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Compulsive Posters' Anonymous Volume Eighteen

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I'd give tips on drawing, but whoops, it's bed time for me already. Dang.


Whenever I start drawing at night, I don't get to sleep until like 4 in the morning.

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Thank you, Spotted!


I'd give tips on drawing, but whoops, it's bed time for me already. Dang.

Please do, since I actually have no idea how to give tips, because I just do things how they shouldn't be done. u v u;; When you have the time of course.

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Okay - but the news about the liver is rather sobering sad.gif

Oh my! What did they say?


Good morning everyone!

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Good morning, Spirit!


Not so good for me though, as I tried to be happy today, but things ended up being so annoying I got a headache...

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Hey Cotton!

That sounds bad! What happened?




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Typical xd.png


I would have replied last night, but there was an update and I forgot xd.png

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Well it's nothing that serious really, but it's obnoxious when one of my mates on a group project mess something up and decide to blame me for their doings. >o>" I am quite easily angered, so it wasn't pleasant. It took us time to get the thing straight again, since I had no idea what the another person had done. It's a small thing to get mad about, but it can't be helped as I only need justice. u o u

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Yeah I got that update during the weekend as well.


Oh and I finished CoL... I'm sad now!


Don't feel bad about it Cotton! We all get mad like that.

I was one of those who just got mad when I saw someone I didn't like.

Kinda glad I out grew that part!

Edited by DragonSpirit009

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Wow you actually finished CoL Spirit? O.o


But the feels huh? Did you get all the team mates?


*pets Cotton*


Oh we all get like that. I'd get mad too if someone blamed me for their screw up.

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Yeah! I did! Believe it or not xd.png

Yeah I was so... aw... no!!

I actually even viewed all the credits to see the part where her mother spoke to Igniculus. So sad!!


How many team mates are there? O.O

And I finished the game with 100% trophies xd.png

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Oh well done!


If you got all the trophies I think you must have got all team mates. I think there were six in the base game, but you had Golem too?


Who was your favourite? Mine was Óengus.

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Um... Nope I had no Golem T.T Dammit!

I just did a quick video check... His head appeared nowhere for me! And I was in that area a lot!


I loved Óengus as well.

I used him or Rubella most of the time

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Oh well. Gives you something to aim for on NG+.


I used Rubella until I got Finn, then just stuck with him until Óengus joined. I never used any of the others xd.png


So what you going to play now?

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Same here... Glad they all leveled up even if you didn't use then!

I liked the way Finn's sentences as well as Rubella in the beginning xd.png


I still have to get the last trophies of Invizimals... but I might for for the FF game next


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Awesome happy.gif


I'm hoping for something decent from PS+ this month. No drunk robots please D:

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I think I saw someone mention what the games were but not sure what they are now!

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Here are the one's they showed on the site I usually go to check sstuff


Broken Age (PS4/PS Vita)

Super Meat Boy (PS4/PS Vita)

Unmechanical Extended (PS4/PS3)

Kickbeat (PS Vita/PS3)

Kung Fu Rabbit (PS Vita/PS3)

Chariot (PS3)


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I think it's like a puzzle adventure thing, so yay!


No interest in Kickbeat or Super Meat Boy (eww).

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I agree... Those sound just not right xd.png


Oh Cotton... (whenever you read this)

I liked your drawings!

I just have one question... shouldn't the mane move down the back between the wing blades?


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