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Compulsive Posters' Anonymous Volume Twenty

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It will be a google thing. But I rather complete that on a later stage. Or maybe when I've open all three districts in each city.


What do these challenges look like?

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The daily ones are straight forward, like open 20 lockers or run a mission with only a melee weapon equipped. 


The 4500 are a little harder, like do 3 spy missions or catch 6 rare fish in Plains of Eidolon. 


The 7000 are more difficult. You can be asked to do anything from a 30 min Kuva survival (no life support) to beating one of the spider bosses in Orb Vallis. 

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Yeah that is going to put to the side for a while for now XD

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You may complete some of them via normal play. 


Though you have time before NW finishes, so don't rush :)

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I will see where the gaming mood takes me XD

Besides I might play something completely else depending on whats for sale XD

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I read Finn Family Moomintroll yesterday, Fortune. XD


I'm sorry about your Mom's friend, Spirit. *sends hugs to both of you*


Good morning, CPA! B)


*sets out coffee and toast*


I'm actually on my laptop for a change as I don't think I have enough data on my phone to do my usual morning internet check.

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Lately when I start reading after the first page I fall asleep XD




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*shuffles in*


Good Morning CPAs!

Sorry to see about your mom's friend. Prays and good wishes his way.


Need more sleep...

*snags brownie, shuffles back to bed*

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I did brownies a couple of days ago. You must have missed them.

*hugs everyone*

*sets out brownies*



We didn't get a Covid update yesterday... that's unusual.

Everyone's anticipating another full lockdown when the PM speaks tonight.


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See? No more brownies. 😛


*quietly restocks them when Fortune's not looking*

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{{hugs}} to your mom, spirit!


3 hours ago, DragonSpirit009 said:

Lately when I start reading after the first page I fall asleep XD

me ^ 

also me: falls asleep watching craft vid on snapchat XD 


new release update for me: i got two of each yesterday during the day.  i totally didn't get any last night.  i was going for the night sky one first, to try to get two more of those, since they're only in one biome.  i stopped about 11:30 p.m. i'm really not feeling it if i have to stay up after midnight for an egg to hatch and then i take it out of my hatcheries.  so this morning, i try with the night sky ones again, but nope - i get two more of the pale blue ones right away... and then i get a night sky one. LOL.  i'm locked only for another 10 hours, and i'll try for my final night sky one then.


i finished hemming the room darkening curtains for younger daughter's room.  now i need to hem the valance/swag, and figure out how to keep it from slipping off the rod XD

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The blue ones were super easy - just go to the forest! XD

The night sky are a bit more tricky with so many people in the alpine.


Whew. The barking dog in reception has /finally/ stopped. I hope it behaves for the vet.

The current loose dog at the shelter (/after/ we were told "no more loose dogs!") tried to bite me this morning when I attempted to take it outside.

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9 minutes ago, Lagie said:

The blue ones were super easy - just go to the forest! XD

The night sky are a bit more tricky with so many people in the alpine.

yes and yes.  i need one more night sky after my Vremya hatches (that's Rose.)

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Sorry about your mom's friend.


Still no night skies for me...  *Sigh*

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@subwoofer You may be upset with me.

Especially considering I got two B!Claudes back to back.


Hello fort and spirit.

Edited by Marcus Pheonix

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I'm ok. No scary nightmares for me. XD How's you?


Hey ho MP!

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I had a mix of dreams again. One that stood out was me resting the world the whole time when things didn't seem right!


Hi there MP!

I take it you got more characters XD

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