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Banned because the popular trend is to be intellectually incurious. Questioning just invited trouble.

Edited by Long_Before_Sunrise

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Banned because there's no such thing as too curious.

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Banned because curiosity killed the cat, satisfaction brought him back.

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Banned because I can't get no satisfaction.

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Banned because I managed to use a cup with a lid/straw and still got water on my shirt. Sigh. 

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Banned because you tried to use a substitute ingredient in the age reversal spell and would up casting a skill reversal spell.

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Banned for not issuing the warning that the substitution of spell ingredients could lead to loss of skills.

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Banned because I had a hard time reading that sentence for some reason.

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Banned for escaping.

You're having a hard time reading because your eyes haven't adjusted properly to the light.

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Long_Before_Sunrise was banned for being an incompetent kidnapper.

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Banned because Docthings missed the new release again. So it was successful.

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Banned for making Docthings miss the new release again.

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Banned because Docthings had to be punished for making _Ro_ and Hangzoey disappear.

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Banned for enjoying punishing people.

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Banned because I wish I lived in the UK.

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Banned because 'There's no escape, stay here and suffer with the rest of us."

Edited by Long_Before_Sunrise

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Banned because I know there's no escape - unless I hit a stupidly huge lottery jackpot, of course.

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Banned because a year's worth of lottery tickets cost less than my Iron Maiden concert tickets - and I didn't even get really good seats.

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Banned because you're secretly in the fan club but didn't offer to get me tickets on pre-sale.

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