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Star Wars: The Unknown Legends

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Aaron nodded and smiled. "Ok." He said softly. He looked at her, his cobalt blue eyes shimmered in the setting sun.




"Listen, I didn't mean to make it sound like you're the enemy here. These security measures were put in place hundreds of years ago and updated since. They weren't put in specifically for you. I am just saying we are capable of such trust knowing that an attack on the council from the inside would be suicide. But to be quite honest you would do the same, would you not?" Olden asked. "And you may enter and exit your ship as you please. It is placed in a landing lock so you won't be able to leave the enclave in your ship. And there is an enclave tractor beam covering the area around the enclave for miles and while your ship is in lock down it will be tagged so even if you manage to escape the lock down you won't be able to escape. This is not to trap you but merely to hinder any outside distractions. We aren't trying to convert you, my goal is merely to teach you and let you see the alternate path so you may choose for yourself when the time comes." He said.

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"So tell me a bit about yourself of the things that I might not already know," Jade said with a small smile as she tried to help him out a bit to get started on getting to know each other. She figured that the few things that she might not know about him were the things he hadn't talked about freely and she hoped that she wasn't asking him anything personal and that he was okay with it. "Only if you want to of course," she added a few minutes after she said the first thing. She didn't want him to think that she was forcing him to tell her things that she didn't already know about him.

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((I'm not sure what to have Amara do, Danni. xP))


Amara stored away the information Olden had given her and then she said no more on the matter. She felt like there was more to say but she couldn't find the words to say them. Amara stood as still as stone for a few seconds, looking at him. The girl slowly inclined her head in acceptance.

Amara look at him with a emotionless gaze.

"Why would you choose such a life?" she asked quietly, looking at the distant enclave.

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((It's not too late for me to jump back in, is it? Sorry for my absence, I've grown busy with college and work.))

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((Nope, any time is fine. Go right ahead, though it would be a good idea to read back. We're obviously not in the same place as we used to be.))


((I'll post at some point today...))

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((Already read back. I was in the process of constructing my new light saber. So, I have a general idea of how to jump back in.))


Dark had spent much of the allotted time, meditating on the crystal and on the saber he had been constructing. Now, with the crystal in a semi-stable state and his saber ready to holster the gem, he pieced everything together and took hold of his new weapon. Extending the blade, it cackled as its unstable form swayed through the air. His masterpiece was now complete and with it, he'd wreak havoc on the Jedi.

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"It's a difficult life, no one said it wasn't. But defending people against the dark forces of the galaxy is what makes it worth it." Olden said. His red eyes flicked back and forth around the room. "We should probably get back. From the looks of things there's a big storm on it's way." He said starting to walk towards the entrance.




Aaron looked at Jade and smiled. "Come let's walk and I will tell you whatever you want to know, within reason, some things are better left unsaid." He said walking back in the direction of the ship.

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Jade nodded and then followed after him to where the ship was. She wondered what he wasn't going to tell her but also wasn't going to ask him what those things were since that would be prying into his business and she didn't want to do that. "I'll also tell you a few things about me that you might not know as well," she said after a few minutes of silence as she walked after him to the ship.

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Dark pondered on how he would begin his reign of terror. Directly attacking the Jedi Council, alone, would spell out his demise in an instant. Instead, one of the less populated planets would have to suffice. One that would still draw Jedi attention, but wouldn't provoke an early retirement for the young Sith. There was planet, inhabited by monks and used as a Jedi meditating location, due to the quiet nature of the planet. This seemed like a reasonable option. Consulting with the pilot, the ship soon sprinted into warp speed and his plot had set in motion.

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"You wanted to see me Lord Shantaar?" A sith stalker going by the alias of Aethis asked bowing on one knee before the lord of the sith.


