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Star Wars: The Unknown Legends

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Just then a Sith Stalker stepped up in the Battle Room and made an announcement. "No holds barred. No rules, you win if you can crawl out with your life. The winner then gets a place in my class and a place of honor and high prestige in Shantaar's eyes" He said and stepped back. This was now a test to see who was worthy for the Stalker unit of the Lord's armies. The walls moved and changed to make them fit for climbing and getting to the high ground. Ledges formed where one could hang and stand above the course below, and there were many blind spots where one could stand and hang; see their opponent but not be seen by their opponent increasing the difficulty beyond that of any of the other battles in the arena or Battle Room.




"Didn't we just cover this at the last terminal?" He asked smiling. "Listen, since we have more time I want you to know that even though our position in the Jedi order doesn't forbid it making a commitment would be very stressful due to the nature of our jobs... If we do end up making a commitment to each other we need to be ready for the emotional distresses it will cause if one of us will fall in battle or be captured." He said.

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"I don't think so," Jade said in reply to his question before hearing what else he said after it. "I understand," she said in reply to his statements before kissing him lightly on the cheek and then having her attention be on everything else that was outside the window. She thought that she could be ready for whatever emotional distresses that she might have if Aaron was to be captured or fall in battle. She didn't know that for sure, though she still thought that she could be ready for whenever those times were to come.

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((Post in a few minutes, brb.))


((Urgh... my dad is making me get off... I'll be on in the morning tomorrow EST))


((A Post before I go...))


Aaron stood up and looked around at the papers and the books on the train. He saw something glowing on one side of the train and he moved towards it. When he got there and picked up the object he was amazed at what he found. It was a holocron. One of the first and a missing one from the Jedi archives. From the beginning of the Jedi order there were theorized to be 30 holocrons made pertaining to the history of the Jedi, the force and the creators of the galaxy. 25 were recovered and stored in the Jedi archives, since the Great Wars over 100,000 years BBY 5 of them were lost and only 3 of those were recovered leaving thousands of years of history of the Jedi lost in time. He had just found one of the remaining 2 missing Holocrons. He could feel the force both dark, light and neutral flowing through him, it was hard for him to resist the temptations of the dark but he had help from the light. The neutral had no pull as the neutral side of the force pertained to self advancement of the mind, body and spirit, so it just made him feel more alive, he knew this was normal as he had held other powerful holocrons, but there seemed to be two other forces pulling him as well, something that didn't normally show in the other 30 holocrons. One side of these forces made him feel protective, defensive, sturdy, unmovable, strong, steadfast, wanting to stand his ground and protect not only himself, but the essence of the force inside him and in all life, the other side made him feel wondrous, curious, and open minded, making him want to hone his abilities as a Jedi, wanting to explore further into the unknown nature of the force to become better. A voice spoke to him in his mind, saying the name of these forces; Guardian and Mantle of the Force.

Edited by Danniphantom

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((okay ^^))


Jade looked over at Aaron curiously as she saw that he had found something. "What is that you found?" she asked as she got up and went over to him in order to see the object that he was holding a bit better. Or at least she thought that she would. The object seemed to be glowing a bit but she wasn't sure what made it do that since she had never seen an object like this before.

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"It's a holocron." He said. "It stores mass amounts of data, and this particular one stores thousands of years of history that we know not about, it has been lost for millennia ." He said. "This one seems to have to powers of the force that pull at me, more so than any of the other holocrons." He said.

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"Oh," Jade said in reply to his first statement before hearing the rest of what he said. She listened with interest to what he said about holocrons before hearing what he said last. "That's interesting," she said in reply to his last statement. "What does it feel like when it pulls at you and do you feel anything when that happens?"

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"And, if you are ok with that sir Stalker, we shall put both candidates on a different part of the course" said the Muun "On this way we will enjoy a nice hunt instead of just the removal of the weaklings. We will enjoy a hunt of the predator and the useless struggling of the prey." While saying this the eyes of the muun slid from Atkis to me. The stalker just nodded.


