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Star Wars: The Unknown Legends

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"Think of it this way." The man said to Amara. "The light side of the force focuses on development of others... they use their powers for the good of others without heed for themselves... they would gladly step on to a pod racing track to save someone.. they give without looking for getting. The dark side of the force focuses on selfish desires and self empowerment. They take for personal gain and care nothing of others and would strike down their own master without heed or warning simply so they can reduce the competition for the title of sith lord. People are tempted by the advertised unrestricted power. They take and do nothing but take. Now these are the extremes, but there is a central path. A path of neutrality... it focuses on both the self empowerment through development and the good, well being and development of others. The best way to describe the neutral path is by this saying "To help others you must first help yourself, and to help yourself you must first help others." It is controversial and confusing... but with practice and self development it makes sense... it may seem like a trick to turn people to the light side. But I have had many students, at least a quarter of which joined the sith after. Another quarter joined the jedi, the other half sought out a life of peace, love, companion ship. Some have even found it, and sent their children to my little world. And half of those students became teachers like me... so in the end you will decide what to do. I am again, just your guide." He finished sitting down. He looked tired... for the first time in the past several hours he looked old. For the first time in the past several hours he looked as if his age was showing, and catching up with him.




Aaron attached the cable to a stable structure and ran towards the pit. He grabbed Jade as he jumped into the pit and attached her to his belt via her belt. They fell quite a ways before the cable became taught and stopped them.

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Jade was a bit surprised as she was grabbed by Aaron before being attached to his belt by her belt but then it faded as they fell a few meters into the pit before the cable became taut and stopped them. "Now what do we do?" she asked him curiously as she looked around their surroundings before looking into his eyes. She figured that they should try to swing themselves to a lower level to get passed the collapsed ceiling but she didn't see a lower level from where they were.

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"My Master said the Jedi were weak... Yet he is the one dead." Amara scowled.

"I know there is more to the otherside of the force... I will learn what you have to teach me but I will never be like one of them..." Amara suddenly stopped talking and looked closer at the man.

"I should go check that we are on track."

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The man followed Amara. "Do not push away what you do not know." The man said. "Do not pass on opportunities that you are not yet sure of what it entails, and its benefits." He said looking at her. "I will show you both sides, you will watch, and learn... and then when I am no longer your guide, you will choose your own path." He continued. "First lesson you must learn, is that neither side is weak, you do not show weakness or poor judgement simply because you are a part of it. What shows weakness is lack of self confidence, self assurance, and self guidance. When you occupy yourself with your tasks so much, that you do not even know yourself; then you are weak." He said.




Aaron looked around and saw the faint lights of a long unused hallway about twenty feet above them. He showed Jade and began to climb; the rope retracting as he did. I can't wait to get out of here." Aaron said continuing to climb.

Edited by Danniphantom

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Jade nodded as she saw what he pointed to and started to climb after him. "Me neither," she said in reply to his last statement as she continued to climb back up the retractable rope. "This place is starting to give me the creeps." She didn't add that the sooner they got back to the ship, the better so that they could use the first-aid kit on her ankle but she thought it.

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"Don't worry. We'll be back shortly..." He said continuing to climb towards the doorway.


((This is taking way too long, plus Jaina is never on to post for Eria, so I am just going to end this soon. This ravine will be the last obstacle between them and the ship. Then since we would all be frozen I'm going to godmode Eria to the ship... She'll fall into the coma that Jaina and I planned. I'll somehow make Aaron (the only one to fix the ship) get injured somehow, and they'll end up getting damaged in the explosion and they'll land on a nearby planet (once inhabited by the same race that made the super computer moon thing...) and yeah...))

Edited by Danniphantom

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"I heard a man say that we fear what we do not know. He was right. Forgive me, it will take awhile for me to adjust." she said, her tone void of any emotion. She didn't exactly know what else to say. The girl stopped at the door that led to the cockpit and looked at the man. Anger and pride swelled at being called weak. She wanted to retort, to deney, but she did not. She realized she had been doing this. Amara simply nodded, "What am I do then? Things around here can not be ignored."


((Sorry, just noticed you had posted.

Did you want my char to give the man her name Danni(If you don't mind me calling you that)??))

Edited by evangeline5432

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((It's fine... I can have the guy feel it, he seems all knowing but you'll find out why in due time.))


