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Compulsive Posters' Anonymous Volume Eighteen

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Yeah and he seems kind of wobbly too. He's pretty old, so my Dad and I are fearing the worst.


Couldn't get him in today, but got an appointment for tomorrow.

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So do I.


Oliver is one of our more affectionate cats. He even gives the dogs headbuts of love.

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Aw... I hope it's just something small and nothing big.

I hate it when pets get sick!

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Hi Spirit! (When I posted my last message, I had to go to class instantly so I couldn't say hi before now)


Fortune: I hope the best for Oliver too.

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So do we, but we shall have to see.


Edit: Thanks Cotton.

Edited by Fortune86

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All good Cotton xd.png


*throws phone in bin*

I can't handle it any more... My friend is on his own! I he wants to be stupid the it's his problem!

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What happened Spirit? O.o


Trying to cheer myself up a bit by checking the PS store. Once again all the games in the sale that I'd like I already own.

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One of my friends told me something is up with one of my other friends. So she asked me if I could talk to him cause we have a pretty strong bond.

So I did talk to him and now I'm totally ticked off and want to throw a brick at him for being stupid!

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No my friend who told me just wanted me to know cause I don't get see them often

But she knows I care deeply for this friend who is being stupid

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Well it sucks that they won't listen to you, but in the end whatever it is that he's doing or not doing is his own choice. You've done what you can to help them see reason, so the only thing you can do now is wait and perhaps offer comfort in the future if it blows up in their face (or just say 'I told you so').

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He is too stubborn.

I've only texted him so far but my other friend thinks I should talk to him in person.

Only problem is I hate going near the city

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Ahh. Hence why you were throwing away the phone.


Well maybe a face to face talk will do the trick.

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I don't know if I should be grateful that my friend told me about everything. I'm just so... so... I don't know. Disappointed along with super angry

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Well I know it sucks to know something is happening but not be in a position to do anything about it.

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Yeah we won 64-0.

From what I heard we set a new record for the highest score in the Rugby World Cup match!

It's a hell of a score-line but I think there's been bigger results; England beet Urugauy 111 - 13 in the 2003 RWC, and there is an Australia/Nambibia game that was 142 - 0 at some point.


We're going to have book Oliver into the vets. He has this weird black stuff around his mouth and nose.

sad.gif *hug* Hope it turns out okay.


So, my tooth has been hollowed out, now waiting til next week for the proper filling - and the pain...


Lagie has posted something on Facebook recently, so I think she's okay smile.gif She's helping out with the aftermath of the hurricane so I guess she's probably busy and potentially not got her usual interwebs access.

Edited by Kestra15

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Wait, they didn't fill it in again now? Do they need it to drain or something?


*snugs better*


I'm glad Lagie is ok. We don't want to lose the CPA mom. I don't know who would take over.

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True I have actually seen those games now that I think about it... There must have been some other record we broke. I didn't pay much attention cause I was busy with dinner!


*shudders* Hate dentists!


Ah I hope she is okay! Hopefully she will let us know soon!



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*snugs* It may be a South African record smile.gif It's still a mighty achievement none-the-less.


*mooches* Fort, the dentist hollows out the tooth on the first visit, gives it a week to settle with a temporary filling, then properly fills it next week. I think it varies by dentist and patient as to whether they do it in one go or not. I certainly thought it was done all at once!

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Well I just managed to get through to my dentist. I'm going for a check up a week tomorrow.


I just know she's going to find something wrong again T-T

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Better to sort it out now. I have waited close to ten years to fix this tooth...

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I need to go see my dentist as well.

I just don't know when!

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