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Compulsive Posters' Anonymous Volume Eighteen

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Ha-Ha! Well now, we call this the act of mating

But there are several other very important differences

Between human beings and animals that you should know about


I'd appreciate your input


Inappropriate 90s songs are the greatest XP

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Now I have the song of Michael Jackson's Bad stuck in my head X.X

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Thanks Fortune xd.png

Luckily I have the flat to myself tonight so sound loud and cheering loud xd.png

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12, here. I should be at school. @_@

Are you sick? I'm usually at school to bit I'm on fall break this week.


Edit: I'm going hiking today

Edited by Spottedleaf

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I love it when its nice and warm, I don't like the cold!...

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Me too. I especially enjoy warmth inside one's house, but I like colder weather outside. :3c It gives a cozy feeling when you come into a warm room after being outside in the cold.

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I definitely prefer cold to heat. Heat makes you lazy and lethargic while cold just gives you an edge

But that's just an opinion

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I can't stand too much heat so I can almost agree. (◕ヮ◕) But on the other hand, I do get cold quite easily, so I'm not sure which I prefer.


*Pounces on Dor* >u>

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I think my favorite weather is when it rains money.

Yeah, definitely that.


*Is pounced* You miss me or somethin? *Pets Kat*


Edit: Woot! Toppage! I own this thread! >:3

Edited by Dorchadas

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Oh thanks a bunch. Now we're all gonna be killed by falling quarters. You just doomed the human race. tongue.gif


*Feels missed* Yassssssssss

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Oop. >u> I have no idea what quarter means in that case, though. I blame my native language...


*Boop* So it's good to feel like that, right? u v u

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A quarter is a fairly large coin. Painful if one gets thrown at you. I would know. biggrin.gif


Well yeah, if nobody misses you nobody cares. *Boops back*

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OOooh now I get it. u v u Of course, I've felt that a bunch of times...


Not many people miss me though, so it's true. ohmy.gif

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I've been both on the receiving end and the one throwing it before, so I guess I deserve it sometimes. *Shrug*


And that's not true at all. I miss you when you're not here. T^T

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In my case the receiving people (Usually some of my classmates) have thanked me for the coins I've thrown at them. biggrin.gif


Ohh noo, then I must be here as much as possible. ;; But it does feel nice to know that there is someone that misses me. ~

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