"I can feel the conflicts in your head. But you must understand. The force does not choose sides. It is in us all. It's what we do with the force that makes us who we are. You can embrace a darker power and use the force for personal gain and not be evil. Many jedi in the past have wielded the power of what is referred to as "the dark side" of the force and have lived on to be great masters who helped many people." The man said. "Master Aralus, Master Gother of Markrath, Counselor Jenis. All historical jedi figures who have embraced "darker" force abilities, but were not sith. What make the sith evil, mind you I am not taking sides, are their use of the force for harm. They gain power through slaughter and succession of power, using the force for self gain is not frowned upon, but using the force for murder creates an imbalance." He said. "Don't be afraid to explore your options, Amara. In fact, set a new course, I want us to start our first lesson. Re-route to Dantooine, and get to the Jedi Enclave there. We will speak to the council. Mind you, they may seem condescending and as if they are trying to get you to join them, but I assure you they are giving you a choice." He said.

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((okay sounds good))


Jade nodded and continued to climb up the retractable rope after him. She was starting to get worried about the others again but she wouldn't let the feeling overwhelm her too much. She knew that she would see Flint and Eria again once they got back to the ship or at least near the ship but she still worried and wondered if they were okay or not.

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Amara looked at the man with total disbelief. 

"Me? At a place inhabited by Jedi?!" she hoped he was joking. Amara looked at him intently and knew he was not. 

Wait! Had he just called her by her name? She hadn't told him... Amara looked at him with slight distrust. "What else does he know about me...?" she wondered. She glanced at the man one more time. There was no malice in his tone or face. She could sense no ill will. Hesitantly, she nodded. The girl turned and walked into the cockpit as the doors slid open.    

  Amara sat in the pilot's seat and turned to a side panel that had a screen surrounded by some buttons. The screen flashed on, showing their position. It took a few moments but Amara finished making the proper adjustments to their the course. They were headed to Dantooine. She really hoped he was not leading her to her death. Something told her to trust him...at least a little.

"It is done Master. It will be a bit of a flight. Sleep is not a bad idea if you are tired." she comented.

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"I will remain awake." He said. "You have done well Amara, I know you now have many more questions and have not received answers to your prior ones; but you have taken a leap of faith regardless, I sense you will do well. I urge you to keep your mind open, and to trust in my decisions, I will not allow you to lose your life during your first week or two with me, then if you decide not to join me and continue training, you will be free to leave. All will be made clear in time." He said. "You will find the Jedi very hospitable, even though you are a sith, they will treat you with respect, as my apprentice of course. If you were to come here alone I would urge you to leave your lightsaber and intents of malice behind, they will listen if you wish for their guidance." He continued. "We will spend a week among the jedi, studying their behaviors and practices, as well as their views. You will sit in on some of their councils. They are more than just the opposing force to the sith, they are also an authority on Dantooine. Farmers come to them to settle disputes that would not be settled without them. They strive for peaceful solutions and only fight if they have to." He finished. "Meditate on these words: 'Drem do hadrim, mulaag do sil.' In the words of the Ancient Dov, a race strong in the force, resembling dragons, it means 'Peace of mind, strength of soul.' You will find this phrase in many stone works of the Dov." He said.


((I know it's from Skyrim, but I am a little obsessed, and since it's sci fi I can still work with it xd.pngtongue.gif))




Aaron finally reached the top and pulled Jade up and released the rope. It swung back and forth slowing down each time. "Come on." Aaron said picking Jade up again. He started to run towards the ship. It was a long run but after about an hour a large blast door came into view. Aaron was tired at this point and couldn't run anymore. He set Jade down and walked to the console for the door. He worked for a moment before opening it and revealing the hangar that they had landed in. He smiled and laughed a bit and started to walk towards the ship beckoning Jade. He saw Marcus waiting for him at the ramp.


((Sorry for god modding, wanted to finish this up.))

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((I have a question. Would she have to have stealth in order to make it "look" as if she is on the light side of the force? Also, exactly how does the 5 powers work. Can a char only do those 5 and no others? Or is it that they can do other things, just not of well?


Ps. I will post in a moment.))


Amara felt a little more reassured but not by much. She had killed Jedi at on the orders of her Master more then once. Going to a Jedi Enclave without an intent to kill or gather information was new to her. The fact she had been on her own for the past two years, sometimes running for her life, didn't help. Yet instinct told her to trust this man and her instint had gotten her this far.

"If you say so Master." she said respectfully.

"You might want to sit down if I am to get us there any faster." she grinned for the first time.

"I hope your not sqeamish." she said as she took the ship off auto pilot. She reached above her and flicked a few switchs, checked the main screen, then put her hand of the throttle.

