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Compulsive Posters' Anonymous Volume Eighteen

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Then you need to throw a lot harder. XDDDD


Nah, it's fine if you're not on all the time I can just go to Finland and find you


You saw nothing.

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Then they will be no longer thankful. u v u They will be scared instead.


Well that option wouldn't be impossible, it's just rather pricey. o.o

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*Backs away slowly*


If I had the money right now I would totally drop in on you. I'd have to stop by the UK on the way back tho cause I know so many British people that would hunt me down if I didn't.

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I don't actually even believe I could be scary. >u> One friend of mine told me that I'm as scary as a small kitten.


That would be cool! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧

Why would they hunt you down, though?

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Have you ever had a kitten dig its claws into your arm? Those little demons can definitely be scary.


They'd hunt me down cause I didn't go see em when I had the chance. And cause British people are absolutely nutty.

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I actually share a home with one. (◕ヮ◕) She's almost the definition of a demon, as she can be purring against your legs at one moment, and then bite and use claws on you at the second.


Ohhh that explains it. u v u;; That's scary.


It's sleep time for me now though. Good night! ♫

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Nah I'm fine... just weird dreams keeping me awake again. Funny that I can't remember what they were O.O

sad.gif You can always PM me about something as well.

*pets better*


I need to phone the dentist but I don't want to do it with the office full of people.

I am beyond angry with my dentist's receptionist - changed my appointment time today and didn't tell me, so I turned up an hour and a half late. Given I'd already paid for my appointment in advance too I was not too pleased. Fortunately the dentist herself has fitted me into a slot tomorrow to attend so I will still have my treatment, and I will apologise to the dentist for being irate with her staff, however I am still not impressed by any means.

Hey Dor. Hey MP.


*curls up in hammock*


Sleepy time.

*wraps in blankie and keeps CPA sleepers safe*

Edited by Kestra15

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And cause British people are absolutely nutty.

This is 100% true.


Kestra your dentist receptionist sounds worse than mine. *mooches*

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She tried to book my appointments while simultaneously booking in two other patients, and dealing with a third over the phone. She cancelled my appointments when I asked to also be on the cancellation register as she didn't seem to comprehend that I needed to both book appointments, and be on the cancellation since my root canals should be 'emergency' interventions. So it's no surprise this has happened. Just wish I made more of an issue about it at the time, as six weeks later it's now just my word against theirs. *mooch*

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just four more hours then I can go home.


I NEED to get those paystubs from work so I can apply for disability.


I figured out that all my health problems can be traced back to a defective chromosone six (HLA-B27,Hoshimotos Thyrioditis. EDS type 3) it's all on that one. (okay the diginosis is Joint Hpyermobility syndrome, but I'm getting WORSE and have chest pains, the treatment for the two disorders is the same but considering that I'm getting worse and some other symptoms I'm fairly sure it's EDS III instead)

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Take up amateur dentistry.

Don't actually listen to me, my advice is terrible.


And you're one of the nuttier ones Fort. happy.gif


Also, cause I missed it earlier, gnight Kat!

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Me too. I especially enjoy warmth inside one's house, but I like colder weather outside. :3c It gives a cozy feeling when you come into a warm room after being outside in the cold.


I like it a lot better when its warm out side, but coming into a nice warm room after being out in the cold feel so good...

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South Africa are 38 points ahead!

Yeah we won 64-0.

From what I heard we set a new record for the highest score in the Rugby World Cup match!

And one of our players almost broke another record but hopefully that will happen in the next match... If we survive!

The captain of the USA team sound like Elvis xd.png



Good morning everyone!

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hello peeps, how is everyone?

playing minecraft for the first time in months....or maybe it's already been a year....

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I like it a lot better when its warm out side, but coming into a nice warm room after being out in the cold feel so good...

I like it as long it's not too hot. happy.gif

Oohh it's so cold today, when I get home I'm totally going to hide inside a comfy blanket.


Hi everyone!

I'm doing quite good today, my cold is already gone.

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*Is pounced* Eeep >u<


Well, I usually stay up till 3am when there's no school. So I'd say it's normal, yes. biggrin.gif

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Hey there Spotted!

Hey there WS!

Hey there Dor!

Hey there Cotton!


I think I covered everyone now!

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Its 10:22 am here.

I have to remember to go to the mall quickly this afternoon!

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We're going to have book Oliver into the vets. He has this weird black stuff around his mouth and nose.

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