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Star Wars: The Unknown Legends

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Had they been deciding her fate? It seemed like that. She still possessed great hate for the Jedi yet things were definitely different.


When Olden entered she turned to him, grateful that she no longer felt alone in a room with the Jedi.

Amara was silent for a few minutes as her thoughts became cluttered while she decided.

"If that's what you wish I will do so Master Olden."

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((sorry sorry; i meant to get a post up after Evangeline posted but forgot))


Jade was now out of the shower and wearing the clothes that she had been wearing before getting into the healing tube-like thing and walking around to get a better feel of the place. She wondered where Aaron was but figured that she'd probably see him again soon after he got back from wherever it was that he had gone. After walking around the place a bit more, she got to their ship and sat down beside it. She didn't know what else she could do at the moment and felt like sitting down. She figured that she could help Aaron fix the ship if he needed it and to wait for him so that she could do just that.

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"Don't do it because I want you to." Olden said. "Do it because you want to change. Do it because you want to feel happy, and know the truth." He added.




Aaron walked back in sight of the ship and saw Jade. He smiled and ran the rest of the way. "I see your up an about. How's that ankle?" He asked her smiling.

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Want to feel happy? she thought. Happiness was gained when she had carried out her master's orders or when she had done something that pleased him...she felt empty now without that sense of purpose. She was not happy. The thought caught her off guard.


She thought of her hate and her curiousity. Even though the Jedi had "saved" her, he had also taken something from her... To leave or to stay...? She was silent for a few minutes.


"I am curious to see how the Jedi live." when she had said the name, it rolled off her tongue like it was unpleasant to taste but she continued on without hesitation.

"Amoung other things, I was raised to hate, to fear, to be hated and to be feared. All those years can not be undone in a so little time...

I will stay here and learn to see if this life is for me, but I will not guarantee any change."

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"That happy to see me huh?" Jade asked Aaron with a small smile when she saw him running towards her and the ship before hearing everything that he said. "Yep and it's completely healed which I'm really happy about," she said in reply still with the smile on her face before standing up. "I figured that I would help you out with getting the ship fixed if you needed any help at all."

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Olden smiled as he looked at her. "I will lead you to your room then Amara. Follow me." He said bowing to the council and turning to leave.




"That, and I also attracted a local wild animal that I was getting away from." Aaron said laughing as he huffed and puffed to catch his breath.

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Amara nodded stiffly. She bowed to the Jedi council then walked quickly after Olden. Keeing a few steps behind him she followed. After walking in silence for a few minutes she spoke up.

"Did you know I would?"

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"I'm glad that you're happy to see me and I'll let you catch your breath for a bit before we get started on fixing the ship," Jade said in reply still with the smile on her face as she watched him huff and puff for a bit before looking around the hangar. She wondered just how much damage the ship took in the explosion of that planet and how long it would take. Not that she minded that it took a long time but she was just curious about it.

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"I had no idea. I was hoping, but ultimately the choice is yours. It always has been and always will be." Olden said. He walked out to the courtyard and looked around. He turned right and walked into the building that was at the end of the road. He went up to the top floor and went down to the last door in the hallway straight across from the stairs. "Here you are." He said opening the door with a key and handing it to her.




"Thanks." Aaron panted. He coughed a bit before managing to slow his breathing. He looked around and realized they were on a beach. "I never noticed we landed on a beach." He said looking out at the deep blue ocean.

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"You're welcome and me neither," Jade said in reply to both of his statements as she also looked out at the ocean. She then took a few steps forward so that she was in the water. She hadn't put her shoes back on after she had gotten dressed after her shower earlier so she had been walking around barefoot the whole time.

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((I have no idea what the room looks like.))


Amara looked at him curiously but she said nothing more as they walked through the complex. She took in her surroundings, making sure to remember how they had gotten here. As they arrived at the room she faltered.

"Master Olden, what of my wolf?"

The Raquor'daan could survive on her own for a little awhile in the ship but Amara didn't like the idea of it being left there for weeks or however long their stay would be.

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"You may go get her at any time you wish." Olden said smiling. "My Room is right down the hall. Last door on the left." He said starting to walk away.




Aaron took off his shoes as well and rolled up his robe pants and stepped in, and as he waded in his hand brushed Jade's. "Beautiful scenery." He said looking around.


((They've already established that they like each other so...))

Edited by Danniphantom

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((hehe yep happy.gif; are we going to take it a step further or no? like them kissing or whatever))


Jade blushed a bit when Aaron's hand brushed hers after he waded into the water. She held his hand in her own while nodding and saying in agreement, "It's very beautiful." She liked the color of the water as well. It was a nice blue-green color and it was also very clear with no seaweed so that she could see the shells under it.

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((Danni, what does the room look like? xd.png))


Amara nodded and watched Olden walk away. When he disappeared she ran back the way she had come. Surprisingly, no one stopped her and she made the trip quickly. Coming back with a pack and her Raquor'daan, she took a less direct route.


When Amara arrived at her room and unlocked the door, she walked in. Not really paying much attention to the room, her wolf settled down near the door. Amara sighed and changed into fresh clothing. She set her blaster aside but kept the C4 and lightsaber with her.


After awhile, she got tired of doing nothing and went outside to look around.