"Hang on." she said and with that sent then ship into a small spin before easing the throttle forward sending them into lightspeed...


((Lol, I'm more of a assassin's creed fan myself. tongue.gif

Time skip to being in planet's orbit?))

Edited by evangeline5432

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((Sure, and the 5 powers thing is just the primary powers your character will start with and have mastered. You will learn more as you go on by learning from a master (controlled by me) or during a mission (also controlled by me) ))


((And no, don't worry about stealth, the jedi will know not to attack Amara because she is with the master. Both Jedi and sith respect him and know to help his current apprentice))


The man sat down and closed his eyes and began a light meditation. "By the way, you may call me Olden, or Master Miroro or Master Olden." He said. He went back to meditating and was surrounded by a sapphire blue aura that looked as if it was pulsing.




The man stood as they began their orbit of the planet. "Ah, the soothing sight of the lush plains of Dantooine. It has been quite some time since I have been here. If my memory serves me well the last time I was here Master Orda was the head of the enclave." He said.


((If you want to you can have Amara realize that Orda was a famous Jedi who died almost 70 years ago))



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I know that but Amara does not. Her opinon of the Jedi is not glamourous considering they killed her old Master and left her for dead. She has a lot of built up hatred toward the Jedi right now though she does her best to hide it. I imagine if she had been found by Olden about a year(or whatever it is called) ago she would have outright refused to go to the Jedi Enclave.

Amara does know the basics(for the dark side at least) and she is pretty good with a lightsaber though she is no master nor does she claim to be.))


Amara glanced at Olden with curiosity. Amara pushed away her doubtful thoughts and turned her attention to other things.

"And my name is Amara, though it would seem you know that already."




Amara took the ship out of lightspeed as they neared Dantooine. She looked down at the planet, all she saw was a planet with large plains. It did not excite or calm her, rather it filled her with a sense of dread.

"Master Orda?" Why did that name sound familiar? She couldn't seem to remember where she had heard it.

Quickly she had directed the ship through the planet's atmosphere and had started landing procedure.


When the aircraft landed, Amara stood and walked out of the cockpit. She put her cloak on leaving to hood down while she waited for her Master.


((I will have her remember why the name is familiar later.

Just wondering, might Amara know something about what Jade, Eria, Marcus, and Aaron are looking for??))

Edited by evangeline5432

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Jade nodded in thanks when Aaron pulled her up to the top after he reached it. She then watched the rope swing a bit back and forth after he released it and then turned her attention back to him when he said come on. She was about to run when he picked her up and started to run with her towards the ship. After about an hour or so, she was set down by Aaron so that he could work on the door and she looked around for a bit before she was beckoned by him to go inside the hangar. She nodded and then hobbled as fast as she could with her make-shift crutches towards the ramp of the ship where she could see Marcus there waiting for them.


((it's fine happy.gif))

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Olden lead them out of the ship and greeted the jedi who was standing outside. "Master Olden, I've heard so much about you in the past couple years. Talk has been going around that you have returned again to live and teach." The jedi said.


"Indeed I have Baraus. This time a young sith girl who must be shown the truth." He said.


"Well, the council is waiting for you. Master Vorakhin sensed you enter the system." Bauraus said. Baraus lead them out of the docking bay and down a large hallway with many statues of jedi once in the council and jedi of notable achievements.


"Well much has changed since I last came here. And much has been rebuilt since the bombing of the sith in the 9th Era 452" Olden said admiring the many statues. At the very end stood a statue, one hand outstretched levitating a book which rotated slowly, the symbols on the book were unknown to most, as it was a language spoken only by the Dov. The other hand held a lightsaber in a back handed position with the blade extending behind the back. The stance was that of a fighting stance, as if using force push; and the face was that of Olden. The plaque at the base of the Statue read: "Olden 'Aak do Vahzah Kendov' Miroro." And Under that it had dates: "7E 126-295, 9E 212-364, 12E 568-721." These looked to be lifespan dates, though it was odd as to how long each one was and how many there were. There was a gap from the Ninth Era to the 12th Era, where the affairs of the Old Republic spanned to the affairs of the Galactic Empire, ending with the Battle of Yavin in 11E 1569, this date marked the end of the 11th Era and the beginning of the 12E, and as Amara, Baraus and Olden approached a new inscription became evident: "14E 678-". Baraus lead them around and to the council chamber doors.


((This is going to be hard teaching both ways, I'm gonna make Olden a beacon of the lightside but still have him teach of the neutral path.))