"Yes, I feel a plot setting into action. A young protege by the name of Dark intending on drawing the attention of the Jedi, clearly his plans are all for selfish reasons, but as is the way of this sith. His thoughts cloud his mind and he acts on impulse. He seems to be driven by self gain, perfect for one to join my ranks. I could use a young Jedi like that to occasionally go run an..." He paused for a moment as if considering his words. "An errand for me." He finished with a sinister smile. "Trail him, make sure he lives. The monks he plans on attacking are not to be underestimated. When I was beginning my path to Sith Lord I tried to take them on, but all their meditating isn't for nothing. That monastery sits on top of a very powerful connection to the force. You walk in and the powers are almost palpable. But without proper meditation on the flow of the powers in there it can actually weaken you. The monks have been studying the source and the ebb and flow of the powers of that mountain for over 500 years. They know exactly how it works, this magnifies their connection with the force a hundred times. It was no mistake choosing that planet to attack, but he must be cautious, it is doubtful of his knowledge of this planet's natural resource, so I want you to go and protect him. You are the most skilled of your squad Stalker! You will quickly learn the flow of the force here and be able to use it slightly to your advantage." Shantaar explained. "Good luck, and don't fail me."


"Yes master." Aethis said bowing his head one last time. He stood and turned walking out in a dignified way. When the doors behind him closed he sprinted like lightning to his ship where he took off in seconds to chase after Dark.




Aaron walked past the ship, running his hand along the side as he did. "So what do you wish to know?" He asked walking towards the way he had just come from several minutes before.

Edited by Danniphantom

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Amara listened quietly, thinking upon what he had said.


"We should probably get back. From the looks of things there's a big storm on it's way."


"Yes, Master." she said taking a step to follow. The girl looked up at the sky, she did not see any sign of rain but she wasn't going to question it. Her golden eyes surveyed the land around them as she kept pace with Olden. Her mind wandered and she found herself thinking about the security her master had talked about.


((Sorry, short post is short.))

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As the grass coiled around his legs and feet, Dark looked out at the temples manifested on the hilltops, their ivory towers stretching far into the sky. Underneath the metal cast over his facial features, Dark grinned sinisterly as the force swelled deep within him. This planet held a deep secret that his Master had told him many years ago during his training.


Jedi knights used this ground to meditate and hone their knowledge on the force. It's natural ebb and flow increased beyond natural recognition. Monks preserved the area with their adept knowledge and superior control over the force, making them strong opponents and excellent guards. Anybody who wasn't aware of what the planet was capable of doing to them would be annihilated instantly. However, Dark's trainer had been no fool in his melding of a deadly weapon, teaching him many secrets and scowering the land in their quest of knowledge.


Letting his sinister aura seep out, it wouldn't be quick enough until the planet's guardians came to handle this new opponent. Unfortunately for them, this was a fight they wouldn't be able to win. On top of that, Dark was sensing another presence that would potentially aid him. Possibly someone Shantaar sent to observe what he was doing.


((In case you didn't remember, Dark is a Sith Stalker Elite.))

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"Just anything about you that I might not already know," Jade said in reply to his question as she leaned her side against the ship shortly after they arrived back at it. She knew that he wasn't going to tell her everything since he had said earlier that things that happened in the past should stay there but she just wanted to know a few more things about him if it was possible to do so. There also might be a few things about her that he might not already know and she would be willing to share that information if he wanted to know it.

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((They're actually going for a walk on the planet DP tongue.gif))


"Well, Marcus and I grew up in what to most people would be considered a shack on what others would hardly call a farm. But it wasn't that bad. It was on a small planet on the outer rim, we stayed there until we were about sixteen. By then we were old enough to join the Army of the Republic. We joined as pilots, since Marcus and I were big Pod Racing fans. At one point we got help from our dad to build our own pod racers, we never raced professionally, but we raced each other across the fields when we were done with our chores. So when we became pilots it was practically second nature. We fought in the Manda-Republican Conflict (Mandalorian-Republican), the Second Outer Rim Territorial Dispute, and we served as personal escorts for numerous cruisers, frigates, and several senators from numerous different planets. Because of our constant travels though the Jedi Council could never really find us. They tried for years after discovering our force sensitivity. It wasn't until we were told specifically to escort a senator directly to the council itself. So that marked the end of our military service. Then we started training as Jedi, it took us longer due to our age, but also due to our service we managed to learn the basic training quickly. And that's a pretty generalized run through of my past." Aaron said as he started to walk up the hill past the ship.




