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Star Wars: The Unknown Legends

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The girl's dark blue eyes watched the man with both curiosity and caution. Amara was at a loss for words. Something grew hot against her skin and she hid a grimace when she realized what it was. Finding her voice she spoke up.

"What do you propose?"

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Jade nodded and then continued to hobble alongside him. She looked around at everything as they made their way, or tried to, make their way out of the corridor that they were in. She trusted the Force to guide them if all else failed but she also didn't want to rely on it too much. If she weren't a Jedi, then she'd have to do it anyway and same went for now.

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"I propose that I come with you, and you come with me to my home. It is on the fourteenth planet's moon in this system. It is very small and very secluded. There I will test you and guide you. Lead you through the steps to discovering who you are, and what you should be." The man said moving around to the docking ramp and stepping closer to her so that he may get a better look into her eyes.




Aaron continued walking until he reached a door at the end of the hall. He tried to open it but it was magnetically sealed, as was that entire room. And it was understandable why, there was a slight breeze being pulled towards the rift, there was an opening near the bottom that vented the atmosphere of the hallway into the space outside. Aaron had wondered why he felt so weak and light headed in that room, it was because there was less oxygen.

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Amara thought of what the man said. This was exactly what she had been searching for. Voices of doubt whispered in her ears, she took them into consideration but did not let the whispers choose what she would do. As the man took a step toward her, she watched him carefully, resisting the instinct to take a step back.

"Have you eaten?"

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"No but I am not hungry." He said. He stood there as if waiting for something. And that something was an invitation, an invitation into Amara's ship. He needed to know if Amara would accept his proposition.

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Jade continued to hobble after Aaron until he came across a magnetically sealed door. "How do we open it?" she asked as she looked around to try to find some other place in order to get out of the room. She tried not to think that they were trapped as she closed her eyes and concentrated a bit, trying to let the Force guide them out by leading them another way out; if there was one.

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Amara looked at the man. In a instant she made a decision. She walked to the entrance of her ship, then turned and looked at the man.

"I accept, if you will have me." The doors slid apart and she gestured for him to come.

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The man silently followed and stepped in. He removed his hood and revealed his bald head was covered in tattoos of an archaic language that has long since been forgotten. He looked around examining the ship.

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Amara stepped in after him. Looking curiously at the man when he took his hood off, she reached up, removing hers as well. Black hair fell down over her shoulders, reaching to her lower back. The door closed behind her. Wordlessly she walked into the cockpit and started up the ship. She called for clearance to take off, knowing it would take awhile, she walked back out of the cockpit.

"Is your business on this planet completed?"


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The man nodded and bowed and proceeded to sit down and wait patiently for them to leave. "My home is on the far side of the moon we are headed to. The moon has no other inhabitants but me, and whomever I am currently guiding or the occasional visitor, but that is all." The man said to Amara.

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((um what about Aaron?


Jade nodded and then continued to hobble alongside him. She looked around at everything as they made their way, or tried to, make their way out of the corridor that they were in. She trusted the Force to guide them if all else failed but she also didn't want to rely on it too much. If she weren't a Jedi, then she'd have to do it anyway and same went for now.
)) Edited by Dragonpelt

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Amara nodded and bowed as well. She walked back to the cockpit and sat down. She saw that they were taking their time clearing her so she sat back feeling rather annoyed. Finally she got the call. Amara sighed and started up the ship. After a few moments she expertly guided it out of the planets orbit. Amara mapped a course and set the ship on autopilot. Once that was done she headed to the back of the ship.

"So, what do I call you?"

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"You may call me 'Master'." He said. "Until such a time that you earn such a privilege to call me by my real name." He said looking at her. He walked to the entrance of the ship and looked down one of the hallways. "Does this lead to the showers?" He asked. "I had to walk three days in the desert from Mos Eisley to Anchorhead to get to you after I felt you enter the star system. I had no money so I was forced to walk." He said.