Aaron lead Jade to the ship and instructed Marcus to prep for take off. Marcus did so and Aaron helped Jade onboard. He shut the loading ramp and informed Marcus that they were set for take off. The ship slowly started to rise and turn towards the hangar exit. It lurched forward and gained speed, away from the surface of the massive machine.

Edited by Danniphantom

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Jade nodded in thanks to Aaron as he led her to the ship before helping her on board. Once it was off of the ground of the hangar, she sat down in a nearby seat and watched out of the window as it flew away from the massive machine-like planet. In a way, she was really happy to get away from the place since it had creeped her out a bit and she also didn't have to worry about getting off of it again.

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((Alrighty. Tread carefully))


Amara waked beside Olden quietly. Her expression showed nothing and she was concealing her feelings but anyone who knew her would see that she did not want to be here. She faltered momentarily when she saw the statue and plaque. A sliver of distrust added to the doubt she felt. How could someone be so trusted by both sides? The name Olden had told her earlier echoed through her head as she looked at the dates. "Orda...Why does that name sound familiar...?" Suddenly, Amara realized why she recognized the name. She had been reading some records on a database one time and seen it. Hadn't Orda been dead for 70 something years? Amara looked at Master Olden, he didn't seem that old.


When Amara saw the council doors she stopped. "What am I doing?" she thought. The girl looked at the Jedi and Master Olden. She could sense nor see any malice. Still she felt unsure. With a silent intake of breath she started walking behind Olden again.

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"I can sense your confusion and questioning Amara." Olden said. "All will be answered in time." He stood by two doors and waited for Amara. "The council is just inside these doors. Go in, introduce yourself, keep an open mind, and try to suppress any hate you may feel for the jedi. Remember, the quarrel between the sith and the jedi is what makes you hate the jedi, for some reason you hate people you don't even know. If your bias for the jedi was set aside who knows what you'll find among them. You could even find love." He said. "Go in, introduce yourself, and leave your hate and bias at the door. I will be in when Master Gundhar calls me in."




Just as the ship started to make the jump to lightspeed the computer exploded. Sending a massive ball of radiation towards the ship. The force of the explosion pushed the ship into the jump awkwardly. The vortex became unstable and spit the ship out close to a planet 3 orbits away from the computer. The explosion couldn't be seen yet due to lag time of light. The ship was damaged badly. Marcus was injured during the collapse of the vortex and was out cold. Aaron had managed to stabilize the ship and get it to the planet surface. Just as the ship went over the horizon of the planet the explosion became visible, lighting up the night sky of the planet. Aaron managed to land-- crash land that is-- on the planet surface. When he landed he stood up and looked around. "We need to get you and Marcus to the Bacta healing tanks." He said to Jade.

Edited by Danniphantom

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Amara looked at Master Olden with surprise and alarm. A second later, her feelings disappeared and her netural expression returned. If there was something she could do well, it was suppress her true feelings. At the mention of introducing herself, a memory flashed before her.

She could see the faint image of a woman looking down at her. A soft gentle voice called out a name, her name...

Amara pushed away the flashback. A sliver of grief washed over her, but qiuckly it also disappeared. She nodded shortly.

"If that's what you wish..." she walked through the doors, and suddenly felt like everyones' gazes were drilling into her. She bowed respectfully and introduced herhelf.

"Greetings. I am Amara. Apprentice to Master Olden." Amara's tone was steady(much to her relief). It did not give away the malice she had felt a few moments ago. She stood in place completely silent and still.

Edited by evangeline5432

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Jade fell off of her seat with a thud when the ship was spit out of the vortex that the explosion from the computer caused, groaning a bit as she tried to get up once the ship was stable once more thanks to Aaron. She could see that Marcus was injured and out cold and wanted to help him but didn't know what she could do right then. Once she was back in her seat, she looked out of her window at the explosion when they went over the horizon of the planet that the computer had spit them out at and she thought that it was beautiful. After they crash landed on the planet's surface, she heard all that Aaron said and just nodded as she started to hobble towards Marcus in order to help him up. She hoped that Aaron would help her since she couldn't do it on her own with her injured ankle.