"Great, now Atkis has the opportunity to become a stalker, he will become unstopable. I have to kill him as fast as possible" Vik thought "wounds or a lowered stamina won't slow him down, but it will to me."


Vik and Atkis both were brought to another place in the room. Vik tried to visualise the duel. He knew Atkis was reckless because of his power, but not stupid enough to just run into an ambush. He would probably stay in the middle of the room, staying away from the walls. So an ambush was not the right tactic here. Atkis would get the attention of most of the lasers though. With this in mind Vik finished his strategy. "We will see who will be the predator now" said Vik. On that moment the signal was given that the duel started.


Vik immediately began climbing the walls, meanwhile slowly using the force to conceal himself. He knew Atkis could still see him if he looked straight at him, but that was not likely going to happen. As expected Atkis stood in the middle of the room between two metal blocks, defending himself against the lasers who fired at him. "Thanks for drawing all the atention towards you" Vik thought. "This makes it easyer for me." Vik climbed slowly to a ledge that hung that was the nearest to the center."Vik, you coward! come and experience your fate like a real man"Atkis shouted. On that moment Vik decided to begin his attack. He jumped from the ledge towards a metal rod that was closer to Atkis. Using the force as balance he walked on the rod.


Only than he reached for his lightsaber and jumped towards Atkis. Even before Vik landed Atkis allready turned towards Vik. Smiling viciously Atkis begun to launch attack after attack. "How long do you think you can hold me Quarren?" Atkis asked.

The attacks of Atkis were easy to defend, but still the fear of losing crept into his heart. "You know i'm stronger Quarren, why don't you just give up now, and i'll make it quick for you." Atkis continued.


With the courage of despair Vik launched an attack, and to both surprise Viks lightsaber cutted through Atkis right arm. The arm he used for his saberfighting. "The first wound is one of yours Atkis and you will get a few more soon enough."Vik replied. Atkis moved his lighsaber to his other hand and laughed maniacally. "I've just started Quarren." He jumped back and he used the force for throwing blocks and even the laserturrets towards Vik. Vik evaded the obstacles, but he couldn't defend his back now. And sure enough he was hit on his shoulder by one of the lasers. "Now were even" Atkis shouted. "Just a fleshwound." was Viks answer. Vik than saw an opportunity. He closed the gap with Atkis and pretended he would make an attack towards Atkis head. Atkis reacted automatically by raising his saber. But instead of going for Atkis head, Vik quickly turned his attack and wounded Atkis leg. With an growl full of anger Viks opponent reacted by cutting in Viks shoulder, the one who was wounded allready.


Atkis than dropped his weapon and begun to throw lightning towards Vik. Vik couldn't evade it. Collapsing of pain Vik heard again Atkis talking "you had a few nice actions there Quarren, but you see you are no match for a real Sith like me. So why don't you just give up now. It makes things so mutch easyer for you. Not that i don't enjoy doing this, but you know i have an appointment with a sith stalker. You are no match for me, so just give up." With those last words he again threw lightning towards Vik. Vik did not fall for the same trick this time. Vik jumped away and threw his lightsaber towards Atkis, using the force to keep his sword focussed towards his target. As a missile it pierced Atkis in his chest. Atkis felt down on his knees with a surprised look. "How is this possib.."were his last words.


With an grim look Vik walked towards his nemesis and took both the lightsabers. "I won" he thought "but the sith just lost here, Atkis could have been a good addition if he just had a lot more training."


"You all thought i was going to lose from a guy who you all thought he was THE perfect sith stalker. So if this is all for being a stalker, hah than i'm a stalker for years allready. Even my old combat teacher who teached me being a bountyhunter could have been a stalker, and he didn't had a force connection. A feared striking force, don't let me laugh. Than i can better establish a new elite corps, thats better for my reputation. Elite within the elite hah!" Said Vik to the people watching.


