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Compulsive Posters' Anonymous Volume Eighteen

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I'm good... I have art class tonight so I'm a bit excited about that!

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Awesome happy.gif


It's my mom's birthday today, so we are taking her out for dinner.

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I'm having lunch! Wish I had tomato sauce for these viennas

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@Fortune: Ummm.... you need a screwdriver?


Hey there Soiled!

I have no idea what that is but it doesn't sound right!

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Fort! Spirit! Vanilla fungus is delicious. Whenever it's one of our lunch options, I always get it! It's like this white sauce-like thing with mushrooms and pasta and whatever else they decide to cook it with.

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So it's like a mushroom/white sauce pasta dish?

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I guess so... It's actually a really bad English translation of some Chinese translation of an Itallian dish.

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Eh don't worry... I know how it is with translation of stuff.

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*snugs and mooches* Hi all.


Lover was down for a few days, and for once we had those days off. So we might have had a few drinks and spent the next day feeling rather tender...

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Yup, she's on her way home now after a short shift at work.


How's yourself?

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Good morning everyone!

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Morning all...


Passport is said to be dispatched, but I suspect it may have been rejected. It only started examination on Wednesday afternoon (at the earliest), and would have been changed to dispatched late last night.


Super super worried. Crossing fingers until the verdict arrives. Jesus...

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Hey there WS!




I think it will be okay. I mean you did fill out everything?

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Yes, Spirit. The issue is that it's a foreign passport, and there could be complications... My mother's has also changed to being, 'dispatched,' but my sister's is still being examined (apparently; these things aren't very clear...).


Guess I'll find out next week. Stress until then. sad.gif

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