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((It looks like this: http://lh4.ggpht.com/_K6BOxTIel2I/Soh1wfC2...y_nanobot.jpg))


Olden decided to take a walk to the ruins of the old jedi enclave. He wanted to see something he hadn't for a long time. It was a short walk but it was hidden behind a hill, but a path led right to it. He walked into the destroyed building and looked around at the vine covered walls and the many plants and flowers growing out of the cracks in the floor. He continued to look around and walk through several rooms.




((Not yet, I always rush my rp romances, I find I do that irl too, I want to try and take it slow, let it develop, have them be shy around each other and reluctant but I want them to have a burning desire for it to happen.))


Aaron gripped her hand blushing slightly as well, the sun began to set and he turned to look at her. "We now have a lot of time, Marcus will be in there for at least a week or two, maybe more. It'll take some time to get the ship fixed without him, and now that we are out of harms way for now I think we can talk about what we put off on that super computer," he said looking into Jade's eyes.

Edited by Danniphantom

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((ah okay; understandable happy.gif))


Jade looked at the horizon and at the setting sun as she heard everything that he said. "I hope he'll be okay," she said in reference to Marcus and then nodded in agreement to what he said about fixing the ship as well as them now being able to talk about what they put off on the super computer. "Okay," she said in reply before turning to look into his eyes as he was looking into hers.

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Amara explored the complex, memorizing where things were and how the place was designed. At one point, she walked outside and caught a glimpse of Olden walking away. Curious, she followed without a word.


When they seemingly arrived at the destination, the girl stopped and looked at the ruins. She wondered what had happened here and why her master had come. Amara became his silent shadow, sticking nearby and following in his footsteps. She didn't announce herself, though she knew he had most likely already sensed her presense as she did his.


Finally, she spoke up.

"Master? What happened here?" her quiet voice echoed throughout the empty shell of the building that once was making her shift uncomfortably.

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"About 5000 BBY, Before Battle of Yavin, the dark lord Malaak bombed the planet trying to kill his old master, whose mind was reconstructed by the Jedi to turn him back to the light. Many were killed, the high ranking members of the council stationed here survived, however." Olden said looking around. "I come here as much as possible to pay my respects." He added.




"So, what was it you were telling me on board that ship?" Aaron asked holding both of Jade's hands now as they faced each other.

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"I was telling you that I thought you were handsome, a good fighter and that I liked you," Jade said in reply to his question as she continued to look into his eyes. She was sort of glad that they landed here since this place was beautiful. She then hoped that what she had said in reply to his question was what he had been talking about. If not, then she didn't know or didn't remember what they had been talking about on the ship.

Edited by Dragonpelt

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Amara went towards Olden, looking around the ruins as she walked. 

"And yet they would trust you and allow me to stay here." she shook her head. 

"These Jedi are too trusting...No wonder they have been tricked so many time..." she muttered.


The wind blowing through the ruins sounded like whispering voices, unsettling the girl. 

"It's too peaceful...I can hear myself think..." she muttered with a scowl. She didn't like silence...too much time to think...memories that she hated came to visit.    

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"Yeah, now I remember, that was what we were talking about wasn't it?" Aaron said. "I like you too, but I am unsure as to what we should do from here. The old jedi ways have been re-written, relationships are no longer frowned upon seeing as there are few jedi." He said.




"There is much trust in you, but also, we know that even if we couldn't trust you, there is nothing you can do. Even if you did strike there are defenses all throughout the council, even here. You wouldn't make it back to your ship, your ship is on lock down and there are over 1000 jedi here who are well trained. We trust you, but we aren't stupid. Don't get us wrong, we don't perceive you as a threat, merely, we wish to protect you from yourself. Which is why we put the ship on lock down, you were free to leave, if you did not choose to stay, when you accepted we put the ship on lock down so you wouldn't be able to sneak off in the night and leave. You must understand your options and experience life here for a couple months before you have the choice to leave or stay again." He inhaled deeply and ran his fingers across the wall feeling the metal that has long since rusted and been overgrown with vines and mosses. "Perhaps time to think is just what you need. You need to be able to understand yourself, accept your past and push through to try and become something better." He said. "We shall see how you do and how you respond to the way of the Jedi." Olden finished.

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"Yes it was and maybe it would be best if we just took it slow from here?" Jade said in reply though it was more of a question than a statement. "You know get to know each other better and whatnot." Now that she thought about it, she didn't really know Aaron all that much so this might be the perfect opportunity to get to know him a little more.

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Amara looked angrily at her master. Why hadn't he told her this before?! Had he known that she would have denied the offer to stay? She was so desperate to complete her training that she had trusted the man. Trust...something she didn't think possible yet she had trusted him so easily. Had that been wrong of her? She looked at him with hatred, feeling slightly betrayed.

"We?" she hissed.

"I am not Jedi nor will I be." she looked at him coldly.


"I could feel those nearby watching me as I followed you, every move I make here is observed by the Jedi around and you call that trust? I suppose I should be grateful someone hasn't tried to kill me yet but this is not trust. I am here because they trust you." she frowned.

"This is the mistake we count on. Sometimes threats come when you least expect them. You and the others should see me as a threat even if I was not...."


Amara became quiet for a few minutes. She frowned again.

"I became apprenticed to my old master because it was a way to escape from that life. I have no wish to think about it... I can not." she shook her head and turned away from the man, looking at the path that had lead her here.

"I agreed to stay and I shall. There isn't a need to lock down my ship. It will however need to be cleaned and checked on over the next two months. I am free to do this, right?" she asked him in a steely tone.

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