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Star Wars: The Unknown Legends

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Jade followed him to the chamber and nodded in reply to his statement before going to the second terminal there. She took out the two pieces of paper, the one with the code on it and the other with the alien's word for "coolant", and then started to type in the code. When she came upon the spot that needed to be isolated, she looked at the piece of paper with "coolant" on it and entered it in. Once that was done and she was finished doing what she needed to do, she sat down on a rock nearby and started to memorize the "coolant" word for later.

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Aaron did the same and activated the next field generator. He walked over to the blast shield that was protecting them from the radiation and heat, now that those were no longer a problem he was able to open them up to see the core. They were level with the core so it could be seen very clearly. He had never noticed it but it looked a lot like something from his past. Suddenly he held his head and collapsed against the wall. He had just dug up a traumatic event.




"Master what's going on?" A young Aaron said to a man dressed in pure white jedi robes. The man who looked back at Aaron looked much like Mace Windu only his face was softer and more defined, he looked a lot more like a gentleman and a ladies man. He was not bald either, rather just shaved, he had no facial hair besides eyebrows and he strangely had these piercing ice blue eyes that contrasted his skin in a weird way.


"We are under attack by a coalition of smugglers, traders and mercenaries that call themselves the Borovan Alliance." The man replied looking back out at the battle.


"But why would they attack the republic? Especially jedi?" Aaron asked.


"They attack any who impede on their territory, unless they have business, are enemies of the Alliance, or who attack them first. We are not enemies but we don't have good relations with them. We came to negotiate a treaty but as soon as we dropped out of hyperspace they ambushed us. This will most definitely send us to war with them." The man replied. Just then a door opened and a jedi of higher rank stepped through.


"Corrin it's time." The jedi said.


"Time, time for what?" Aaron asked looking at his master.


"You must go Aaron, go with Master Varick to the escape pods. He will take care of you until you are there." He said.


"But what about you?" Aaron asked starting to tear up a bit. "Aren't you coming with me?"


"I must stay, defend this ship, I am not coming this time young one." Corrin said.


"NO! I'm not leaving you, I will fight with you." Aaron protested.


"Not this time Aaron, you have done well in your training, but you still have much to learn, therefore you must go, continue to train your mind, body and soul. You have made me so proud to be called your master. May the force be with you, always." Corrin said hugging Aaron before walking off. Aaron tried to run after him but Varick pulled him away and dragged him kicking and screaming to the escape pods. As the pod jettisoned. The republic cruiser started flying full speed at the Alliance attack vessel. When there it exploded and caused a chain reaction that caused the Alliance ship to go too. The explosion was a fusion explosion of dark energy. The ships collapsed and the cores of the two ships merged and exploded outward. The escaped pod Aaron was in escaped the explosion and shock wave. Inside young Aaron cried loudly at the death of his beloved master and closest friend. The pod landed on the planet and the republic base that was there brought Aaron in and eventually provided transportation back to Dantooine.


=End Flashback=

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Jade looked over at Aaron when she heard him collapse against the wall and quickly went over to him to see if he was okay. "Are you okay?" she asked as she looked at him with concern. She wondered what he had come across after he put in the line of code into the terminal and then went over to the core. She wondered if what he had seen could have been something from his past but she wasn't sure. She hoped that she could help him through whatever he was going through right then and if she couldn't, she wished that she could.

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"I-I'm fine. Just got light headed, that's all." He lied, closing his mind to prevent any telepathic entry. "Come on, we need to get to the next terminal." He said.

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"All right if you say so," Jade said in reply with a small sigh before she straightened up and limped over to where she had left her crutches. Once she got them she heard the last thing he heard about going to the next terminal and nodded, heading in the direction that she thought that the next terminal was in. After a little while of heading in that direction, she stopped to wait for Aaron. She didn't want to go too far ahead of him, especially when she didn't know the exact direction of the next terminal. I really do hope he's okay, she thought to herself while she waited. I also hope that he knows that he can tell me anything and I won't tell anyone else about what he told me or that I won't laugh.

