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Compulsive Posters' Anonymous Volume Twenty

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aww... Maine Coons are floofy! we have a floof cat, Rocky.  he's still not sure what to make of the kittens.

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They are floofy! I used to house sit for a house that had two of them and two Rhodesian Ridgebacks. Nice actual house to be in but high maintenance critters!


Coworker tested positive...

We're not quite sure what happens next. I am sure I understood that we have to report it to the Covid task force while our nominally-in-charge accountant because our shelter manager is on vacation thinks they're supposed to contact us.

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1 minute ago, Lagie said:

Coworker tested positive...

We're not quite sure what happens next. I am sure I understood that we have to report it to the Covid task force while our nominally-in-charge accountant because our shelter manager is on vacation thinks they're supposed to contact us.

oof.  does your coworker have symptoms?

when my brother was sick at the end of march, he called his state's health department, and then he checked in with them every so often.  maybe it works the same for you?



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52 minutes ago, trystan said:

oof.  does your coworker have symptoms?

when my brother was sick at the end of march, he called his state's health department, and then he checked in with them every so often.  maybe it works the same for you?



She went to one of the clinics with difficulty breathing. Not sure if she is still there or is now at home.

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47 minutes ago, Lagie said:

She went to one of the clinics with difficulty breathing. Not sure if she is still there or is now at home.

yikes,  hope she feels better soon

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ditto that!! ^^ and that no one else gets sick.

Edited by a_god_s
found the secret stash of brownies!! nom-nom

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in other news.... the toilet handle on the toilet in the upstairs bathroom broke.  younger daughter is working tomorrow, so when she gets home, i get to go out and get a new one.  while i'm there, i might ass well get a new handle for the downstairs bathroom toilet.  it pulls up to flush, but doesn't always drop down, and when that happens, the tank keeps filling.  i mean, it's been that way for most of our 12 years in the house.... XD 

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smart thinking... cause if you didn't get one for the downstairs, it would fail just after you got home.


I think that is one of the correlations of Murphy's Law.

Edited by a_god_s
*snags another secret brownie*

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of course it is.  Murphy and i go way back.


dang him and his laws.... XD 

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Very. That brings it all far too close to home, so to speak. The charts here yesterday show that most infections here occur first within families then second most at the work place and everything else was a distant third.


Good morning, CPA! B)


*sets out bacon and eggs, then restocks the brownie stash*



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Good Morning CPA!  *yawns*  its laundry day... *sigh* but its a good sun-shiny day (and not so hot and muggy)


Lagie, I am hoping, wishing, praying it doesn't get any closer! 


*noms some BACON & eggs - takes a brownie (x2 to keep up my energy for that HUGE pile of laundry)*



Edited by a_god_s
really takes 3 brownies!! :D

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Mmm. Bacon. I do need to remember to pick some up when I next go shopping. It's just so expensive here, though.


Hot and humid. I was sitting outside reading, and there was sweat trickling down my legs from just sitting. Crazy.

Edited by Lagie
*fun way to use notes* XD

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Sweating while sitting is just wrong. Working out, carrying laundry etc... but not just sitting. 


Someone should take a memo about that and implement a fix asap!  If you have to sweat... you should lose weight!!  (not just water weight!!)

Edited by a_god_s
yep :D - snags another brownie!! ok 2 LOL

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I know, right? If I were outside hauling boxes (which I'll be doing Monday) or furniture (Tuesday), it would make sense. But sitting? (And I'm back outside doing it again.)

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45 minutes ago, Lagie said:

I know, right? If I were outside hauling boxes (which I'll be doing Monday) or furniture (Tuesday), it would make sense. But sitting? (And I'm back outside doing it again.)

That's hard work!


My friend Pat and I got lots of pics hung up today!

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oh geez, thanks for reminding me I need to dust off the pic frames... *sigh* maybe tomorrow.


Glad you got it done!


*back to laundry*

Edited by a_god_s
*snagged more bacon for my BLT lunch :) ty

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another rainy day.  i think this is from Laura? i could be wrong though....

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Or you could be right, though she's mostly disappeared off the NHC maps.


1 hour ago, Classycal said:

That's hard work!


My friend Pat and I got lots of pics hung up today!

Who knew running a thrift shop would be such manual labour intensive work? XD

Yay for hanging pics!


*restocks the bacon*

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yeah, i did a google search and found some maps on CNN, and there's a LOT (alot?) of rain all over the eastern part of the US.


oooh, bacon!

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That makes sense. Laura was supposed to rain her way across the States and vome out again into the Northern Atlantic, possibly re-forming.

The upper yellow blob...


Time for afternoon coffee, methinks.

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yeah, that looks about right.


replaced the handle on the toilet in the upstairs bathroom - perfect 👍.  the downstairs bathroom toilet is... weird.  i put in a new handle, but it doesn't like working when the lid is on. *sigh*


Edited by trystan

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@Marcus Pheonix I got my Claude! After much grinding, I finished with my 40 summons so I got him for free. Now I don't need to worry.

@trystan Good that you fixed the upstairs one, at least. In addition, I bred a Black egg and it's cooking for you right now, so hopefully it'll alt.


It was a very long day today.

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3 minutes ago, subwoofer said:

@trystan Good that you fixed the upstairs one, at least. In addition, I bred a Black egg and it's cooking for you right now, so hopefully it'll alt.

i think i found a work-around for the downstairs one.... for now.

ooh, thanks!!  i did some breeding of Black dragons as well, and i have 5 new eggs.... one's a Z code, so i'm definitely keeping that one!

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