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Compulsive Posters' Anonymous Volume Eighteen

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Okay, we had Italian instead of Chinese but I enjoyed it nonetheless. You know what that pic is called Fort? Getting caught with your pants down. Literally.

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Dressing gowns are expensive. You sure you want to waste money on that xd.png


Yum... Italian food!

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Okay then, I'll kill someone and steal theirs. I'm sure he won't mind a few blood stains o3o

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Good morning everyone!

Today is one of those day where I would like to run away!

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Home! Back to my mum and dogs!!

I can't wait for Friday any more!

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I'm almost done with my month end but I just heard next month is going to be a horror show with all the supplements and booklets

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Finally the gazette is sent to the printers... Now only for the Kasi Vision!

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To be able to read that news paper does take a certain super power.

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'Lo, peeps!


I'm terribly tired and still have TOK homework to do. My month end involves taking a exam...

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God I struggle to keep fights in rp's small :/ I just really like going into detail cause all my favourite novels have lots of action and that's probably my biggest insipiration for writing tongue.gif


Though thankfully I'm not going into gory details.


I'm very hot right now, and accidentally stayed up till 3 last night tongue.gif

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Anyways, I'm watching a TED talk. It's interesting. It's called 'Why People Believe Weird Things'. TED talks are always pretty awesome.

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Hi there Soiled!

Hi there MP!


I was suppose to do something but I forgot again X.X

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Yeah, part of my job is invoicing, so I have to look through client files and see what we have done for this this month.


Hey Spirit (and anyone else with a Vita). Do NOT get Aeternoblade.

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I really like father TED. Such a funny show.


I will tell my brother not to fort!! His response is get Digimon Cyber Sleuth!

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The battles are fine if you grind or use time travel (you can't really heal unless at a save point), but the puzzles are terrible. 75% of the time you are trying to jump to a moving platform that is off screen, usually several times in a row, and if you miss one you instantly die and have to start again.


@ MP: I'm planning on getting that when I have money.

Edited by Fortune86

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Not that TED, MP! biggrin.gif lol


I'm watching TED talks so I can do TOK HW on the Natural Sciences.

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