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Compulsive Posters' Anonymous Volume Eighteen

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I watched a couple of TED Talks vids. Mostly vids about my line of work.

Then we send them to the managers. We never get a good response from them xd.png

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TED talks are awesome though! They're so many different ideas. Any good TOK student would know that such a wealth of ideas is not to be ignored. Knowledge itself should be observed and questioned! (Okay, I'm just spewing BS)

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*sits back and eats some chocolate*


I think I'm going to leave this conversation to you guys. I'll jump back in when I can understand what you are saying.

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Hm... TOK trains BSing skills. IB therefore I BS. Once I get the IBD (IB diploma), I B Dead.


Okay, example of TOK:

To what extent is Reasoning a good way to obtain knowledge? Reasoning can be used inductively and deductively to further understand concepts and ideas. Generally, deductions are very accurate. However, this only applies when the axioms are true and reasoning can also be hindered by our sense perception. Like in the Sciences, we can obtain faulty data, and reasoning built on that data will be faulty.


Get it? We learn that sort of thing.

Edited by SoiledLove

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That's true, Spirit. smile.gif It is pretty basic, it's just that we have to be able to not dismiss these things as common sense and be able think of them. When something is really basic, we can easily dismiss it because it's just SO obvious. Plus, that was a simple part of TOK. We have to write a fifteen hundred or so word essay on a question like that. I think. You do NOT want to know about the deeper parts... The paradox thing was just like... Ugh... I don't even... You should ask Chico for more info. She's actually finished the course.


I don't mind, Fort. I'm seventeen. Not old enough to drink yet, but in China, no one cares who they're selling alcohol to.


Is it TED, spreading ideas or something? The one where people go on stage and talk about different ideas? Like science or prejudice, etc.? If it is, then you're right.

Edited by SoiledLove

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Yeah that's it, he's obsessed with that stuff but he's only 15... already wants to be a physicist and is disproving his maths teachers in class tongue.gif


He's kind of a censorkip.gif about it cause he acts superior to everyone of his age.

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Math is a pretty solid area of knowledge. Unless you're a professional, chances are that you're just doing it wrong if it differs from the status quo. Well, at least he's not taking undergrad physics courses or building bombs yet. My friend's tenth birthday present was the formula for an atomic bomb. Apparently you can make it at home... Granted, it won't explode because plutonium or uranium is hella hard to get your hands on at all, never mind legally.

Edited by SoiledLove

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I think I get it now... but I didn't need school to learn that.

Guess it depends on how one is raised and different personalities.

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He did actually do a uni course at one point. And he does year 12 maths even though he's only in year 11. Or he did last year.

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Wow, smart people...


Yeah, TOK is like a bunch of philosophy, but perhaps a little more intuitive, and very open ended. Still, it's hella hard to get high marks. It's like someone pointing to a tree and asking, "is that a tree? How do you know it's tree? How do you know it's not a tree? How do you know anything?" And you're just like, "... What is the point of this?" (Or, well, to me it is)


Same, Fort biggrin.gif


EDIT: Alright, gtg to bed. Night everyone.

Edited by SoiledLove

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Good morning everyone!

I can go home today!!

So can't wait anymore to see my mum and dogs!

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awww that's nice.


i'm sick and i don't have to go to school. yaaaaaaay. My nose is dry and my throat is hurting.

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Hello world!


Aw... Doggies! Dogs are always cute.


Taking IELTS tomorrow. Wish me luck!

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Hi Dragnilu!

Hope you feel better soon!


Hi Soiled!

Good luck!


Dang I'm having a hard time typing today!

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Thank you! I also got AP pre-test results back today. So far, I've only passed one out of the three which have had their results come out. Dang... Then again, I didn't review or learn the contents AT ALL, so I guess it's expected.


Hope you get well soon, Dragnilu, unless, you know, you don't want to. So you won't have to do to school on Monday either! biggrin.gif

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