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Compulsive Posters' Anonymous Volume Twenty-One

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2 minutes ago, Lagie said:

Remembering their names, though ... not so easy. :P

this is yet another reason for my spreadsheet.  I've indicated on there which of the new ones i want to get more than two of, so i know which ones and where they are. :) 

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On 5/23/2024 at 9:24 PM, AsymDoll13 said:


The CGI is terrible, and the story is silly. I dunno what to even say about it. lol. It's so silly. 

haha, I'll take your word for it (I mean, I do know the CGI is pretty bad, considering the year it was made)

I watched a series that had bad special effects (well, maybe a few) but the story was intriguing enough

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1 hour ago, WaterScorpion said:

haha, I'll take your word for it (I mean, I do know the CGI is pretty bad, considering the year it was made)

I watched a series that had bad special effects (well, maybe a few) but the story was intriguing enough


I feel like with one character, they would just forget how much he'd grown as a person in the episode before. Even the actor said so... I can't even. 

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First heat advisory of the year. 😭

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It's supposed to storm here tomorrow, I think. 

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I don't want any more summer. I had enough already. Let's skip ahead.


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7 hours ago, Long_Before_Sunrise said:

First heat advisory of the year. 😭

We had ours last week. It's only May:o


Good morning, CPA! B)

*sets out coffee, teas, juices, apples, brownies, and toast with jam*


Bright and sunny. It's car servicing day today. Hopefully I'll get it back with enough time left to still go food shopping.


10 hours ago, trystan said:

this is yet another reason for my spreadsheet.  I've indicated on there which of the new ones i want to get more than two of, so i know which ones and where they are. :) 

My spreadsheets I need to be on a proper computer to use. At the moment my notes on the new dragons are scribbled along a piece of newsprint from the puzzle supplement from the paper. XD

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Think Puss has had enough of the strange house.


He needs to roam and check out his goober domain................... 


He looks at me and meows...........


So I meow back and he has to get the last word in, so we're at it for ages,


Curious sense of unreality.....


I miss my room.


Cant wait to go back home and jump up and down on my bed,,,,,,,,,,,,,,





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1 hour ago, sithdragon said:

Think Puss has had enough of the strange house

I think that could be said of both of you.

Is the smell disippating at all?

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7 hours ago, Lagie said:

At the moment my notes on the new dragons are scribbled along a piece of newsprint from the puzzle supplement from the paper. XD

if i didn't have my spreadsheet, i'd be using post-it notes XD 


cooler today, which is nice.  did my grocery shopping today, but realised i forgot something! i can go tomorrow after work.  which Aldi i go to depends on if i have one book or two at the library to pick up - if i have two, I'll get them and then stop at the Aldi I'll pass on my way home.


i had an egg hatch this morning, and eggs go in hatcheries this evening.  and i might breed some of my critters on another site too...... :D 

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30 minutes ago, trystan said:

if i didn't have my spreadsheet, i'd be using post-it notes XD 

I used to have a school lined notebook. But it's full now. :P


Rain! Town is flooded. My shop yard is flooded. Good thing we're closed Mondays. I went west to pick up the key for Wednesday's house sit, only to go there, chat, and then get almost all the way home and realize I'd forgotten to bring it with me. :rolleyes:

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52 minutes ago, Lagie said:

I used to have a school lined notebook. But it's full now. :P

time for another notebook!

i'm using post-its for my vampire game XD 

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Hey all! Hope you guys had a good day! 


I did nothing! Well... I did put some clothes in the dryer, so I guess that's something. *shrugs*


Also... I wanna try Jeju Black Pork and Hanwoo beef (both from Korea). They sound delicious~~

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23 hours ago, Long_Before_Sunrise said:

I don't want any more summer. I had enough already. Let's skip ahead.

I don't think summer has quite reached here yet....

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Good morning, CPA! B)

*sets out coffee, teas, juices, apples, brownies, and toast with jam*


Bright and sunny. I need to find out what the donations are in the Minerva Shack and get them sorted so people can shop in there tomorrow.

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Puss is a horror child.


I am beside myself by his treachery.


Finds the nicest stretch of carpet in this place that does not belong to him or us and pees on it...................


Horror child!!!!




Taking applications for a new cat.





not really..........


but gross Puss.


Really gross.

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Oh noes. That's not good.

I'm guessing he really wants to go home.


One of the newer male cats in our community sprayed through my screen door onto my shoes yesterday. Ick.


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1 minute ago, Lagie said:

Oh noes. That's not good.

I'm guessing he really wants to go home.


One of the newer male cats in our community sprayed through my screen door onto my shoes yesterday. Ick.



Horror child!!!!!!


Your shoes.........................


Boy cats are gross.......................


Really miffed with his royal fluffikins right now.


and look at him sleeping so innocently in this bed................


Butter wouldn't melt in his mouth.


I've a mind to go over there and pull his whiskers just to see the look on his face.................



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We have a boy cat that likes to pee on carpets too... *sighs* Pippin. You're a bum. 


I can't find my pill cutter that I just bough. Ha... I'm so dumb. lol

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we have two cats that pee places (Oreo on the wall, Ash on the freezer or washer) when they don't get fed when then want it.

i think Harvey peed on the big trash bag we have by the back door for the smaller trash bags, but i don't have 100% proof.

stinky kitty cats. XD 

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but we love them anyway 🐈 🐈‍⬛

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Yeah, we do. I dunno why some days. lol

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Posted (edited)

Good morning, CPA! B)

*sets out coffee, teas, juices, apples, brownies, and crumpets with jam*


Bright and sunny.


The cats decided I was a cat person. It was not my idea. XD

Edited by Lagie

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because they're cute and furry.  and they purr. 😻


2 hours ago, Lagie said:

The cats decided I was a cat person. It was not my idea. XD

that sounds accurate, yeah.

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