((wow, it turned out to be quite a long story blink.gif, and i wanted to keep it as short as possible. Ah well i hope you enjou reading all of it smile.gif ))

Edited by kakelgeel

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((Have him be cocky at the end and say that being a Stalker is easy... I have a plan, oh you might also want to read up on the Stalkers on the front page.))

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Within seconds the Stalker was pinning him down claws to his neck. "You think you have what it takes to be the best of the best? Then why not face off against me and see how good you really are?" He said.




Aaron held out the holocron for her to touch. "Be strong, there are temptations, you must resist." He said.

Edited by Danniphantom

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Jade nodded and then hesitantly reached out and touched the holocron. Immediately it tried to tempt her but she closed her mind off to it so that it wouldn't get into her thoughts and she also resisted its attempt at tempting her. "I see what you mean," she said shortly after pulling her hand away from the device. "It tried to tempt me but I resisted."

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"That's the dark side of the force within it." Aaron said. "Like all force made objects you feel an increased clarity and feeling in all sides of the force, as all force is within us always. When the holocron is held all those powers and temptations of the specific side are increased ten fold. The light side resists the dark and tempts the holder to do good, to seek knowledge in the force and maintain peace of mind, body and force not just within themselves but within the galaxy and universe. The Dark side resists the light and tempts the holder to do evil, to give in to his or her own desires and emotions, to seek advancement in the force only for personal gain and power over the weak. And then there is the neutral side, this side resists none of the others but is resisted by none, it tempts the holder to improve his or herself mentally, physically, spiritually and in the force, a lot of these temptations focus on intelligence, physical training, meditating and channeling the force through one's body. This is the force that drives our desires to be better, to exceed our own limits and to improve harmony of the body. Only few are lucky enough to listen enough to this side of the force to reach this harmony. The reason for this is because this side of the force has the weakest pull, even though it isn't resisted. Usually the ones who reach this harmony are those gifted in the force but have never been inducted into the Sith or the Jedi order. These people know of their gift and know the ways to control it. So they meditate constantly to keep this harmony. They feel this harmony and know when it is out of balance. This side of the force gives one clarity of mind. The ability to heal, this is also an ability used by the followers of the light side, strength of will, complete control of body, peripheral systems like heart beat, dilation of eyes etc., and central systems, like movement. Some claims have also said that those who reach this harmony have control over the wind, the rain and nature. Although only those who do not favor light or dark can reach this harmony, abilities of this harmony can be achieved by either side with enough meditation and enough of an ear to listen to the pull of the neutral force." Aaron said.

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Jade listened to all that he said in reply thinking about how to reply but couldn't think of anything to say except, "Ah okay." She then went back to looking out the window as she saw that the train was getting closer to the next terminal and asked, "Are we going to do the same thing at this next terminal that we did at the other ones before it?" She figured that they would but she just wanted to make certain of that before assuming anything. At this next one they might do something totally different from what they did to the previous ones before it. She still had her attention be on the scenery that was passing by through the window as she waited for his reply to her question.

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Vik had to admit that he secretly admired the efficiency of the stalker. Every move he made was calculated and controlled. And the speed frightened Vik a bit, but still he said: "What do i have to win battling you? If i lose i'm dead, if i win i just show what everybody allready saw in my duel against Atkis. Because i know you all wanted and expected him to win this duel. As i said before: you saw him as a perfect stalker. And i've beaten him. Also as soon as i defeated you a horde other stalkers would probbebly come in the room and cut me to pieces as revenge of your death. So i won't fight you, all i can do is lose."

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"Those in this elite group do not see the "perfect" soldier. We only see other possibilities, and we saw potential in both candidates. One lost, the other is cocky. But don't worry, that will be beaten out of you within the month." The stalker said. "Training starts tomorrow, 5 in the morning. Be there or be strung up by your fingers out in the hot desert sun for the next two days." The stalker said standing straight up and walking away. He, with one hand, picked up Atkis' body and dragged it off to the morgue team.