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"I want you to know something about me Jade. I have my fair share of scars and wounds. Almost all of them are physical, but I have a lot of mental ones too. And some scars run so deep that they are brought up with the slightest provocation. So if what happens before happens again don't be alarmed." He said leading her along.

Edited by Danniphantom

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(("me" in the second sentence needs to be "of"))


"All right," Jade said in reply with a small sigh as he helped her along to the other terminal that they were going to. "Thanks for helping me," she said with a small sigh. She wondered if him carrying her would just be better but immediately squashed that thought and definitely didn't speak it aloud. She was too shy and embarrassed to mention that option and she also didn't want to burden him. She knew that he probably wouldn't mind doing that but she couldn't do that to him and would probably not allow him to do that.

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((To late to join??


Might I ask where the char list is? I didn't see one Of course it's late and I am tired, soooo....that might be why. xd.png


How many Sith chars are there?))

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((To late to join??


Might I ask where the char list is? I didn't see one Of course it's late and I am tired, soooo....that might be why. xd.png


How many Sith chars are there?))

((It's not too late, really there is no official character list, but it currently consists of 5 characters, all but one are jedi, the other is sith. So we do need sith characters that aren't me and another guy on here. Just make sure it's detailed. I've had some character bios sent to me that are pretty scarce in detail and they get frightened off when I tell them they need more.))


((And @Dragonpelt, yeah I was using my phone and I use T9 word, so I have to be extra vigilant to make sure I change me to of... I'll change that.))


There was a rumble that shook through the flooring like a shockwave. "We need to move quickly." He said. "It's a little farther to the next terminal than it was to the last from the first. And a train doesn't go through these parts." He said. "Hold on." He said supporting her while he tied the crutches to her back before lifting her onto his back and running off in the direction they needed to go.

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Jade lost her balance a bit when she felt the floor underneath her shake before hearing all that Aaron said. "All right," she said in reply to everything that he said before she was helped being supported while he tied her crutches to her back and then put on his back as he ran towards the direction that they needed to go in. She was blushing a bit but didn't really mind it. She just hoped that he didn't think she was a burden. She hoped that he didn't think that but didn't really dwell on that thought for very long.

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((Alright. I will work on a form. If she is made I would want her to be a Sith apprentice which would mean one taking her as their learner. : P


Who might own the Sith char?))

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((He is owned by a guy named Kakelgeel, he is currently an apprentice of a Sith Stalker (info on first page if you need to know) but I can always make a character to master your character and make a bio at a later date.))

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((I saw his form. : P I have been trying to catch up on what has happened. rolleyes.gif


*works on form*


Name- Her Master called her Amara




Class- See short history~

Cause- Not really good or evil. Is leaning toward evil.

Rank- Unknown

Personality:Will be RP'd

Appearance:Basically this only dark blue eyes Or even this.

Clothing:Only the clothes are all black and the cape covers her arms completely. Ignore Hair...

Armour: Something like this.

Weapons: T-6 Thunderer Heavy Blaster PistolLightsaber and small packs of expolsives.

Lightsaber Color: Between this color and this

Force abilities:


~Force Destruction

~Art of the Small

~Force Leap

~She is not sure what her fifth area of expertise is yet.

(Learned Sith alchemy but is not as skilled at it as her Master was)

Short History: Parents died when she was 4. She had a decent control over the force and unknowingly used it to survive. A Sith discovered her at age 6. He was nearby when she connected to the force one time is anger. Feeling it he knew that she could be powerful with the right training. He took her as his apprentice. When she was 12 he disappeared. (She later found him dead. Killed by a couple Jedi) With her training incomplete she traveled from place to place with credits that he had left in a few secure places looking for another to teach her.



Edited by evangeline5432

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Before Vik could even protest against the autopilot, he was send away. A few moments later the SPIT hitted ground. The impact of the transport ship caused great clouds of dust around the area. Just when Vik exited the vehicle the stalker landed, causing another cloud of dust to rise. When the dust had fallen again Vik watched the area. It looked just like the desert-like area where the academy was in.


"So... this is where i get my training? It looks just like where we were before."

The stalker smilled and said:"We aren't there yet. We, well actually only you, have to walk to the other side of those mountains."

