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Compulsive Posters' Anonymous Volume Eighteen

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God the dream i had last night was awful... it was one I had before and I realised this and tried to avoid it... but it still happened.


I was standing on the trains station talking to a kid, about varioous things. And as we separated I was walking home and the kid runs back to me and stabs me in the back... literally with a knife. I remember knowing this and as I began walking off I thought, hooray the kid didn't stab me this time. Then I hear his chearful voice as he runs towards me I try to grab his arms but he dodges behind me and stabs me in the back... and I wake up in a cold sweat. And I'm pretty sure I said 'stop him' aloud.

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No I have not, Ruby.


Update for my Nana: my neighbor took her in. Nothing is broken or sprained but she will be really sore. My neighbor said that she would check on her every so often. My dad said that my neighbor brought my Nana dinner. She also said that she has to work tomorrow but will mae arrangements if needed.

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Just checking to see if anyone had heard from Lagie since the hurricane hit?

I've been looking out for her posts as well but nothing... not even on FB!

I believe she is fine. They might just have line problems!


Good morning everyone!

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Good morning peeps!


*leaves getwellmooches for Kestra*


I haven't seen anything from Lagie either D:

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Nah I'm fine... just weird dreams keeping me awake again. Funny that I can't remember what they were O.O

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I did fall asleep pretty fast last night but I wasn't feeling all to well either

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*pets better*


I need to phone the dentist but I don't want to do it with the office full of people.

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The worst part is I have to use my bosses phone to do so. I don't like grabbing it off his desk when he is there xd.png

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But when I first read your name I saw the Dorcha and that sounded more like Dora... nicknames are not your own to choose it is your comrades who give them.

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Hey there Dor!

Hey there MP!


Well I wasn't stabbed in the back but I did have some heart racing moments xd.png

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Yeah but's surely it is better to call someone a name they like MP? I wanted to call Dor 'Dorch' at first but swapped when they protested.


Can you remember Spirit?

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Yeah I remember

Besides Dora is kinda a girls name... Dor is a dude! I would also protest against it!

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