Aaron looked around for a control console. There was one, he began to work on it trying to override the command that had closed it, but that was hard since the command was written into the master command registry which was tied into the core, and the master control registry was linked to a room far from that location. It was an automated system that locked down any sectors that might otherwise be compromised by a hull breach, an electronics malfunction, coolant leaks or other issues. But Aaron worked at it none the less, thinking that it was most likely a problem that would have long since been resolved.

Edited by Danniphantom

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Amara had expected no less from her new mentor so it didn't surprise her. She had almost started toward her room to put her cloak and gun away but stopped quickly as her Master continued. "Yes, second door to your right. Watch out for the Raquor'daan. She is in my room, that'll be the second door to your left. I will have to bring her out later to let her know your here. Oh, do you want me to prepare one of the bedrooms?"


((Meh, short post...))



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Jade followed Aaron over to the control console for the door and asked out loud as she thought of something, "What would happen if I were to use my Force Lightning ability on it? Would it cause the door to open?" She was just asking that but for all she knew, it could just completely fry the thing without opening the door. She wanted to help in some way and hoped that what she had asked would help and not to make their predicament even worse than it was now. While she tried to think of something else that could help open the door, she wondered what Flint and Eria were up to and if they were okay.

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The man nodded and continued to the showers. He turned on the water and took off his robe. This revealed many more tattoos across his body. They seemed tribal but they were in a language that has never been seen throughout the galaxy. It was an odd language. Very complex, and not easily distinguishable as words or phrases. He stepped into the shower and he washed himself down. "It's nice to feel water on my skin again. It's been many millennia since the last time." He said to himself. He turned to a mist of light that shined and shimmered. It glowed and dimmed and he was gone, so was his robe. Though he wasn't completely gone, he was unable to currently be perceived by any human or other creature of the galaxy. He was still present and could see everything going on in the ship at that time. The water remained running for a few minutes before turning off, seemingly on it's own.




"It wouldn't work." Aaron said continuing to work. "For one the door is metal and magnetically sealed, lightning won't deactivate the magnetic lock, and two, the surrounding frame is an anti electrical material, it will draw the lightning to it and discharge it into the electrical recycling system." He said.

Edited by Danniphantom

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Once her master disappeared, she hurried past the door of the Sith's room to a room that was empty. The door opened and she walked in. She proceeded to put covers on the bed, then, the girl placed some clean clothing(that would fit the man) on the nearby dresser. Afterwards, Amara went into the kitchen and started to put away the supplies she had bought . When that was finished, she took off her robe and set it aside, which revealed her mostly black clothes underneath and the lightsaber at her hip. Amara started humming to herself as she prepared dinner.

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"Oh," Jade said in reply with a sigh before sitting down close to where he was working. "Anything I can do to help?" she asked as she watched him work on the override system for the door. She wanted to help, even if what she would hopefully be doing was small; it would still make her feel helpful and that she had accomplished something today.

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"Odd." The man said appearing suddenly behind Amara. He was wearing the robes she had laid out for him. "You call yourself a sith yet you do not act like, nor do you have the heart of, a sith." He said looking at her. "Have you ever found yourself having a moral dilemma of your position and your feelings?" He asked.




"You have already done enough just being here with me." He said smiling. "It would be nearly impossible for me to have accomplished all this on my own." He said sitting down next to her. "I think we might have to jump..." He said looking down at the rift.

Edited by Danniphantom

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Amara stopped humming mid note. Ever since her Master had died, she had been catching herself slipping out the way of the Sith more and more. She was annoyed with this man, and herself. "Who is he, to question who you are?" a voice whispered. She turned to face the man.

"I did what I did to survive. I don't regret that, I never have. I'm stronger then I ever would have been." she clenched her fist as more voices whispered to her. Amara bit her lip as she blocked them out. Without barely a hesitation, she continued.

"I have questions, but no answers. I feel torn." she said, the annoyance was gone from her voice. Fear of the way she questioned all she knew, had replaced it. Then just as fast, it disappeared and annoyance flooded back. She held the man's gaze for a second, then her eyes darted away and she turned back to the food she was fixing for her pet.

"I just want to know if the path I travel is the right one, Master..." she muttered.


((How long would you say the journey to your char's planet would take the ship?

