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Star Wars: The Unknown Legends

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((hey Danny? did you post as Aaron or Darren? i would just like to know before i post because you just said "he" at the beginning but I'm not sure which character you're referring to))

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((Neither, if you read Neji's post then mine you'll understand... I will post as Aaron later (the other is Marcus) but not right now.))

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((i did but i just wasn't sure who you were referring to since, again, you put "he" instead of a name; k to both))

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Aaron continued walking looking around at the ancient text on the wall. He reached the room and opened up two panels. He handed a paper to Jade which had several symbols on it. "It's an override code. When I tell you, you're going to enter that first line into the system. That hatch will open, I'll need you to then enter the next 3 lines while I get that mount over there running." He said pointing over to the large machine in the corner. When I get it connected to that port on the glass you are going to enter the final line." He said walking over to the computer and turning it on.

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Jade followed Aaron and nodded in understanding after she took the piece of paper from him and heard all that he said. She then looked around the room that they were in while she waited for the computer to completely turn on and for him to tell her when to enter the first line of code. As she continued to look around the room, she hobbled over to a rock and sat down. Standing for too long really hurt her ankle. She needed to rest and knew, or figured, that Aaron would understand before she entered the lines of code into the computer.

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"Well Kel Rim you just got the hounds of hell set on you. I always like it when they buy me new gear. Its disposable." He left his hideout minus the slugthrower. It was rare to have a Jedi bounty hunter and the thing was heavy. He set the fighter to autopilot and kicked back for the long haul.


(Now I wait a while. His hideout is in an asteroid orbiting Geonosis. Cost a pretty penny.)

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"Ready for me to enter the first line of code into the computer?" Jade asked Aaron. She got up again and made her way to the computer and to her friend. She had been sitting there for awhile and wondered if the computer was fully booted up yet. If it wasn't, that was okay and she could wait a few more minutes but she wanted to make sure just in case.

Edited by Dragonpelt

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"Go for it." Aaron said a few minutes later. He began to type in the line of code for his computer terminal and he watched the characters flash before his eyes.

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Jade nodded and then looked at the paper before getting up and then entering the line of code that he had written on there for her to type in when he was ready for her to. When she was done she said, "It's been entered. Now what should I do?" She could have just gone back to the rock that she was sitting on before but she wanted to wait for him to tell her if she needed to do anything else.

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Aaron singled out a line of code within the command prompt scrolling by and changed the value to 1. He then moved to the computer Jade was at and looked for the same command line. When he found it at his terminal the machine started to whir and hum loudly as if it was charging, when he found it at the second terminal a bright beam of light shot from the end and at the core. This was the first layer of containment.

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Okay I guess I don't do anything, Jade thought to herself as she watched as Aaron came to the computer that she was at and did the same thing that he did to the other computer. When it appeared that he was done she asked a bit suddenly both curiously and shyly, "What do you think about me Aaron?" For some odd reason, it was important that she know what he thought about her. She knew that she liked him but she didn't know if he felt the same way about her or not. I hope he feels the same way because if he doesn't, this relationship is going to feel very one-sided.

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Aaron blushed and was caught off guard by the sudden question. He stumbled over his words as he said "Um... I think you're very pretty, and a from what I've seen a great fighter." He said becoming more red, he tried to change the topic to reduce the awkwardness of his sudden embarrassment. "We should probably focus on the task at hand though." He said turning away to hide his bright red face. That was random, does she like me? I like her, maybe someone told her, but who have I told? Could she tell from the look in my eyes? Does she even like me back? He started to wonder to himself.

Edited by Danniphantom

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Jade blushed a bit as she heard what he said and said in reply, "I think you're handsome and also a great fighter. I also like you." She then nodded in reply to what he said about focusing on the task at hand again before going to another computer and entering in the next three lines of code on the piece of paper that he had given to her. She remembered his instructions about putting in the other lines of code after he had started up the other computer.

Edited by Dragonpelt

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((Okay where are we? DP asked if I was willing/able to come back and I am, I just need to know where we are))

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((we're still on that planet with all the circuitry and Eria and Marcus are two floors beneath Jade and Aaron; Jade and Aaron are working on stabilizing whatever it is that they're stabilizing...i forgot what it was called; if it helps, this is my last post as Jade that was in reply to your last post as Eria:


Jade heard Eria's voice over the speakers and hobbled over to the nearest microphone. "Yeah we hear you and okay," she said through it before sitting back down. She was getting a bit bored where she was but she didn't want to explore. With a sigh, she sat Indian style on top of the lump of circuitry and started to meditate again
)) Edited by Dragonpelt

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Eria continued her interface with the computer as she watched over everyone from the cameras and worked to make sure the massive station didn't crumble away beneath them. Jade was now meditating as well upon as stack of circuitry and Marcus was working to put the Motherboard back. Most disturbing for her though, something in the system continued to ping her consciousness.

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Marcus walked into the massive main computer room where every piece of technology there was linked to every other computer terminal in the whole station somehow. Marcus walked across the floor; minding the holes and fissures in the floor. He walked up to the main computer and began to replace the motherboard in his hand back into the computer.


Aaron finished up assuring the stability of the containment field and waited by the door for Jade. "We still need to do this at two more terminals before we're done." He said.

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Jade nodded and then hobbled over to him at the door with the help of the crutches and said in reply to what he had said, "Alright." She then hobbled out of the door before waiting for him in a hallway-looking area. As she waited for him, she looked around and hoped that Marcus and Eria were okay. She also hoped that they would catch up to them soon.

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Aaron helped her down the corridors towards the next terminal. He turned a corner and there was a massive quake and pieces of the computer and surrounding structure collapsed and was falling right towards them. "Get down Aaron said letting go of her gently and putting his hands up. He pushed his hands upward forcefully and kept the junk from hitting them. He lifted it slightly but it was to heavy to push out of the way. "Go, hurry!" He said trying to get Jade to move.

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Jade walked with Aaron, thankful that he was helping support her and get her moving. When there was suddenly a quake and pieces of the computer started to fall towards them, she got down like Aaron told her to before he kept the junk from hitting them. She then nodded when he told her to move and moved out of the way, hoping that the stuff wouldn't fall on him. She wasn't sure how far she was supposed to go so when she got to another corner, she stopped and hoped that Aaron would catch up to her. She didn't want anything to happen to him and she thought that she should've stayed put to help but she didn't want to give him a hard time and be stubborn.

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There was a large crash and then silence except for the gentle hum of the computers and the gentle glow of the nearby star shining through the cracks that lead to the surface. A few minutes passed and Aaron still wasn't there.

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((you didn't kill him off, did you? blink.gif))


Jade heard the loud crash and asked uncertainly, "Aaron?" When she received no answer, she quickly went back to where she left him and saw that the pile of junk was on top of him (i think...unsure.gif). "Aaron!" she said as she used her telepathy ability to move the huge pieces of junk off of him. She hoped that after she did this that he would be okay. "Please don't be dead, please don't be dead..." she said over and over again as tears started to fall down her cheeks and as she continued to use that ability to get him unburied. "I like you a lot and if you die due to you saving my life, I would never forgive myself for that."

Edited by Dragonpelt

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