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Compulsive Posters' Anonymous Volume Twenty

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*angry pterodactyl greeting noises* 


I hate time trials.


Also this. Though @DragonSpirit009 will be the only one who will know why it annoys me. 




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I love the smaller text of that pic XD


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Yeah the game has some great puns XD


How's you?


Edit: I really wish my work peeps would respond to my messages 😧


EditEdit: The magic trick worked!

Edited by Fortune86

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What magic did you use.


I'm okay.... feeling a bit down in the dumps again.

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Complained XD


You ever get one of those moments where you can't get something to work, so you call your boss over to help, and when you try and show them what you mean it works right away? Similar principle. 




*hugs better*


Same issue as before? 

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Ah yeah! That always happens with me! I hate it!


Yes. The same issue but even feeling more sorry for myself.

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*more hugs*


Do you have any oranges? They have similar consistency to human flesh so stabbing one may help work out some frustrations.   

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I don't think it's in season now.


Now I want fruit. Going to fetch a banana XD

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Is it possible to stab someone with a banana? Perhaps we should find out. For science.


Ordered pizza. Your fault o3o

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I think it's going to be rather messy XD


How is it my fault?! XD

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Yeah but fruit and blood is a lot more messier.


What happens in another channel stays in another channel XD

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Man it's pouring here now!

And I was thinking of doing some art after that work but that's not happening

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10 hours ago, trystan said:

i don't recognize the quote... and i don't know where you should look either.  ask Spirit?

It's from Crocodile Dundee. When asked about religion, he figures that Jesus was a fisherman so "Me and Jesus, we'd be mates."


5 hours ago, DragonSpirit009 said:

Good morning everyone!

Man I'm totally confused on what day it was today O.O

Thought it was Saturday already

I did that on Wednesday, had no clue for a while if it was Tuesday or Wednesday. I had to consult a calendar in the end.


Good morning, CPA! B)


*sets out coffee and toast*


Hot and humid already (8:30 a.m.).


Our Covid case numbers reached 2020 yesterday (as in number of cases not the year. Weird coincidence. What are the odds?).

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Ugh why doesn't DCF have a dark version. I hate my stupid vision. Any light has like a shadow/reflection half it's size, so if the whole page is white everything is obscured!

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^snags more toast, looks hopefully around for a brownie^ 


@Lagie, I realize now you all were referencing the Jodie W. Doctor Who... I haven't seen but the first episode and I do need to catch up.

thanks to you and @trystan

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@Lagie - haven't seen Crocodile Dundee, so....


@DragonSpirit009 - that's why i'm always poking my phone - to see what day it really is.  i have off three days in a row, i'm going to be all out of sorts.


@Marcus Pheonix - i really like dark mode for some things, but there are also things that don't look right - like the DC forum logo in my email on my notifs.  its really dark and hard to see.


@a_god_s - s - yes, you do need to get caught up! :) 


so i'm off today, and already did some errands.  also bought toys for the kittens, as well as some meowijuana kitty treats, but the kittens think since it's got catnip in it, it's a toy.  Blackie just looked at me until i gave him the temptations.  haven't been upstairs to see if Rocky has tried them yet. XD 

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Have you seen those new flopping fish toys for the cats?  I think they are hysterical!   I think my cats would have loved them!


*still looking for a brownie - yes I have food issues!  deal! )

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43 minutes ago, a_god_s said:

Have you seen those new flopping fish toys for the cats?  I think they are hysterical!   I think my cats would have loved them!

i have not! do you have a link for one?

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Stuck in my apartment since my car is sick.

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18 minutes ago, trystan said:

i have not! do you have a link for one?


There are others, like at Walmart etc... but here is the Flippity Fish


Sorry the car is sick @Classycal but hopefully you are not!

Edited by a_god_s

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3 minutes ago, a_god_s said:

There are others, like at Walmart etc... but here is the Flippity Fish

i could see the kittens maybe liking it.... but they tend to wrestle with each other too! XD 


sorry to hear about your car, @Classycal, hope it feels better soon :( 

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My Maine Coon would play with a feather on the fishing pole for an hr!  My arms got seriously tired!

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