Has my char told yours her name yet?))

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I'd like to join this


Name- Jason (Jay)

Age- 23

Gender- Male

Race- Human

Class- Bounty Hunter

Cause- Fun


Personality: He greatly enjoys the thrill of a kill, and is completely neutral, he will kill who for whoever pays the highest. He also has a habit of collecting and adapting his armour with those of his victims.


Appearance: Minus the fire and staff (His face is never seen)


Clothing: As seen above although the hood has a purple highlight.


Armour: He has different varieties of armour under his robes.


Weapons: He has two lightsabers from his first kills of both a sith and a jedi, which he uses for close combat and a scoped energy rifle (which is kept in his left sleeve)


Lightsaber Colours: One is red one is blue


Short History: He was originally sent to be a Jedi due to his strong connection with the force. However he became too ruthless and was expelled from the academy. His parents had died while he was in the academy, and he was taken in by a bounty hunter who trained him, he eventually killed his Jedi teacher and stole his robes, modifying them to his preferance.


Other: Due to his original Jedi training he is good with lightsabers however due to his expulsion he never perfected his force skills.


Hope thats fine.

Edited by Marcus Pheonix

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"Well I'm glad that I could help just by being here with you," Jade said in reply with a small smile on her face as she listened to everything else that he said. She continued to smile as she heard his second statement but then it disappeared a bit when she heard his last trailed off one. "Okay but I might have to use my telepathy in order for me to land safely because otherwise my ankle will be worse than it already is," she said in reply to it still with a small frown on her face as she looked into the rift with him.

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"But what good is strength if you have lost focus on who you are? Do you feel ashamed of yourself for your path, the things you do? Don't you feel that it isn't right?" He asked looking at her. "Some questions may go unanswered for a very long time. You may feel anguish because of it. But if you give it time, and don't dwell on finding the answers, they will come to you and relief will fill your soul. But some answers may bring up more unanswered questions, or they may not be the answers you were looking or hoping for. But you must continue to follow the morals and values that you think are right. I cannot make the decisions for you. I am merely your guide to find yourself. You are going to do the work. And I will teach you the steps... you will have to decide in the end which path you choose is the right one. I do not dispute between either side... you will find that I don't talk down or talk highly of either side of the force. Merely the neutral path that all sides must learn of, the path that both sides use, and without the path, neither side would be able to exist." He said. "It may sound confusing at first. But I assure you, it will all start to make sense. You may think I am babbling, and speaking random phrases and meaningless proverbs. But one day, and I cannot say when that day will be you will understand." He said.


((And the journey will take a day or so.))




"I have a cable. The pit is bottomless. If we jump straight into it we will merely fall into the vacuum of space. We are going to drop down and swing to a lower level, we'll bypass the collapsed ceiling entirely." Aaron said pulling out a seemingly endless length of cable.

Edited by Danniphantom

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Amara listened to every word the man said. She didn't know the answer to the first question. She scowled, this man spoke riddles. He was right, what he said about a neutral path didn't make much sense to her and now she had more questions.

"How can a force sensitive be truly neutral? You either belong to the dark, or the light..." she had finished preparing the food for her pet, so she walked down to her room. The door opened and she called for her Raquor'daan. The wolf came out from under her bed and walked to Amara's side. The dark wolf walked next to Amara as she reentered the kitchen. Amara spoke to it in another language, then she looked up at the man. As the dark wolf fed Amara spoke up.

"She will not bother you, but I wouldn't turn my back on her too long until she gets used to you."

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"Oh okay that makes sense," Jade said in reply to his explanation about him having a cable that they'll use in order to go into the pit and then get to another level to bypass the collapsed ceiling. She then watched him as he got out what looked to be an endless length of cable and figured that it wasn't really; it just looked to be that way. As he got it out of his pack, she crawled a bit closer to the pit but not close enough in order to fall into it and tried to look into it. She only saw pitch blackness all the way down and knew that what he had said earlier about it being bottomless was right. She then backed up again so that she was near him, waiting for him to be ready so that they could get out of the area that they were in now.

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