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Compulsive Posters' Anonymous Volume Eighteen

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You're friends clearly have bad sleep schedules. When I went to school I'd be in bed by like 10? Cause I always had to get up early.


And that's just the average time for state schools in QLD, no idea what its like for schools in other states nor for the ones up north...


I'm trying to save my money now that uni's starting up again :/ Not working too great.

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Somewhere over the rainbow.... Nah, just kidding. Where I live rainbows don't exist. I'm pretty sure those pretty (bland) colors is just multi colored smog. In Shanghai! It's interesting here. Though holidays get hella boring when we stay here.


EDIT: ninja'd again by the same person xd.png

@Marcus: IKR, but homework takes ages to finish and we're expected to do a lot of extra stuff.

Edited by SoiledLove

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@Soiled, my school starts at nine but ends later.

Edited by Geometry Dash YouNoob

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Oh. Never mind, then. Also, I'm in middle school.

Edited by Geometry Dash YouNoob

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Ha, homework. I swear we never got it come middle school. And come senior school it was only a recommendation and assessment.


EDIT: But I'm the type who finishes things the night before they're due.

Edited by Marcus Pheonix

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@Soiled, my school starts at nine but ends later.

Well you wouldn't get much done is your school ended at 9am too o3o

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I'm in high school and, as I said before, my school is 'elite'.


And lol, Fortune.

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My school was a private school. We even had a choir that won awards at the 'World Choir Games'... though as the ex captain of the boys choir I find them overrated.

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My school started 7:30am - 2pm in the summer

And 8:00am - 2pm in the winter

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My school is an international school. We're known for having one of the highest top fifty uni acceptance rates, an accelerated curriculum, and our IB class AKA the nerd/genius class. Which I am a part of. But really wanna get out of. Because of reasons. Yeah.


Academics is, like, THE thing here.


Hey, Chico. Will it make you feel better if I told you I'm taking IB tests, AP tests and A level tests?

EDIT: So lucky, Spirit...

Edited by SoiledLove

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Hi there Soiled!

Hey there Chico!

Hey there MP!


*huggles all*


Well those were just class hours those didn't include sport hours. Sometime it will go one till 3pm... depending on Interschools.

Other than that we always had school till 2pm. And if you had sport till 4pm

Edited by DragonSpirit009

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Hi Soiled. I'm doing IB as well. I'm getting to the super stress/choking point of the second year. Like what, I have a physics test tomorrow? HL Econ IA due next week? TOK PRESENTATIONS NEXT WEEK????


My school is 7:45-3pm. It's dark when I get to school in winter.

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*pets Chico and Soiled*


I have no idea what most of those things are but they all sound spretty tough. Good luck with all exams and presentations, but remember to take a hour here and there to chill out and take care of yourselves.

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Thats one thing I hated when school started in winter!

Walking down hill in the dark is no joke!

I once fell and rolled the whole way down. Got to go home before school even started! Plus point that day xd.png

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*hugs Chico* I totally understand! I just finished the first of my three HL Econ IAs! It was nightmare... TOK presentations next week?! God! I feel for you. We have to do two TOK presentations though! One for practice and one the real thing. How sad is that? *sobs* I'm only on my first year though, but our school's accelerated curriculum means that we finish everything by the first year anyways and learn extra in the second AND HL and SL aren't separated for some classes! That's just messed up...


Sports isn't that big of a thing over here, but most people have three to four clubs and go home at five thirty two to three times a week.


EDIT: lol, Spirit. Hope you were okay? Thanks, Fort

Edited by SoiledLove

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Hello everyone ^^


I've just started posting frequently on here but I already really love forums and posting is so much fun! So...


Hi! My name is Holocast, and I'm an impulsive poster!

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I feel your pain guys! Really I do! But eventually things get better!

And I have no idea what those terms are but best of luck!

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Hi, Holo! Welcome! Impulsive? Lol.


You don't wanna know, Spirit, you don't wanna know.


Aaaaand... Now I'm thinking of indigenous knowledge systems... *facepalm*

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