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Compulsive Posters' Anonymous Volume Eighteen

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I replied!


Ugh I hate to be the middle man when the editorial hub and jurnoulists fight!

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Fights are never good D:


Sometimes my bosses will yell at each other in the office and I just kinda hide behind my desk.

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I just get hundreds of emails. For some reason the alway CC me in the emails

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That is it! I'm posting here! I don't know what exactly you do here, but I'm posting!



Tell me if I am doing it right.

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Oh, I'm taking macroeconomic, microeconomics, Calculus, psychology, Computer Science. And that's just for AP. In IB I take Psch, Econ (macro, micro, international trade and developmental), comp science, Chinese, English and Math :/

It's so weird to encounter another IB student on here. ;P I'm taking English, Spanish AB, Physics, Chem, Economics and Math. I hate Math IAs. They're the worst. ahhhh. But English is fun!


I am currently falling ill and struggling through math HW. T-T

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Hey there, Kami! You're doing fine, we just chat, mostly.


I know right, Chico? I'm pretty sure that's because all over IB students are dying under mountains of HW. Get better soon! And think positive: at least your school doesn't expect you to do well on AP exams or maintain the school average of 43/45. I feel like I won't even get 40 :/


If to school now.

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Hi Kami... this is just a chat thread so yup you are doing it right happy.gif


*huggles Chico*

Hope you don't get to ill!


Good morning everyone!

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Morning? Lol, just got back from school.


Now to do the HW... That was due today... And that is due tomorrow. Luckily, I only have maths.


Weirdly enough, the skin on my shoulder split open today. Yesterday it was sore and raised in a line and today it just started bleeding. At least it doesn't hurt anymore.

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Oh god. Time zones are terrible, but they are proof that the world goes round.


Night, Scorpion!

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Hi Soiled!

Night WS!




Oh you mean wearing two knee caps instead of one?

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I don't care what armor he wants to wear, but I want him to pull on some pants frst!

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Eating Chinese for dinner (like always). You know, I didn't realise he wasn't wearing trousers either till Fort brought it up.


Well, bye. Off to dinner.

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Hi MP!


Enjoy dinner Soiled!


Fortune it is night time... you caught the dude off guard and in his "pj's" xd.png

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