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Compulsive Posters' Anonymous Volume Eighteen

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During the visual arts classes I can't help it but always wish to learn painting. o: And sometimes get to paint awesome things.

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Yeah, well, there's not a lot we can do about it. *shrugs*


The builder men are in today. I still don't know where I'll be sitting in the new office.


Edit: I wish I could draw Cotton. Painting is too far beyond me xd.png

Edited by Fortune86

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Your mother would never survive in our country then Fortune O.O


I'm planning on taking art classes next month. I'm trying to see if I can get back into drawing.

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You will! If I have then so can you xd.png


Most likely! I don't know if I will be even able to draw. My right arm is kinda giving me problems which is causing some basic motor skills issues

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Sometimes I get that numbing pain you get when you lay on your arm for to long. But its usually starts from my shoulder to my hand or from my elbow to my hand.

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Afternoon all.

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Good afternoon, Kestra!


I just found out how great it actually is to visit a hairdresser today - after it's done, I can sneak into the nearby grocery store and buy cookies.

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I need to go for a hair trim... but ugh... I never have time!

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I don't like it when I'm having my hair cut, it feels uncomfortable. u v u;; I'm glad I don't need to go there often.

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I just like it when they wash my hair Cotton xd.png


Hi there Dor!

Yeah that tend to happen xd.png

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Sigh, playing multiplayer games is such a hassle for matchmaking. Cause no one is playing at this hour I get pitted up against people with a team value MUCH higher than mine...


Hmm I'd like to join a proper league but I'm not really sure how to (as in one which has a scheduele not just find a random team and vs them)

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*snugs and mooches* Afternoon Spirit, Fort.

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Everyone seems to have a kitten or a dog or something.


I don't know if I want James to have a pet or not.

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Yeah that's my problem too when I have pets in RPs. I tend to forget they exist.


Maybe he needs a pet that comes and goes of it's own accord.

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I would like to show you a picture of what it looks like in the mountains for me today but I don't know how to do it from my phone.

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Why are we talking about ships? O.o


Hey there Spotted!

Mmm... can't really help you there. Sorry!

Edited by DragonSpirit009

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