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Compulsive Posters' Anonymous Volume Eighteen

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Marcus wishes he didn't make his OC's so frikin op :/ Now he can't think of any good stories for them where they don't just friggin 1 punch man everything.

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EDIT: we're those handcuffs, Fort?

Of a sort. Read their description o3o


Edit: Yeah that was a problem we faced in a few RPs MP xd.png

Edited by Fortune86

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This is completely outside RP's and just the stories in my head that I make to help me sleep! Why did I make a massive world and story that revolves around gods! They're all op! The only fight they can have where they don't instantly win is where super powered deimons show up but then it can usually be solved really easy!

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Um... nah I'll skip the TOK intro xd.png

You kids can have it. I had my days in school!


Ugh posting from my phone so expect spelling mistakes

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Why don't you have the gods fight other gods? And instead of fighting all the time they sometimes have to talk it out or reason? Set some rules or limitations.


Edit: Who or what is Dash backing away from?

Edited by Fortune86

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Okay, I'm back. Our teacher doesn't accept late HW, just realized... And we don't have psychology tomorrow anyways. I really, really need to go read Madame Bovary though. For English class.

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Is it me? D:


*re-welcomes Soiled*


Edit: Aww fudge....

Edited by Fortune86

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In the story I've already set it so that they're the strongest, they weren't initially but the story has evolved so that two of them are the two strongest beings in existance (with the ultimate deathmatch determining that one of them is stronger).


EDIT: It's my avatar isn't it.

Edited by Marcus Pheonix

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Though I'd love to pay you back for those clamps to the face, Fort, I can't, for I don't possess any cuffs... They hurt. *sniffles* jk.


Happy to be back, Fort. I'll forgive you for those cuffs to the face now.




@Marcus: Ooh! Drama! One kills the other, gets lonely because there's no one to challenge him and then angst angst angst!

Edited by SoiledLove

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Alright, I'll reveal it.

I'm really bad at RPing. If you ever looked at You as a Dragon, then you may have seen my epic fail.

I haven't done an RP since my first one, but I have been improving on my writing. I'll be doing two RPs soon, and I'm just a nervous wreck.

There ya go...

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Aw, it's okay Dash. I wasn't good when I started either!


You get better as you go! So don't worry!

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Oh don't feel bad about that Dash. All of my RPs have fallen though xd.png


RPs are just a way to have fun, so there is no need to stress out over them. No matter your skill level, don't worry about it.


Besides, I don't think any of us here are professional writers. If we were we'd be out there writing books and making money xd.png

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True dat, Fort. I do write short stories, but there's no way I'm publishing them!


EDIT: though I think your RPs are awesome

Edited by SoiledLove

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Aw thanks Soiled. I just wish I could keep them alive. Only one has ever made it to the end xd.png

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Well, I would like to make money, but options are pretty limited when you're twelve.

You're 12 and you are worried about your RP skills? Don't you worry, you have plenty of time to improve. laugh.gif

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Well, I have art skills to improve on too...

Crap. Kindle is running low on battery. See you guys later!


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Start an illegal drug trade in school! Just kidding. Don't listen to me. I am a spawner of bad ideas and devious plans that will never come to fruition... This is why my best friend continuously scolds me for being a 'bad kid'.


EDIT: ninja'd again, dang. Bye!

@Fort: your RPs are well thought out, enjoyable and detailed. What more could we ask for? It is the instability of our schedules that causes the ultimate downfall of your RPs, not the RPs themselves, or you!

Edited by SoiledLove

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I planned to do that with a friend who is working on becoming a doctor, he prescribes I provide wink.gif


My rp looks like its on shaky legs, only me and one other person are dedicated to posting, Spyro I can understand not posting cause he never does (also its in his character not to do much tongue.gif ) but the other two seemed really keen but haven't done anything in ages.

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My RP skills suck! But I still post. Sometimes I don't even understand my own post xd.png

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