"What mountains? i don't see any."

"You will after one day walking. Now give me your weapons." Vik handed his lightsabers to the stalker. "Bad quality weapons." the stalker said after inspecting them "you'll get a better one soon." After having said that the stalker cutted Viks lightsabers with his own. "You need to learn to survive first. Learn to see the weapon in every object. Here this is all you get from me." He threw a bag to Vik. in it were two bottles of water, one small first aid kit and a lightstick.

" You will need everything in that to survive. As i said your training will continue on the other side of the mountains. You will know where to go when you are near. Oh yes, one last advice: don't go near water." With those words the stalker activated the autopilot of the first ship and flew away with the other just seconds after.

Edited by kakelgeel

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((Remember, I control the stalker and the training course... wink.gif just remember that from now on, I do like what you made him do though so you don't have to change it...))


((Accepted Evangeline))


"You're surprisingly light, if you're worried about slowing me down." He said. "- if any was taken." Aaron said running along. There was another quake and Aaron ran faster as the ceiling behind them started to collapse. He ran as fast as he could with Jade on his back as the ceiling collapse followed them.




The sith stalker finished explaining Vik's first trial before he jumped in his SPIT and flew off towards the training outpost.

Edited by Danniphantom

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((i didn't know that you had edited your post; I'll get a post up now))


"How did you know that I might be worried about that?" Jade asked with a surprised expression that Aaron couldn't see but could probably hear in her voice. She heard the ceiling start to collapse behind them but didn't want to look over her shoulder at it. That would only worry her more than she was now and she didn't need that. The only thing that she was trying to think about right now was that they were going to make it safely to the last terminal. I know we will, she thought to herself determinedly.

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Aaron saw that the door ahead was closed and locked but it was the only way out of there. "Hold on tight." Aaron said before letting go of her and focusing the force into a ball of energy in front of him. He pushed it outward and it blew the door open. Aaron continued to run and managed to make it through into a better supported section, so the ceiling collapsed stopped outside the door, but the shockwave threw him off balance and drawing that much energy from the force knocked him unconscious, he fell to the ground still running so with momentum Jade was thrown slightly off his back in front of him.

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"Okay," Jade said in reply before he focused the Force into a ball of energy and then shot it at the door in front of them. Once it was blown open, she still held on tight as he ran through to a better supported section before a shockwave from the blast threw him off balance and caused her to be thrown off of his back slightly and fall in front of him. She hit her head on a small piece of wood that was there and went unconscious for a few minutes because of that. When she came to, she looked at him and then carefully made her way to where he was laying down before stroking his hair a bit. She hoped that he'd be okay and not have what she had thought was a flashback like he had done earlier.

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Aaron moved a bit and slowly started to get up. "Ugh, I feel drained." He said. "Oh crap." He said looking out. It was a large chasm between them and the way to the next terminal.

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Jade sighed softly in relief when Aaron started to get up and did that herself a few minutes after he did. "Maybe you should rest a bit in order to get your strength and power back," she said before hearing what else he said and then followed her gaze to where his was currently looking. "We're not going to be able to make it over there are we," she said with her face slightly pale as she looked at the other end of the chasm. There was a long distance from where they currently were to where her gaze was currently resting. They might be able to make it if they used the Force Jump ability but she wasn't really sure about that.

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"No, it's too far... and it's higher than we are so we can't fall down onto it." He said.


((I gtg for tonight. I'll try to be on as much as possible tomorrow and for the next week.))

Edited by Danniphantom

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"So how are we going to get there?" Jade asked still with a pale face and with a worried expression on her face. "The only way that I can think of on how we'll be able to get there is if one of us had a grappling hook or something like that but I don't think we do." She then sighed and limped over to where a pillar was and sat with her back resting against it while her attention was on the floor in front of her. She was trying to think of other ways that they could get to their destination but wasn't coming up with anything else at all.


((aw okay sad.gif and okay; @ jaina: yay happy.gif))

Edited by Dragonpelt

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"I don't think we can. I'm too weak to try to construct a bridge with the force, and it's too far to jump or be thrown." He said. "The only thing we can do is try to find a way out." He said.

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