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Compulsive Posters' Anonymous Volume Eighteen

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Thanks! I know right, especially when my recent grades have been kinda... not-so-good. >u>"


Aw man, that sounds like bad luck. oAo Hopefully the CPA lineage gets going soon.



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Hey MP!


Always a good thing when you feel positive about an exam Cotton happy.gif


It's not important Fortune xd.png

Just basically said sorry that your team lost... twice now!

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But I have no one left to cheer for D:


You guys are doing okay still though right?

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You can cheer for my country!


Yes we're still in the game! Hopefully in the quarter finals!

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Yeah I'm hoping that they don't.

I will be missing one of the games sadly. It's on a Wednesday dry.gif

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I don't know to tell the truth.

I think they are pushing some games into the middle of the week because the quarter, semi- and finals will be on the weekends from now on and the World Cup ends on 31 Oct.

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Ah well I guess that makes sense. I just hope you don't miss anything too interesting.

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*pets Cotton*


I'm sure you'll do okay smile.gif

*Purr* I actually feel like that too. n v n Now I'm just waiting for the results.


Always a good thing when you feel positive about an exam Cotton happy.gif

True! I hope this kind of feelings also keep on happening. Would be good for the future. ~

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I'll be phoning my mum like every 5 minutes to hear how the game is going xd.png


Yeah you better cling on to that feeling Cotton! It helps the future a lot!

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Yeah you better cling on to that feeling Cotton! It helps the future a lot!

Yaass! I feel quite motivated for now, so the goal of going to a certain high school won't be out of reach. happy.gif


Also, just two lessons of visual arts left, then it's time to head ho-ooold on, not actually, I have an appointment with a hairdresser. Oh.

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Ah that great Cotton!


I'm in the middle of searching for an easy meatball and pasta recipe!


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You can't sneak google updates at work?

I can but it will be printing day so I lay low with internet usage.


Its not just about the sauces and spaghetti Fortune xd.png

It's about flavoring the meatballs... Making sure they don't turn into mince again dry.gif

Edited by DragonSpirit009

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Maybe... maybe not!

Most of the stuff I do is experimental because most of the time I have to improvise with what I got.

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We just get more or less the same stuff every week.


Tonight will be pizza for example.

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I only buy the cheapest stuff that I like and if I maybe need it.

Like last week I bought a can of peeled, diced tomatoes. I didn't need it but I bought it cause it was on a good special! xd.png

So now I'm going to use it cause I brought some mince with me from home. So yeah one thing lead to another and spaghetti and meatballs will be dinner for tonight!

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Well that sounds like a plan lol.


We tend to get cheap stuff too, or at least we try. My mom refuses to eat it because she slams it as inferior quality, so we have to get seperate meals for her.

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Don't be angry at me but that is just horribly wrong!

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