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Shade groaned, waking slowly. "What the!?"


Flamesong let Spike fly away. Right now, he needed to interrogate them. "We are not hostile. Please lower the weapon."

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Lieutenant lowered his bow. "You Ellis killers, why should I not be killing you right now???" he angrily asked. His only friend now was Shade, as the arcarai made him wanted and humans despised arcarai.


Ellis was on a low branch. Two arcarai came. He flew inside with them to Eaziu. "Ellis? Your not dead?" Scar asked. "No.". Scar nodded. "We are readying the final defenses.". Ellis nodded ready.


Spike saw Seth. With joy he flew over to him. "Your alive!" but his happiness stopped short. Two shadowy figures with smokey grey eyes walked over. They looked like shadows of dead humans who had died in the war. With shock he realized they where Drakment. The drakment motioned and blades protruded through there fore arms. They rushed over to attack. More like floated.

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Seth shook his head, fighting a dizzy sensation. With an instinctive urge, he threw his two swords into the air before jumping onto Spike to catch them. "We cannot simply defeat the Drakment! We must flee!"


Flamesong narrowed his eyes. "Because if you hadn't noticed, you aren't dead by now."

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Lieutenant lowered his bow. "Scar's gone crazy... he's not what he used to be... even his eye color changed... he has fast reflexes and can catch an arrow." he explained.


Spike took off, but the drakement pursued. Spike then realized the way to stop the evil beings. "You got any holy water or Whitestone weapons?" he asked, knowing the only weaknesses of Drakment.

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Seth held on tight. "Whitestone weapons? Don't know. But I DO have holy water." He grabbed a bow, pouring the holy water on the arrows. Taking a deep breath, he swung off of his spot, hooking his legs around Spike's (Arms? Legs? Paws?), allowing him to nock the arrows. He started firing them one by one.


Flamesong chuckled. "He was crazy from the start. But that's not the point now. Welcome, Shade and Lieutenant, to the Rebellion."

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Lieutenant notched an arrow. "I am ready to kill Scar and any treacherous arcarai he sends my way.". Just then men yelled triumphantly. They had breached the gate. "We should be getting inside." Pete said climbing up on flamesong.


Scar saw Leproza fall. "Set the bombs. Leproza was just a trap in our plan, all the goblin soldiers are really here in Eaziu. The ones outside of the town where what wanted to protect there hopeless city.". Two arcarai demolition men flew over and started to plant explosive fuels on the ground that looked like average rain water.


The smaller Drakment hissed and dissipated, dead. The larger one was knocked off course and fell into ravine. Spike hoped Seth could climb back up on his back.

Edited by BoomSALMON

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(*Looks up from a book titled Hell. I close it quicmly.* "N-NOTHING! I didn't writ their names in A Death Note!)


Seth smiles at the results. He made his way back up to Spike's back. "Alright! What next?"


Flamesong agreed, flying forwards.


Shade groaned, flying behind Flamesong. "Where are we going?"

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(Your not supposed to play with death notes. THEIR EVILNESS IS OVER 9000! xd.png )


"This place seems oddly abandoned..." Pete said. When they reached the courtyard where the fountain was, a bunch of explosions started to go off. Palmic watched another private get blown to bits. Lieutenant motioned for Shade to stay back. "A trap! What should we do?" he asked scared.


"Well, Lieutenant and his dragon friend Shade were betrayed by Scar. And now have joined us." Spike quickly explained watching Leproza start to explode, with the human army in it.

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(I feel terrible. My mom went out and bought me a new copy of Halo 4, which was 60 dollars. Sure, I shouldn't just feel bad about that. The thing is... I don't actually have an XBox...)


Seth lowered himself, taking ahelter behind one of Spike's... spikes.


Squall thought quickly, seeing the explosions. He grabbed Palmic, and threw him onto Shade. Squall jumped onto Flamesong, and they took to the air.


Both Flamesong and Shade had the same idea when they saw the explosions. They got low enough for the others to jump onto them, and then they soared up. Flamesong looked in the distance. "No... I can't believe it... Seth?!"

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Half of the men successfully made it on to one of the dragon's back, but the other half were blown up. "They planned it all along, to weaken our forces. They know if we're out of the picture, then they will take over all towns and rule the land... But the arcarai are bloodthirsty and don't know their leader is a drakment..." Pete explained. "I guess we fly to Eaziu, no one else is leading a campaign..." but what he saw shocked him. The dark rebel humans were attacking arcarai on the paths of the mountains, but they had a bad disadvantage. They couldn't fly. Arcarai just shoved them off the narrow walkways and the humans were dying more than they where killing. But one seemed to cling to the wall and cleverly kill them. The Rebellious Human General. "Great, now we have to fight them both." Palmic groaned.


(Don't know what to say... maybe when its on PS3? )

Edited by BoomSALMON

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(Finish? What do you mean?)


"Come on! We have to go faster!" Flamesong tried to rally them.


Squall clenched his teeth. "So we just kill him too, then?!"

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The Rebel Humans started throwing spears at the normal human as Palmic watched the man to his left scream as he was hit in the neck with a lance as he slipped off Flamesong's back into the clouds where he disappeared. That's how high they where on the mountain, they where flying as high in the clouds. He wondered how Arcarai could breathe so easy if it was so high. Maybe because they were fliers. The General lead a brave charge shoving many arcarai as they ran up the path but the arcarai crossbowmen cut them down with every volley. One hit Palmic's shoulder as he slipped and clung to the dragon's tail barely hanging on. Pete rescued the young private as they saw Eaziu. It was huge for being on mountaintops. Soldiers littered the inner gates, and for the first time he saw Arcarai women. They looked like normal human women except the wings and fangs. Even they were donned for battle. Soon a catapult hurled toward Shade.

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(Don't know what else to post.)


Flamesong sped up, matching Shade's speed perfectly. "We need to fight them both!"

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(nothing better than a 3 way battle)


The humans jumped off on the rocky passes. They were fighting both Rebel Humans and The Imperial Arcarai Army. They hoped they were not fighting the Arcarai Marines, but of course they came down. You could tell by there golden helmet with a spike on top of it. Ellis had been one. Lieutenant started to shoot arrows riding Shade.

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Seth looked to Pete. "Where is their leader? Maybe I can reason with him." He took out a knife, sharpening it slowly.

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"The big guy with the spear" Pete pointed out the man at the top stabbing arcarai with a long spear. For a rebel he was well trained for staking arcarai.

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Seth nodded. "Lieutenant, can you watch my back? He could very well attack me. But if you go down there, he'll attack for sure. This is why I need you to just guard me. Can you do that?"

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Lieutenant nodded notching arrows firing them at kamikaze arcarai who tried to stop Seth. Ellis appeared from nowhere and grabbed the rebel leader's spear and broke it in half tossing it down the mountain. "You were very foolish General Agabio, I killed your brother Arzrential the same way I am going to kill you.". Agabio charged forward to attack Ellis.

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Seth had been on the ground when Ellis appeared. Dodging behind a pillar, he gasped. Arzrential's... brother?! It was settled. Agabio was an ally. He came out from behind the pillar, his two swords held high. He ran forwards, kicking Ellis in the back. "General Agabio! We're here to help!" He motioned to the dragons in the air, and the people riding on them.

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