Edited by Dragonpelt

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The four master looked at her. "You attempt to hide your feelings." Master Gundhar said. He was an older jedi. His hair was grey with age and he had a long dark grey beard with a whitish stripe in the middle. His bear was tied off at the end with a strip of leather. "You must learn to not hate the jedi. We can sense the troubles in the past. We know why you might hate the jedi, but don't hate someone for defending themselves. You must ask yourself, who was the first to strike? Your master, or the Jedi?" He asked. "You mustn't hate the Jedi, simply for being Jedi. Would you have done the same? Defended yourself and even slain the other if your life was at risk? Most of us here would." The Master said. "You have much fear young one, but I sense you have a long life ahead of you. But if you continue this path of darkness, well, the dark side clouds the vision of even Olden."


"You must learn to let go of the hate you feel towards the jedi, for the act of one who merely did what all others would do when provoked." A woman said. She sat to the right of Gundhar. "You must let go of your hate and have the courage to set aside your fear of what you do not yet know." She added.


"Tell me Amara, do you feel happy with the sith? Do you feel like you're in the right place, and using the best of your abilities?" A man on the far left asked.




Aaron carried Marcus and lead Jade to a room off to the left of the ship. It was a small room with two pods with a bluish liquid inside. When the pod opened the liquid turned to a gel and retained its form. He placed a mask on Marcus and stripped him down to his skivvys and pushed him into the gel, when the pod closed it returned to liquid, readings on instruments beside the pod lit up. Aaron opened the other pod and told Jade to do the same, to stip down, put a mask on and step in. "The mask will allow you to breath, you will be able to see through the liquid fairly easily. Your eyes won't burn or anything. Wait until it is liquefied though. I have the timer set for an hour, that will be the time it will take for your ankle to heal. It may be a little uncomfortable at first but it will go numb shortly after. Try to relax, when you feel the liquid turning to gel at your feet, close your eyes and about ten seconds after it covers your head step out, your ankle will be fully healed and then you can head down the hall to take a shower and get the remaining goop off." He said to her before starting to walk out.

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Jade walked with Aaron to the room that was to the left of the ship and then watched with both interest and fascination as he put Flint into one of the pods before opening the other one. She then nodded when he told her to strip and did so before hearing all that he said about the pod and what to do after her ankle was healed. She nodded again before he left and before she put the mask on before stepping into the gel. The pod closed after her and she closed her eyes before the gel turned to liquid and then opened them again afterward, looking out through the glass of the pod. Her ankle felt a bit uncomfortable at first just like Aaron said it would before it turned numb. After a few minutes or so, she felt the liquid turn to gel again at her feet and closed her eyes like she had been told to do before counting to ten in her head as the gel covered her head, she stepped out, took the mask off, and then headed down to the hall to where the hall was after closing the pod behind her.

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Amara looked unsure.

"I do not know." she answered the Jedi on the right. Had he asked her that before her master had died, she would have said yes without hesitation.

The young Sith looked at the Jedi masters with slight annoyance.

"There were two Jedi. I did not see the beginning of the fight. When I came, there was one Jedi lying on the ground dead. My master was fighting the other when the Jedi's blade struck him." Amara's nails dug into her skin as she clenched her fist. She remembered the shocked expression on her master's face as he fell to the ground. She had sensed his life force leave him as he hit the hard earth. She had felt much anger as she activated her own lightsaber.

"I charged the Jedi, he sensed I was there and turned around. Heh...It seemed he felt even more shocked then me when he saw his blade had just pierced a young girl...." she flinched as the memory of blinding pain rushed back to her. She turned it away and continued.

"I blacked out. The next few weeks are a blur, I was told I slipped in and out of consciousness. Next thing I remember clearly is that I wake up at a hospital. They told me some Jedi had left me there... Later, he came only briefly, I asked him why..." she trailed off and made eye contact with the Jedi that had spoken first.

"Why did he do such a thing? I would have killed him in a second had he given me a chance." she dropped her gaze.

"Ever since I have been questioning what I know-" she met the woman's gaze this time, "and what I do not..." she looked at the fourth Jedi. Her anger had left, fear and confusion replaced it again.

Edited by evangeline5432

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"It is ok. We are here to teach you of your other options." Gundhar said. "We have decided that Olden will remain your teacher and you will remain here for a month to see how training goes. If you wish to continue afterwards then you may." He added.


"What say you, young one?" Olden asked coming in the room.




Aaron had left to go scout out the area around the ship for reference when they went out farther. He looked around quite a bit and noticed something quite odd. He walked around and eventually started to climb to the top of a mountain peak to get a better view. When he reached it he noticed that all around ships were being downed. He figured he could probably find pieces for the ship that he could jury rig to work. He climbed down and began his walk back to the ship.

Edited by Danniphantom

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