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Compulsive Posters' Anonymous Volume Eighteen

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AP stands for Advanced Placement. It's an American thing. Like, the A-levels of America. (At least I think so)


Hm... Maybe. I don't think I'll have much time to do it though. It does sound pretty fun, but it's not really my kinda thing. We'll see.

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I don't know what A-levels are :/ I'm Australian.


Alright, honestly I'm worried how much time I'm gonna have when uni starts next week.

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Oh, I thought A-levels were common in Australia, too... Okay, they are pre-uni tests. Like, for Business, Finance, different Languages, Psychology, Mechanics, ect. Both A-levels and AP


Doing the tests gives you collage credits or something...


EDIT: Got to go, cya

Edited by SoiledLove

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I have not done business, finance, psychology or mechanics :/ I did different languages in middle school and junior school but stopped by the time I got to senior school.



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*late mooches Kestra*


Thanks! It's my first random legendary I'm actually using lol.


Kestra? Is the lady dead or just out cold or what?

Edited by Fortune86

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Oh, I'm taking macroeconomic, microeconomics, Calculus, psychology, Computer Science. And that's just for AP. In IB I take Psch, Econ (macro, micro, international trade and developmental), comp science, Chinese, English and Math :/

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Oh, I'm taking macroeconomic, microeconomics, Calculus, psychology, Computer Science. And that's just for AP. In IB I take Psch, Econ (macro, micro, international trade and developmental), comp science, Chinese, English and Math :/

Being a Jedi sounds tough D:

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Fort doesn't want to hear any more weird IB terms. So, we are Jedi. Oh! I'm also taking A-level math...


At least I'm not like the guy who got tricked into taking and learning, what, sixteen courses? (Although I wish I was, he got a full score on all of them and got into Cambridge)

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Yeah. One of his senpais told him he'd have a lot of time once becoming a senior and all you do is laze around waiting for uni acceptance.


It wasn't me. I'm still young, naive and impressionable.

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You can introduce us once I graduate. I've been learning how to manipulate people (because that's totally what psychology is about)

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Daydreaming? Oh, yay! The world is saved! Wait, 什么?


Either way, I'm going to bed. Have a conclusion to write for my psych hw and English to procrasinate on tomorrow. Bye, peeps!

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Nvm, I'm back. Our teacher just said it was meant to be a brief outline for psych so now I'm sulky and don't wanna sleep. Brief!?!? Why didn't he say that earlier! My wrist is hurting for nothing...

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I think I can go one better. My maths teacher gave us a full written assignment duing my final year at school. It took a month to do. I wanted to get a good score so bad I poured everything I had into it.


When we handed them in she announced that assignment was a mock, and wouldn't count towards our final grade. I was so burned out I couldn't do the real thing properly T-T



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Oh dang. That's terrible. For some reason, it reminds me of the 30 page case brief we had to write in ninth grade. That was fun though. We even pretended to be lawyers and all and try to argue for our side. Then the final test were a bunch of random questions like, what color is our teacher's hair? And stuff. That was awesome. Not the color thing though. I hated that because I'm color weak which resulted in me hating colors in general. And the names of the colors were those weird Crayola crayon names. (Is that how it's spelled?


Okay, I actually have to go now. No more wifi. My mum's gonna cut it. Night night.

Edited by SoiledLove

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The biggest assignments I got were science reports. Those things were massive and a lot tougher than essays cause not only did you need a lot of words but you needed pictures, graphs, tables, data. If your experiment didn't work well you were pretty much screwed.

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You can introduce us once I graduate. I've been learning how to manipulate people (because that's totally what psychology is about)

Being an only child + always causing trouble = Pro at manipulation


Night Soiled

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*late mooches Kestra*


Thanks! It's my first random legendary I'm actually using lol.


Kestra? Is the lady dead or just out cold or what?

Unconscious, when James checks smile.gif

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I promise I try to catch up this weekend!

I sorta read two post but then someone shadowed me!

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