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 banned for thinking bats are amazing especially when you put them out and they always find their way back into your bedroom. At night. When you're sleeping. And then you have to kill them.

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Banned for not peacefully coexisting with the little rabies carriers.

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Banned for making me scroll things, and for not mentioning the best rabies machines: Raccoons. 

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Banned for not simply getting vaccinated against rabies.

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Banned for not stocking up on antacids.

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Banned because antiacids don't do much when they're charred.

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Banned because catstaff never designated a number of how many Vampires are too many. 

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Banned for thinking that's catstaff's job.

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Banned because I asked her.

She gave me one of those non-answers that comes from the kind of person who spends too much time communing with cats.

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Banned because the proper number of vampires depends entirely on the sort of vampires one associates with - I'd be perfectly pleased to spend time with Nick Knight, but if Edward Cullen comes anywhere near me, I'll stake his sparkly self so fast that I'd make the Flash look slow.

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