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Compulsive Posters' Anonymous Volume Eighteen

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I think Kickbeat is like a super hard rythm game. I'm sure I've seen it.


Wait, what pictures? I wasn't paying attention. O.o

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I thought Kickbeat was a shooting game xd.png


Drawing she posted yesterday... when we were a sleep most likely xd.png

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You arty people and your arty art T-T I like the pictures too.


Yay meatballs!

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Don't worry Fortune I feel the same T.T


My meatballs came out great... the tomato sauce needs a bit of cheese xd.png

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We both know you can draw better than me. Remember that fan art I sent you? xd.png


I'm having sandwiches again T-T

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Yeah but I haven't drawn in ages so I'm right on that same level as you xd.png


I really had no choice so I had to make meatballs. Couldn't freeze the mince again!

Eating spaghetti at work is a serious mission. Even my nose has tomato sauce on it!

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I'm only attending it next month xd.png

This month is dance classes tongue.gif

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Hey MP!


I sure hope people will be wearing their pants! xd.png

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Oh my! What did they say?


Good morning everyone!

From earlier this week:


Griping time from Mr Kestra:


Liver biopsy results came back; my liver has started scarring. So long-term damage is now present and I am at risk of liver failure. Lucky me.


They've ruled out hepatitis, HIV, cancer and other more insidious causes, so they're treating it as fatty liver damage. But it does mean that my liver is permenantly damaged already, and it will only progress from here. The only sign/symptom has been my blood results. So it has been rumbling along for probably two years or more, and it's only blood results that have picked it up. So I have a review end of the month with the FLD (fatty liver disease) clinic, and my consultant has changed my next appointment from 2020 to next April.


Basically I'm at the crisis point between a potential recovery, or life-logn liver disease and all the consequences. There's a 10% of developing full liver cirrosis at this point, so odds are now stacking (this time last year it was closer to 0.1 - 1%).


The upside is my absence of other risk factors at present. I'm not suffering from high blood pressure, which is good, and the fact that I don't have diabetes is a big plus on my side since that mucks with liver stuff as well. I haven't got any physical symptoms, no build-up of fluid, no distention or deformation of the liver. So there is some hope - basically the scarring is present, but appears minimal.


Weight loss and exercise to reduce my body weight will reduce fat on the liver, and in turn should help heal it. Reduced alcohol intake as well to prevent further damage, especially during the weight loss phase. But to be honest I already knew I was overweight and needed to shift some serious weight in the next year - this course has been hell at times and I've overworked a lot of it leaving me pretty suspectable to something. But I have my bike up and running now, and Lover's exercise bike, and just the one paid job to worry about.

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Different types of dances MP xd.png

Last week we did the Jive... and I think we might continue with that this week!


Hey there Dor!


Oh my Kestra!

Well that can put some stress on a persons life! But there seem to be quite some positive there so lets cling to that!

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Oh god the Jive! I remember that.


That was my grade 10(?) last HPE assignment. We all had to perform the jive and because of the ratio of guys to girls each guy got 3 girls :/


I was quite good I may say, I think my final mark was either A- or B+.


Hmm or is that Jive or Hand jive?

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Ha not in your life Fortune!

My flabby butt isn't going near any camera's xd.png


I had dance classes years ago but I dropped it after... Well... some emotional things happened!

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Well I wasn't going to suggest they just filmed your butt O.o


*pets Spirit*


I'm getting fed up with VoU again. I hate frozen ponies.

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Good morning Kestra, Spirit and Fortune...puts out some coffee and Krispy Kreme doughnuts for every one... biggrin.gif


user posted image

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Hey Darien!


*takes a doughnut*


user posted image


If this kind of thing actually happened, I'd be a lot more interested in sports.

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Well I wasn't going to suggest they just filmed your butt O.o


*pets Spirit*


I'm getting fed up with VoU again. I hate frozen ponies.

But my butt is always in the way xd.png


Hey there Darien!

How goes it?

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You know the best person at the Jive in my grade wasn't any of the super fit people, it was my overweight bald friend who used to do dancing when he was younger... dude new how to shake the booty.

Seriously he got so into it... he oozed confidence.


Those are really fattening Darien... also I only like cinnamon donuts.

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