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Star Wars: The Unknown Legends

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Suddenly a lightsaber tore through the top of the junk pile and cut a hole through the top. Aaron climbed out with a few small cuts and dirt all over him. He coughed a bit and jumped down and put his lightsaber away. "Miss me?" He asked jokingly.

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((well that answers my question))


"Yeah actually I did so don't joke about that," Jade said in reply as she wiped away the tears that she hadn't known were falling down her cheeks until that second. "Shall we head towards the next terminal now?" she asked as she got up and hobbled towards the direction that she had come from. "Oh and don't you ever do that again," she said when she paused for a few minutes before hobbling again. When she got to the corner that she had been at before, she got her crutches, and made her way towards where she thought the next terminal was. After a few feet or so she stopped and waited for him.

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"Sorry. The pile was too heavy and I couldn't get away in time." He said following her. They turned a corner and there was a long corridor with a long strip of strange markings running down the center of the hallway. Aaron stopped suddenly and paused. There was silence. He looked at Jade with a confused look on his face. "Do you here a train?" He asked.

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"It's okay and I thought that you were dead," Jade said in reply before they reached the center of the hallway and he paused. "Now that you mention it I do," she said in reply to his question with also a confused expression on her face. She tried to see what direction it was coming from but she couldn't pinpoint it. "Should we get out of the way?" she asked as she made her way towards one of the walls just in case and pulled him with her. She didn't have any intention of getting hit by a train and she definitely didn't want him to get by it either.

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"It's ok, this is the platform the train won't hit us." He said. The train approached and slowed. It was a single cart, the rest were destroyed a ways back.

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"Oh," Jade said in reply before watching the train stop in front of them on the platform and saw that it only had one cart. "Are we going to ride in there on the way to the other computers?" she asked when she looked back over at him. She went ahead and just got in, unsure if they were going to ride in it or not. She thought that it would be easier with her injured ankle if she didn't walk as much.

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He nodded and stepped on. "This place really went to hell since we were last here." He said.

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"Oh what happened when you guys were here last?" Jade asked curiously as the train started to go down the track once again. As it started to gain speed, she looked out of the window curiously and watched as everything passed them by. She couldn't remember the last time that she was ever on a train and thought everything in the car that they were in was interesting even if it was part of one.

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"It was together." He said. "It was very old and falling apart only for that reason. But now it has become unstable. It's collapsing and breaking apart due to the instability of the core." He said. "I think we are the cause of all this." He said. He sat down after pushing a pile of dust and junk off the seat. "This place was built by an alien race even predating the Rakata. It was meant to preserve the culture of their race." He said. "It is believed that they were the "creators" the cause of all life in this galaxy." He said.

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Jade listened to all that he said with interest and curiosity before asking, "How are we the cause of its deterioration?" She then listened to the rest of what he said after he sat down and said, "That's very interesting. I wonder how they built this place and how long it took them to build it." She figured that she'd have to look up the race later when they got back to see what they were called and about the stuff that she wanted to find out about how they built the place. "How far is the next computer that we're going to next?" she asked after a few minutes of silence.

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"It should be about 45 minutes." He said. "We are at the very edge of the core wall, the closest to the core we can get without being bathed in gamma rays. This place is so massive that going the speed we are going, roughly 100 mph, it still takes us this long to get to the next terminal." He said in amazement. "Shame we can't save this place." He said.

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i guess i enter this Rp too: and so it seems as one of the few bad guys.


Name- Vik Mearis

Age- 22

Gender- male

Race- Quarren

Class- sith

Cause- revenge on jedi (evil)

Rank- sith aprentice

Personality: Distrustfull, lone wolf, thoughtfull, full of anger


Appearance: http://images.wikia.com/starwars/images/4/...uarrenNEGAS.jpg


Clothing: He wears a dark blue version of a sith armour that looks like:


(without the facial part)


Weapons: lightsaber and lightwhip

Lightsaber Color: red


Force abilities:

- Force Fear

- Force Phantom

- Force Speed

- Force stealth

- Saber barier


Short History: His parents were traders who were active on the black market. They lived on a planet that was close to one of the jedi training centers. One day the jedi came to put a stop to the illigal activities so close to them. Viks parents refused to stop and in the conflict that followed both Viks parents died. At that moment the jedi didn't notice the force within Vik. The nine year old Vik searched for a new home and found it in a criminal organisation where his parents often traded with. The gave him tasks, and later teached him to become a bountyhunter. When he was 19 he got the task to hunt down a Sineteen sith lord called Darth Shadonis. The sith lord beated Vik. He felt the force inside Vik. And instead of killing him he offered him a training. To enter that training he had to kill the man he saw as his second father: the crime boss. Now he feels the hard training of his new trainer and is almost ready to get revenge on the jedi.


Other: Vik is very skilled saberfighter. He uses the version 2 of the combat: the elegant but deadly accurate version . Count Dooku did the same kind of lightsaber duelling.