Aaron stood at the door to the train and pressed the button at the station they needed to get off at to open the door. When the doors opened Aaron placed the holocron in his side bag and walked off the train.

Edited by Danniphantom

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Jade followed him off of the train, not saying anything about her unanswered question. She just figured that he would answer it in his own time and she wouldn't push him to answer it. She still had her ever present crutches with her and hoped that whenever they left the planet, she would see a healer to tend to her leg or someone with a healing ability that was in the Order. As she hobbled along with her crutches, she hummed a bit as she looked around the surrounding area with interest.

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Aaron opened a door to a corridor that lead away from the terminal. "Yes, we will be doing the same thing only isolating a repercud segment of code. The previous code was for the pressure matrix to keep the core to a small easily contained size. This code is responsible for the cooling matrix to keep the core and surrounding areas protected from over heating." He said.

Edited by Danniphantom

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"Ah okay," Jade said in reply as she continued to hobble along with her crutches. "Will I need a new code to enter into the computers at this next terminal then since the previous one isn't going to be doing the same thing as it did before?" she asked. She didn't want to put the wrong code in and cause any damage that might occur after the old code is put in. As she continued to hobble along, she wondered how much further it was and looked around their surroundings. I hate being wounded, she thought to herself frustratedly once again. It causes me to be slow and makes me feel weak; it wants me to ask Aaron to carry me but I'm not going to because that would probably be embarrassing for the both of us.

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"No, the base programming of the computers is the same. The only thing different is the isolation of the coolant activation code." He said. He took a sheet of paper and wrote down a word that was apparently in a different language. "This is their word for 'coolant.' This word will appear in the segment of code that needs to be isolated. Memorize it." He said.

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((sorry meant to reply before today but didn't))


Jade nodded as she heard everything that he said before taking the piece of paper from him with the alien's word for "coolant" on it. "I will," she said in reply as she pocketed it while still hobbling around with her crutches. She still thought that in her current state she was weak but tried not to dwell on it for too long. She had no idea if Aaron could read minds but now wasn't the time to find out. She blocked her mind just in case and continued on down the place, looking for the next terminal that they were supposed to go to.

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"Just great" Vik thought while walking out of the arena. "And i didn't even want to become a stalker in the first place. How did i end up in this mess again?"


At the gate the human trainer looked to Vik. Vik felt the hate in the mans eyes, Atkis was their favourite. but Vik knew the trainers wouldn't dare to do anything to him, for their fear of the stalker.

With his head full of thoughts Vik watched the last few duels. They were certenly more interesting than the fights planned first. But Vik didn't care, he thought about the next day. What kind of training would he face? At that moment he realised he still had the lightsaber of his former opponent in his hands. He decided to keep it together with his own "You never know..."


The next morning he was ready at the given time. At this time of the day the building was filled with darkness. Because only a few people were awake at this time they decided to save energy and put most of the lights off. "Mhh where do i go now? the damn stalker didn't say where i am supposed to go to." Vik said against himself.

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Aaron led them into another chamber much like the last. There were only two terminals remaining, the others appear to have been destroyed by an overload in the circuits. "Let's get to work." He said taking his place at one of the terminals and beginning to sift through mass streams of segmented code.




In the distance a streak of light suddenly hit the ground in the direction Vik was looking. A shockwave was sent out and it tore up most of the ground around it. The structures and the masonry of the temple remained shielded and unharmed. When the debris cleared a Sith stalker, different from the one from the other day stood up and began to walk towards Vik. It grabbed him and pulled him to the hangar. "You will learn to fly these in time, for now you are to keep it on autopilot and don't touch anything." He said pushing Vik into one of the stalker personal inter-planetary transport ships 'SPIT' for short. He began to strap Vik into the chair before he pressed the auto pilot button and he walked off. Without warning the cockpit closed and the ship shot off at high speeds towards one of the planet's 13 moons. The stalker then got into his own ship and took off as well.

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