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Compulsive Posters' Anonymous Volume Eighteen

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Just bought a new pair of thongs and I somehow manage to unconciously put them on while sitting at the computer :/

I'm.......not quite sure how to respond to that :'D

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I imagine (read: desperately hope) that's sandals.


JurassicAsh: Don't worry, you're in good company. And have good taste!


I have no stuffed toys, but my cat (who is currently sleeping with his head hanging off the cable box) often sleeps on my bed.

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okay, cool, it's a misunderstanding in terminology uwu (and no, you didn't tell me before).


that looks pretty warm and inviting right now...

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They're called flip-flops dammit-


I just realised I have no reason to come here anymore, except for CPA. It's very sad.

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We use them more than any other country in the world, so we name them!


They're actually called pluggers by the die hard aussies.


EDIT: You could join my rp?

Edited by Marcus Pheonix

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Mornin', everyone.

I haven't gotten any sleep.

It's 1:15 AM.

School starts in less than eight hours.

I've given up on sleeping at all tonight/this morning.

Life has sucked recently.

Edited by Geometry Dash YouNoob

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Hello Dash. Sounds like a poor start today, I hope it gets better.

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Hi there Dash!


I know how you feel. I'm having a blue Monday myself!

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At least I have my birthday coming up fairly soon (March 30).

Also, I now have really nice cherry-scented hand sanitizer/foaming soap.


Edited by Geometry Dash YouNoob

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Well at least you look on the positive side Dash!


@ Fortune: I have been having head/ear ache problems again since Sunday morning. And my one friend is just ticking me off!

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Every time I try to bring my cat over to snuggle, he just runs off. Time for plan B: get his sister, who is much more cooperative. Plus she licks my face. And she's not utterly obese. c:

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Dangit, I can't find her now!

Maybe her brother will cooperate more now that he's eaten.

(EDIT) Nope. Still not coming over.


(ANOTHER EDIT) And now he's in the computer chair. T.T

Edited by Geometry Dash YouNoob

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Oh no not again! D:


And what did your friend do?

I sent you a pm about Fortune!


I haven't gone home last weekend... so I'm running low on animal love!

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Oh my god, he actually came!

...to the windowsill. T.T



Edited by Geometry Dash YouNoob

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It's 1:15 AM.

School starts in less than eight hours.

Whaaaaat?! Your school starts at NINE!? Mine starts at Eight and it takes an hour to get there. So I have to get up at 6 am... sad.gif


On another note. Hello, everyone and long time no see... *smiles sheepishly*

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Hey Soiled!


When I used to go to school, mine also started at 9am o3o


I just went and spent a lot of money I don't have D:

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My school started at 8:30, most state schools started at 9. I lived twenty minutes away but had to get the bus which arrived at my place at 6:40 and got to school at 7:50. Then in my last year of school we moved within walking distance smile.gif


Yeah my cat just lies outside my bedroom waiting for my mum to open the door to hers and generally makes a lot of noise.

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'Lo there, Fortune. It's alright, I did the same thing. Whoever said teens were good at impulse control (not buying things I really wanted) when given free reign of a credit card was lying. On the other hand, my friend owes his friend two thousand dollars, so I'm not too bad.


Dang, why do all of you have schools that start at 9 or something past eight? D: Elite my censorkip.gif . It's just another word for 'likes to screw students over'. Some people in my class sleep two hours a day...


EDIT: hey, Marcus

Edited by SoiledLove

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Where abouts do you live Soiled?


Well I don't owe that much O.o. And I'm not a teenager anymore, so I 'should' know better xd.png

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