((ps can anyone tell me short what is happening on the planet that has to be stabilized?))

Edited by kakelgeel

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((Accepted. If you read the first page (The part about the Arkadians) you will know that they built 50 massive super computers with the intent on storing parts of their history... Well Marcus and Aaron Flint found one of these said computers. The computer is about the size of a small planet and it is stabilized and maintained by a motherboard that Marcus unknowingly took from the computer causing mass destabilization. So Aaron and Jade are trying to restabilize the core to buy everyone time to get off of it. But only those who went with them knows where the computer is.))

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((sorry just got back today from the trip i was on but will be gone again on the 30th to August 6th at the beach))


Jade listened to all that he said with interest before saying in reply about the time of getting to the next terminal, "Alright." In reply to his last statement about them not being able to save the place she said, "Maybe we could save it. It might take a few years but I'm sure that there will be hope for it." She desperately hoped that, that would be the case even though deep down inside of her she knew that they wouldn't be able to save it either.

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"Stabilizing the core will only buy us a few days to get out of here." He said. "The damage has been done." He said.

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"Oh okay," Jade said in reply as she looked out the window with a small sigh. "It's just so sad though that this planet's going to die and we can't do anything to save it. I wish we could and there was a way to save it." After a few minutes of looking out of the window she turned her attention back to him and said with a small blush on her cheeks, "I know this is a bit random again and out of the blue but I just want you to know that I like you."

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Meanwhile Vik regretted the day he became a Sith. After his initiation Darth Shadonis sended Vik to the planet Korriban. On that planet the dark force was strong, that's why the Sith lords decided to place an training facility here. Due competition each apprentice would get the best out of itself, and those who were to weak would be selected soon enough.


On the academy they teached how to use the lightsaber and many other types of weapons and the basics of using the dark force. After three full years the appreantices would go back to the lords who recruited them to get their final training of them or they would go to another training facility where different kind of classes of Sith were trained like Inquisitors, Warriors and the feared Stalkers.


Vik was in the last year on the academy and he hated it. He hated the strong adepts for waisting their force to pick on the weaker. He hated the weak for existing and the teachers for being so sadistic, he hated the planet for being so dry in comparison to his home planet and finally he hated the way the Sith wasted everything. Although he hated the weaker adepts, he saw that even they could have a use for the Glorious leader other than being dead.


Now the teachers demanded all the third year apprentices to come to the Blood Arena. Vik wondered why, usually that room was used for official duels. When they all sat down in the Blood Arena one of his trainers, a Muun, came forward and said: "Congratulations aprentices for surviving the training so far....You will now get your final training: a duel between either of you. You may leave the arena only when you or your opponent is dead."


((it wouldn't make sense for a sith to appear suddenly on a planet size computer which location is only known by a handfull, so thats why a new storyline))

Edited by kakelgeel

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((This roleplay isn't strictly linear. Each character has their own stories and own sub plots to contribute. It's not even strictly chronological so your character could be living through his training a month ago and my character could be doing something a month ahead, it all depends on where the characters are and who they're with. So you were right in having a new story line.))

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Than another trainer stpet forward, a human this time. "This last test is important. Not only we test if you are ready, but we also dertermine the future path for those without a master. If you hear your name step in the middle of the arena. When you both are inside, everything inside the arena is allowed. The first two are: Er-II and Leonaro."

Two humans stept forward. this was hardly a fair duel. Er-II was considered to be one of the strongest of the year, while Leonaro was considered to be one of the weakest.


This went on for a while. Most duels were over before they begun. There was only one duel that was interesting. Both fighters were as strong, and in the fight they both were wounded. one lost his hand, the other lost one eye. But neither of them got the upperhand. After an hour of them fighting the trainers decided to make an exception. Both may leave the arena alive, but in future they would have to do everything together.


Slowly the amount of people on Viks side of the arena decreased. He gradually began to worry. Most of the people still sitting were almost twice as strong in the force as Vik. Vik wasn't strong in the force, he was able to survive the first years of the training due his knowlegde and skill of weapons. He easely mastered the art of lightsaber combat. But the first step of telikinesis took him over a month to master, while the rest mastered it in a week.


At that moment the Muun trainer called Viks name....and Atkis a Zygerrian. It was widely known the trainers had a place in the inquisitors in mind for Atkis. He was strong, but lacked skill in combat. In theory it would be even matched, but at that moment the human trainer said: "what do you think people? I'm bored of this place. Shall we have the next fights in the Battle room?" The sound of cheers filled the arena. Now Vik began to fear for his life. The Battle room was the training room was an assault course, filled with obstacles and lasers. There were lost of places to ambush and a lot of loose blocks that could be used to throw. This was the ideal place to fight for Atkis. Vik would have to defend from lasers, the lightsaber and from the blocks. When they arrived in the room Atkis whipered:"I don't know how you survived the first years, but now i will make sure you will never become a real Sith."

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