"So you discovered I was here. You're learning quickly Dark, it's impressive, but you're still no master yet." Aethis said to himself while he sat within his ship in orbit around the planet. He carefully opened the top hatch and attached himself to the exterior launch pad. He was preparing for an orbital dive. He waited though for his opportunity.




Olden walked inside and stretched. The walk took a little while and by the time they got back the extreme and heavy raining and thunderstorm Dantooine is known for. He smiled as if impressed by his own prediction. "Over 300 years since I've been here, and I can still predict the weather like a droid." He said chuckling.

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"Never said I was. Never said I wanted to be. Now, what are your intentions? Did Shantaar send you to observe what I'm doing and provide assistance if necessary? Probably wants to add another pawn to his board."


By this point, the skies had darkened and the air grew thick. After all, two powerful siths were now exfoliating their dark presence on this calm world. If Dark's presence hadn't been noticed beforehand, it certainly would be now. His clawed hands grasped at the sabers around his waist as his anticipation grew.


"Today will be the day the balance is shifted into our favor. We'll rid this galaxy of a great number of Jedi and prove that nothing can prevail against the darkness. Will you assist me in my cause or will you watch as I reap all the glory?"


Even with a mask covering his facial features, it was quite clear that he was grinning sinisterly as he exuded a massive wave of his force powers. Enough to flatten the grass and turn the nearby trees away from him.

Edited by zakku_uchiha

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((What planet is Dark on?))


Amara followed her master inside of the building and looked out at the rain with disdain. She preferred the dead cold of space over this, some would probably call her crazy but it was true. The girl supposed she would have to get used to this if she was going to be here for awhile.

She eyed Olden and lowered the hood of her cloak.

"300 years, Master?" she asked curiously.

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((yeah yeah okay tongue.gif))


Jade walked after him as she listened to everything that he said with her undivided attention. She thought that all that he said was very interesting and when he was done talking, she couldn't think of anything to say for a few minutes or so. "That's interesting I didn't know it took both you and Flint a long time to train as Jedi," she said after she could find her voice to speak. "If I remember correctly, I was at the academy around the same as the two of you and training with you or maybe I got there before the two of you did. My memory's kind of fuzzy on that part."

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"As I remember you were there a little before and your training overlapped with ours. Though you were already assigned with a master so you weren't at the enclave much, I don't recall seeing you too often, just occasional passes in the court yard as you headed back to the council room." Aaron said picking up a rock and turning it over in his hand. It was an odd rock. It was smooth and a dark green, it had a polish almost like glass. Around the outside was a metal that seemed to melt and form around the rock in bands that went around the horizontal and vertical sides of the rock. He stared at it momentarily before putting it in his pocket.




"Yes, I have seen many years go by, as you can tell I am no human. I have achieved what they would call a, 'higher understanding' of the force. I will tell you more of it later for now I think we should relax." He said.




~Shantaar will no doubt be watching our movements, he told me to watch and examine, but never forbade me to assist.~ Aethis thought as he stood outside the hull. Even in orbit he could feel the ebb and flow of the planets force. He inhaled deeply and drew in as much of the power as he could and directed it outward. He was surrounded by a dark aura before it released and Aethis shot forward from his ship like a bullet towards the surface of the planet. He began to pick up speed as he entered the atmosphere. He angled upward slightly and started to slow by wind resistance. He flattened himself and fell vertically though due to his speed he also flew forward, he moved in the air by slight movements of either of his hands. He directed himself to his right by moving his left hand out. This led him towards Dark. He approached his destination and he moved his body vertically again and slowed down greatly. He flipped in the air and shot to the ground landed with a loud bang as he discharged the gathered force from his flight in order to soften his landing. As he stood a crater could be seen from the gathered power of the discharged force. "Damn that's always entertaining." He chuckled as he approached Dark.

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((I'm not totally sure what to have Amara do atm...should I have her leave Olden and go into her room?))

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"Oh yeah I remember that now," Jade said in reply to what he said before noticing the odd rock that he had picked up and then put in his pocket. She wondered what he was going to do with it but then that thought left her mind just as quickly as it had appeared and she looked around at the scenery that they were walking by. She was silent as she was trying to come up with something else to say but nothing was coming to her so she just stayed that way for now.

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((Bump waiting for the others to post... I'll wait another day and then I'll reply...))

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