And before he even had a chance to speak or walk, I took his innocent life. Something snapped inside of me, I was scared and I ran. My master followed and tried to stop me, but just as I had lost control in that house I lost control on him. I felt a dark aura around me, time seemed to slow. He was pushed away from me and as he was sent flying he stopped in mid air. Not having any control I tore him apart with the same energy I used to push you away from that padawan. I passed out and when I woke up I was here. The Jedi gave me the chance to control my powers, but, I could never be one of them. I've done too much evil, I seek only control and peace so I can live out my life without doing to anyone else what I did to that family and my master. The sith wouldn't do that for me, they would extort my ability and would never teach me to control it. I would do to countless others what I feared most-- losing control." He said. "The jedi understand my wishes, and will teach me to control my force so it doesn't control me. But I can't be one of them."

((Sorry Danni, I have been without internet. I will respond when I can.))

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Jade was about to reply to her question about what all had happened while she was unconscious when Aaron beat her to it. She listened to everything he said also thinking and adding to herself, And each other not knowing that the former was doing the same. She had her attention go back to the water below them as she thought about what else they were going to do or talk about.

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As Dark charged, the man lifted several rocks into the air and hurled them at Dark. This was no difficult attack to deflect, but it gave the man enough time to block Dark's attack and punch him with a force embedded fist. Yet again, another attack not typical of the Jedi.


"You lack restraint, Dark. You always have. Instead of pausing to think things through, you charge in relying on that power of yours. Yet, you never considered what would happen if you came across a stronger opponent."


"Quit speaking as if I am your student. I have enough restraint to take you and the entire Jedi Council down and the power to destroy those who say otherwise."


Dark had grabbed a large boulder and attempted to slam it into the side of his opponent, but his attack only led to the rock being shattered and an onslaught of smaller projectiles headed straight for him. To prevent from being pelted by the small stones, Dark pushed them away with the force and used the moment to propel himself at his foe.


"What makes you think you can take on the Jedi Council when you haven't even laid a finger on me? Be smart in your attacks, search for weaknesses, and spot proficient openings in your opponents attacks. If I came all the way out here to find your skull has grown even thicker, I might have to use my saber to open it up a bit."


"You talk too much, even for a Jedi."


"What makes you think I'm a Jedi?"


This question brought confusion to the young Sith Stalker's mind and it was enough to send him flying. As Dark slammed into the wall, the man turned to look at Aethis. Golden eyes peered through the cloth covering his face.


"When you finish your fight, go tell your master that Aigis is borrowing Dark. It might do both of you justice if you learn some control. Power is only a stepping stone that you two seem to think is the only thing you need."


Just as the man, confirming himself as Aigis, finished speaking to the Aethis, he brought his saber up to parry Dark's attack. With a flick of his wrist and a push, Dark was thrown back once again and knocked unconscious. Aigis proceeded to walk towards Dark's limp body and hefted him over his shoulder.


"Walk on the median and your power will be unparalleled. I'll bring him back in two complete cycles of the moon. When that time comes, return here and defeat the Jedi that will try to hold this planet from your clutches."

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Aethis finished hacking down the other jedi. "You think I am about to let you get away that easily..." He spoke grabbing his original saber in his left hand. He extended the blade and faced Aigis. "You may have been able to take one Dark on your own, and I am no fool you are strong. But the Stalkers are the Elitist force of the Sith Lord himself. I will not bring myself up saying I am an expert, but as I have had more training as an assassin than Dark I might just proved to be a difficult opponent." He said waiting. His face was hidden behind his mask. No motion was seen as he searched the area for anything to use to his advantage. At the moment he saw none. He had no space behind him to retreat if Aigis charged. The cliffs were too far away to rebound off of them to power attack. Rocks everywhere provided Aigis with the advantage. Aethis growled and as he did he released a concentrated burst of force energy that he had been gathering since confronting the other jedi. The burst was not an offensive attack, rather defensive to try and knock Aigis off balance long enough for Aethis to force grab the dead Jedi's saber and jump off the cliff behind him down to the water, where before he went for a swim his ship swooped in and picked him up. He hovered above the battlefield momentarily as he watched the two of them. "I am also not foolish enough to rush into a battle where I have absolutely no advantage." He said before sending his ship blasting off the planet. He left a beacon in the cliffs so his Stalker squad could locate the planet and occupy it.

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Aigis allowed the blast to flow its coarse, but it in no means affected him in the way the Sith Stalker was hoping. Facing the cliff, Aigis looked up and crouched. Propelling himself upward, by the time his feet touched the Stoney surface of the cliff side, he had cleared nearly three quarters of it, closing the distance with a final push upward.


"Pity. Shantaar might have been pleased having two powerful Stalker's become even more so. DEZ, prepare the cryo chamber, don't want little Aeron (pronounced Erin/Aaron) waking while we're in flight."


A ship, as long as the monestary was high, opened its hatch allowing the man to go aboard. A slender, delicate looking frame indicated this was a top-notch stealth vessel. High maneuverability and speed, this ship got where it needed to fast.


"What of the Jedi fleet in orbit?"


"Inform them that the situation has been... contained for the time being. In the meantime, tell them to increase their defenses and prepare for a group of Sith Stalkers to show up. Now, I've got to get in touch with my darker counterpart. Please inform me if the situation has changed."


"As you wish, sir."


After Aigis placed Dark in the cryo tube, he went to another section of the ship and removed the first layer of garments. Under them was the dark and forbading clothes of a Sith. The cloth on his face covered a prosthetic jaw and an aged face. His golden eyes were the only young part about him, the rest had been rebuilt extensively.


Setting himself down in a currently bright room, he closed his eyes and began to meditate. As he did so, and the time passed by, the room slowly began to darken and what skin remained grew pale. Aigis' veins became more visible and the room seemed to grow heavy. His top lip quivered ever so slightly and his prosthetic piece tightened. When his eyes reopened, they had grown dark, but the golden tone remained. His transition was complete.


((Alright, to put it bluntly (in case you hadn't figured it out), Aigis is Dark's original master before he went under Shantaar. I'll get into some history in a few posts, but I'll try and give a good amount of detail about him now.


Aigis was once a powerful Sith Lord that rivaled Shantaar, but Shantaar was much younger than him. As time passed, Aigis began to practice the light arts in secret and slowly yet surely began to master each technique. It was during this time, Aeron (aka Dark) entered into his life. Aeron was young and powerful, a perfect candidate to become Aigis' first Sith Stalker. So, the training process began.


As time passed and Aeron became more and more prominent at being a Sith Stalker, Aigis decided it was time for his departure. So, he sent Aeron on a mission that would grab Shantaars attention and Aigis disappeared. So, for the years Dark served under Shantaar, Aigis was busy perfecting his skills and going deeper into learning and understanding the force by perfecting both the light and dark sides. Now, he is learning the neutral parts of the force and wishes to pass on the knowledge to his prized pupil, Aeron.


Well, there you have it, a brief description of Aigis. I don't plan on pitting him against any other characters, he's meant only as an instructor for Dark. Essentially, he's like Buddah. A non-combatant unless if necessary. Even then, most of his techniques will be defense. His weakness? He's extremely old and his body can't handle as much stress.))

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((Like this in appearance Zakku? http://coolnamepending.files.wordpress.com.../06/malak.jpg anyway, so he's like Olden for Amara, except that Olden has already died and become one with the force but has managed to be "reborn" at any time to assist those he feels need guidance.))


((I can't really post until Jaina, Eva, or DP does... :/))

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((Sorry comp fried at moment posting ability limited))

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