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Compulsive Posters' Anonymous Volume Eighteen

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Ha you guys are lucky to stay at school when ill.

I had to die first before even allowed to stay at home.


Ugh I'm so glad I'm not studying any more... I would fail miserably now!

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Just stupid little things really. Woke to find the cat had completely missed the tray and had to tidy up first thing. Spent forty minutes trying to kill a ridiculously cheap boss on Aeternoblade and failed. On the way to work someone cut in front of me and nearly caused a crash.


I'm kinda done already for the day and it's not ten o'clock yet.

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I know that feeling! Just go make a cup of tea, sit down and relax for 10 or so minutes.

Just catch a breather. Maybe it will help!

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I finally got my RP post in... Hopefully I'll be able to keep up now!

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I'll try and make a pos later, but the bossman has just dumped a load more files on me T-T

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That looks amazing Spirit!


And aren't hands supposed to be super hard to draw? It looks really good!

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Whao. That is so cool!


Think positive, Fort! Otherwise more bad things will happen! It's a self-fulfilling prophecy! (At least I think it is)

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Hey Soiled!


Well, these things are supposed to come in threes, and I've already had three things, so hopefully that's the end of it.

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I actually found drawing them was easy.

No wonder everyone told me I was brave for trying them xd.png

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Well I spent 3 hours on the phone today trying to determine wtf is up with my youth allowance dropping to $24. Then after 3 failures my mum gets home we drive to the local branch and within 5 minutes we've found out the problem :/

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I live with my single mother and my brother, and my mums the only one with a job while me and my brother are attending uni. So the government gives us 'allowance' to pay for uni books and stuff. Because my brothers living in denmark at the moment my youth allowance got heavily reduced because my mother only has to theoretically pay for me and herself.

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OH, well dang, that sucks...


My parents are just like, "When you go to uni, you pay for your own stuff. We ain't helping you."

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Well the government here is nice, though for a while they were planning on removing that but the amount of hate they got stopped them.

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Ha, no one would allow them


God, I hate everything... I'm in one of those "I just hate everything and want to sleep until it's all over" moods

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My mum only got discount on my high school fees... the rest of life was really hard!

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I hate it when my team loses!

Edited by DragonSpirit009

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So this is my latest drawing. It's just a practice run before I take on the canvas. Still a bit afraid on doing it on canvas


That is amazing!

That is not acceptable.

Hi MP!


Enjoy dinner Soiled!


Fortune it is night time... you caught the dude off guard and in his "pj's" xd.png

Hence why I always sleep in Rangers Combat Armour.




Home! Back to my mum and dogs!!

I can't wait for Friday any more!

*huggles* Yeah, I've had that kind of week. Really wish Lover was around to come home to last night.

That sounds like a super power.

I need some Kasi Vision for work!

Edited by Kestra15

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