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Compulsive Posters' Anonymous Volume Eighteen

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So far the weather here has been okay. Thou I have no idea how the weather is back home. Might still be a bit hellish!

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Oh I'd love to have the sun constantly behind clouds :/


It's night time and I have to have the ac on cause it's so bloody hot.

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Hi people!

I just got home from school, even though today's school day was more like a sledding day! Well, for some people it was downhill skiing. But for me it was sledding because I can't do downhill skiing. >u>

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It's so cold over here... But it was twenty something degrees last week! There's a saying in China that means "all the seasons are like Spring" to describe a place with really good weather. Well, I say Shanghai is "Spring is like all the seasons."


Oh yeah, btw, Fort, do you wanna know why you spend a lot of money/shop a lot? It's a conspiracy, you know! See the Story of Stuff.


Hello, Cotton!

Edited by SoiledLove

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Hi there Cotton!


Ugh there is a horrible smell coming from outside. Strangely it's actually jolting a memory or two.

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Aw. *huggles Kestra*

I say go for it. Sometimes that all you need to feel better.

Well that works for most women... don't know about men


Good morning everyone!


Ugh I need to go post an RP post but I have so much work to do! T.T

I feel a little better, though slightly grotty since I did stay up nearly 22hrs in the end but only slept for about eight. But I am having a cup of tea and taking my day off easy (since tomorrow is teaching for most of it, then I'm back on a double shift). *huggles*

Good morning peeps!


Today is off to a good start. I have watermelon for lunch and I found a legendary rifle on Fallout o3o

That is indeed a good start, congrats on the rifle!

Edited by Kestra15

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Glad to hear you're feeling better!


I can't wait for winter... I want layers of clothes!!

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Hey, Kestra!


Not sure if this will make you feel any better but... At least you don't do math modelling. My friend who did it stayed up for a continuous 36 hours to type a 56 page report...

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*hides his Masters degree in Maths*


Hi Soiled.


Hi Spirit, sorry to hear about the crappy start to your day. Hope your ear/allergies are okay?

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Oh you've gone and reminded me that i have to do stats this semester sad.gif


My cousin has started a new game in Fallout cause when he arrived to diamond city everyone started attacking him tongue.gif

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Hey MP.


I hate stats with a passion, but sadly it's the thing most people want to see me do when I mention I want to get involved in research *sigh*

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Oh... Okay... Maths is... *shudders*


Stats is terrifying... It's more terrifying than IB HL math, and that's saying something. It isn't as terifying as TOK Math though. Oh god. Prove that one plus one equals two!

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I remember having to actually prove that sometime during my first year... *shudders*

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I thought the proof was 300 pages long... You actually proved it? Oh god. We didn't have to proveit, no, we just had to answer the question: "To what extent is the foundation of mathematics a paradox?" Or something... I don't really remember.


We read something called logicomix. It was about Math. And proof.

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It's about a page long:




But in fairness if you add in all the bits that contribute to that proof it is slightly longer. And the Principila, which in fairness is just an exercise in logic and group theory, does have the 360ish page proof.


However, I go with the following:


If I have a doughnut, and I buy another doughnut, I now have two doughnuts.

Edited by Kestra15

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Oh, Wow! Well, the proof Russell Bertrand came up with was 300 pages long. And didn't use addition, since that's based on the concept that 1+1=2. I think. Or something. I hate math


EDIT: Ninja'd


I like the way you think. That's what I did, too. Great minds and all that

Edited by SoiledLove

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Stats lecturers seem to be impossibly awful at public speaking... sigh and I have to REPEAT the unit cause I failed it last year... one quiz, I missed one quiz cause I was feeling sick that day... got a 3.9 a pass is a 4 tongue.gif


Oh well... it used a much better program than what I used for my stats course when I was doing my year of science. And I somehow managed to do the massive assignment in the last weekend before it was due and got a passing grade for it. This semester i plan to actually do stuff... at least a week before it's due, so I should be mostly fine.

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加油! (I have no idea how to translate that into English, but it's a word of encouragement in Chinese)


AP stats... Aiya. I took one look at it and I was like, nope, not doing it.

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