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Compulsive Posters' Anonymous Volume Eighteen

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Hi Holocast!

Welcome to CPA!


@Soiled: Yeah I was fine... just a lot of scrapes and bruises.

That was a long time ago... I think 12 years ago. I see they have lights down that hill now. So future kids will be save... Unless I trip them xd.png

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Er.. compulsive XD Though I can be impulsive, too...


Also, on the subject of school/work...


Luckily I've gotten all my necessary schooling done ^^ but now I go on jobs doing IT, and it's not the most difficult job in the world but wiring and installs can drag on and get tiring ^^'

Edited by Holocast

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Basically all school and work of any type sucks and we should all just be allowed to sit around surfing the internet. o3o

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I think I'm gonna slip outta here for now and rest my eyes (as well as my Kindle's battery tongue.gif). See you guys later!

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If I could get paid for browsing forums and getting on DC, I'd be rich xd.png


Oh, and bye Geometry! ^^

Edited by Holocast

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I have to say there is a lot of new term in school for certain subjects! I'm kinda glad I'm not in school anymore.


@Holocast: The IT field of work is a challenge. I don't know personally but I do have a couple of friends fighting that battle!

Edited by DragonSpirit009

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If I could get paid for browsing forums and getting on DC, I'd be rich xd.png

You'd be rich? I'd probably be able to buy Microsoft lol.


Bye Dash!

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^I'd buy Google and live in their main office. It's nice there.


@Spirit - Yeah, luckily I work for myself so it's a bit easier than other people in the same profession.

Edited by Holocast

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Rest, my fellow Geometry Dash player, rest! Cya!


@Spirit: Aiya, such a bad kid Spirit xd.png *waggles finger*

Indigenous knowledge systems...


@Holo: Good for you! Not so good for me... Comp Science is hella hard... But it's the only lab science I can take. Can't do chemistry, which I love, biology, which I wanted to do, because of color weakness. Can't do physics... Well, I can do it, but physics isn't challenging enough.

We'd all be rich

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Systems of knowledge known to only a certain group of people

Ex. Me and Chico know what TOK and EE and IA are because we are IB students or ppl in the IT field know what Black box and white box testing are (I think) but ppl outside of that select group generally have no idea what they are.

Edited by SoiledLove

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@Soiled - Yeah, I'm considering going to school for something related to space, like Astrophysics or something. But I probably won't because I'm lazy and don't feel like going to college for that long when I'm already pretty set.

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Systems of knowledge known to only a certain group of people

Ex. Me and Chico know what TOK and EE and IA are because we are IB students or ppl in the IT field know what Black box and white box testing are (I think)

That still makes no sense to me.


So from now on, I'm just going to pretend you and Chico go to Jedi school. Stay away from creepy looking men in black cloaks.

Edited by Fortune86

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I am BACK, much sooner than expected! I fell asleep for like five minutes! Yaaaay! My eyes are rested.

My whole BODY is rested.

As for my Kindle...

...well, it only charged by 3%.

Edited by Geometry Dash YouNoob

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I am BACK, much sooner than expected! I fell asleep for like five minutes! Yaaaay! My eyes are rested.

My whole BODY is rested.

As for my Kindle...

...well, it only charged by 3%.

Is that a record?

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Lol, Fortune. xd.png it's okay. We'll show you some cool Jedi tricks when we graduate, I'm sure. IKS are a Theory of Knowledge (TOK) thing


Welcome back, Dash! Lol.


EDIT: oh look! I'm at the top of the page! Yay!

Edited by SoiledLove

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Charging-wise, or my rest? xd.png

Alright, I'm gonna go and get breakfast. Even though it isn't even 4.

Edited by Geometry Dash YouNoob

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I need to get started on making breakfast before my fellow house dwellers get grumpy.. ._.


I wasn't here for very long but XD it was nice briefly talking to you all.

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Lol, Fortune. xd.png it's okay. We'll show you some cool Jedi tricks when we graduate, I'm sure. IKS are a Theory of Knowledge (TOK) thing


Welcome back, Dash! Lol.


EDIT: oh look! I'm at the top of the page! Yay!



I haven't done that for a while...


Cool. We'll do a thing. You show me your Jedi tricks and I'll show you what I learned at Hogwarts.


Yay breakfast. I wish I had some.

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That still makes no sense to me.


So from now on, I'm just going to pretend you and Chico go to Jedi school. Stay away from creepy looking men in black cloaks.

I think Jedi was the most popular religion in Australia according the last sensus... although that might be a few sensus ago I don't remember. It definitly held the title one time.


I think I'm gonna get a haircut tomorrow... I'd have an affro if my hair wasn't so heavy it weighed itself down. And then swimming at my cousins biggrin.gif

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Aw, thanks! Bye, Holo. It was nice talking with you, too.


I'm going to go do the Psychology HW that was due a few hours ago... Cya, ppl!


EDIT: we're those handcuffs, Fort?


TOK is like philosophy... But worse. Because philosophy is a part of TOK, Spirit. You really, really, don't wanna know. But I can explain it if you're really that curious... After I finish my HW.

Edited by SoiledLove

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