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Guys, I have something to say. I don't think I can do Ismene anymore. I'm sorry but I feel as though I can't use her to her full extent. If anyone capable of taking on an already made character wants to adopt her, then please go ahead and PM me. But I won't give her to just anyone. You'll have to prove that you can use her and won't just forget her. If no one wants her then I'll just have her run away and never return.


Sorry for letting you down, Spirit. I just don't feel like I can play Ismene anymore.

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May I bump the topic about the song/journey until we as a group agree on what to do about the plague? (Currently the original topic is on page385) This isn't just about michiru, this is about the main goal of the RP now, and I think its about time we began to address it. We can go with my idea, we can go with Weavile's idea, or someone else's. We just need to come to an agreement.


@Weavile Whats so complicated about it? Its just a tale that is open to be edited, and sets up key points and drama. It makes it vague enough so that it can be interpreted wrong by the previous dragons- and even allows it so that a secret dragon/whatever could escape the plague and create an antagonist for the climax IF WE SO CHOOSE. Its just an outline that gives the dragons something to figure out, and something that we as a group can manipulate.


EDIT: @Silver, I wasn't really pointing out that dragons should be used, thats too convenient and too readily available back then. The Black Marrow thing was mostly Korra's and Doc's idea (if I remember correctly.)

Edited by Taleena Fuka

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I suppose the Saturday before Labour Day is a fairly popular time to travel. I was out on a small roadtrip yesterday, please forgive my absence.


I am actually a fan of SkiddaJane's egg plan from a few pages back. The character that takes off with them doesn't necessarily need to be "evil", but I still like the thought.


Also: while the idea of the introduction of an "evil" character is okay, I think that we have some present characters that could become "evil" through some sort of trauma, or through this thought-swapping ordeal. Many things are possible, but brand-new characters do not have to be necessary.

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I like the idea a lot.


EDIT: I have never been more bored in my entire life.

Edited by KrazyKay12

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Okay, which is why Im throwing this out now so that we can all decide how the plague will be dealt with.


EDIT: Should we discuss which idea is best and why?

Edited by Taleena Fuka

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I like your idea, Taleena ^^

At this point, my only concern is that Spirit approves. She might have a plan of her own about the plague.

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That is true... Should we gather up all the ideas about the plague and send it to her in a PM so she can read it when she's ready/back?

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Im gonna assume you dont need the master recap, and just recap from year 3



Everyone is reintroduced as mature hatchlings. A majority moved out while some stayed at what is now known as the BirthCave

Many areas have been investigated and a ring of plauge surrounding the birthcave is discovered.

Relationships are blooming, everyone is honing their individual skills

Some -if not most- dragons return to the Birthcave

New eggs hatch

Rien goes berserk then returns to her senses, BirthCave was temporarily evacuated

A bit of panic about an infection happens and fights continue

Mint and Sera are taken by Lucifer outside

Mint and Sera die due to a bear attack as witnessed by Lucifer

Lucifer and Rico bury them

Mint is now a ghost



More eggs hatch

Favian "issues an order" to gather all the remaining dragons back to the BirthCave

Some more dragons regroup at the BirthCave

Lucifer leads the same bear from 2 years ago towards the BirthCave

Lucifer leaves with Rico following him

Favian is panicking about about the bear attack with Clem on his back

Spira is injured by bear

Favian and the others evacuate the BirthCave

Skylene discovers the Cave of Time

Dragons -mostly Silver's chara- start attacking the bear first

Aradis gets beheaded by the bear

Silver's charas and others are a bit injured and tired, the bear is also tired

Hibiki and Feather lead the bear away with food

It begins raining outside

Most present goes back to the cave and have been healed

Those who didnt go back to the cave find their own shelter



Mint as a vengeful spirit takes over Hibiki's body.

Rakushun returns and accidentally swaps some dragon souls

Chaos ensues between the inflicted dragons

Other dragons hatch

Spira is sick, nearing her death bed

Moss becomes real via SoulSwap

Edited by Taleena Fuka

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Taleena, I like your idea as well- I voiced my opinion on Skidda's because it seemed everyone shot it down, which I found odd (and rude). Both have their merits.

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*facepalms when she realizes what she did, even if it did occur* *hopes KN forgives her*


If by not much as happened since you were gone, you mean by everyone's souls getting swapped and MOSS becoming real, then yes.


Im not letting go of "how to end/deal with the plague" topic. We need to figure it out soon, and the sooner, the better.


@Tapir, yes indeed... So far we have:

-My idea; Michiru's tale that takes everyone on a dangerous and grief-stricken journey that in turn provides a cure for the plague

-Skidda's idea; something about eggs?

-Weavile's idea; quarantene the plague instead of cure it

Edited by Taleena Fuka

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Well I like both. Taleena's has more mystery, but skidda's has a more solid idea. It depends on how épée use plans. In reality, RPing is just a bunch if plans. Those without plans aren't noticed as much to me at least. Well not not noticed, more like don't have plot importance

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Well I like both. Taleena's has more mystery, but skidda's has a more solid idea. It depends on how we use plans. In reality, RPing is just a bunch of if plans. Those without plans aren't noticed as much to me at least. Well not not noticed, more like don't have plot importance.

OMG, a beautiful quote from Silver ;u; The spellings bother me tho, so I fixed them.

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Silver, that was a great quote.


Are you feeling all right? Feverish? Drowsy? Possessed, perhaps? (kidding. You can be quite frank sometimes, and I appreciate that)

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How does everyone think it's beautiful? It's just me thinking more than usual about stuff.

I'm flattered, but confused.

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