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Nova smiled when Ebony landed, she slid off of the small balcony and opened her wings to glide down. "Nice collection Ebony."

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Ebony smiled back at Nova through her breakfast, "Thanks Nova, I was thinkning we could patch up the roof where it leakes...".

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Nova nodded as she took some breakfast of her own, nodding thanks to Sarah. "Thats a wonderful idea, and we all know its well needed."

Edited by WinterWhisperz

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"We'd better expand the treehouse soon, so many people like us are findin their way here..."

Ebony finished her breakfast and looked at the pile of rubbish, then towards the treehouse, examining it.

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Charlotte was sitting in a tree, gazing into the distance. She didn't know where she was, neither did she care. All she cared about was what was beyond her point of vision. It was so far away..... Her train of thought was disrupted, though, when she suddenly saw a figure flying over head. What? It was a girl! With the wings of a bird, black as night. Charlotte extended her own blood red wings, ready to jump up and follow the girl. But the black winged girl stopped suddenly, seemingly at a tree but disappeared inside! Charlotte stood on her own tree branch. Taking a closer look, she spotted a doorway in what seemed like a small tree house. Charlotte flew up to the tree but didn't go directly to the door, She caught hold of the branches supporting the structure and jumped up on it, making sure not to be seem by the people who were inside.


"Nice collection Ebony."

"Thanks Nova, I was thinkning we could patch up the roof where it leakes..."

"Thats a wonderful idea, and we all know its well needed."

"We'd better expand the treehouse soon, so many people like us are findin their way here..."


Charlotte tilted her head and tried to peer inside without detection. Sure enough, there were another pair of wings. Are these people.... like me? she thought to herself. She had imagined that she was the only one out there. She hadn't considered the possibility that there were more. She hesitantly reached out to knock on the roof, but held back before she actually made contact with the wood. Then, with a sudden choice, she flew around to the front and knocked.

Edited by Silver_Voices

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"Expanding would be smart, my only worry is by working again we would get caught, with all of the trips to the junkyard wed be making.....we were almost caught when we built this...." She let the thought linger in the air of being caught, all of their families were looking for them for the rewards being offered to whoever brought them in......the government had to know they were escaping, too many of them have been vanishing without a trace. Nova was grateful that they were escaping torment, but nervous for her small family here. She didnt try to hide the emotions she was feeling because everyone knew how she felt about all of this. A knock at the door shook her from her thoughts and made her worry.....none of her friends knocked....she stood and made her way over to the door, hesitating a moment before opening it.....before her stood an unfamiliar girl with wings, she smiled warmly at the newcomer "Hello there." Edited by WinterWhisperz

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Charlotte almost flew away right there. A woman stood before her, with large black wings, and she could see behind her the girl she had seen flying moments before. She panicked, but tried to articulate her words. "You-you're like me!" Her eyes widened, and her legs gave beneath her. She collapsed onto the floor boards, breathing heavily. Her red wings were spread out behind her, trembling a little. "I... I didn't know there were more." She looked up at Nova with a little awe in her eyes. "How long? How long have you been here?"

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Ebony stared at the newcomer, who was handing out words to everything. "Yes.... We're like you..." She said slowly. "My name is Ebony, there are about 7 of us here, 8 now if you want to stay here..." She explained. "Each of us have been here for a while, we're like a family. This treehouse is our home..."

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((Novas wings are i want to say burgundy))


Nova knelt beside the girl and placed a gentle hand on her shoulder as Ebony explained their lives. "Youre going to be safe here, no one wants to hurt you or experiment on you now, you can relax"

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Ebony sat down next to Nova. "You see, we've all found our way here, this treehouse. It's where we sleep, all of us have to look for each other, we need to keep an eye on everyone's backs. If we don't, we'll all get caught." Ebony explained, "We work together here, finding what we can from the junk yard a little way away, we expand the treehouse. And soon... soon... we will escape from civilisation. We will find our own place, somewhere were we can start our own race. We can work together and find somewhere." Ebony gazed into the blue sky. Clouds rolled past.

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Nova nodded and gently rubbed the girls shoulder before offering her the rest of her small breakfast. "Relax, and have something to eat, you look like you havnt had anything for days.

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Eboney nodded and stood up. She looked around then climbed down the tree house ladder. She grabbed a piece of tarpulin and flew up to fix the roof. While she was up there, she bent the branches around the treehouse even more. The treehouse simply looked like a tree to anyone from below. She then took some of the pieces of wood a marked out where the new floor would be. She would finish it later.

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Charlotte shoved Nova's hand off her shoulder, hissing. "Don't talk to me about experiments." Glancing to Ebony, she added, "or family." She stood again, glaring at the two. "I can never relax." She looked wistfully out across the forest. "I can never escape." She abruptly took off, but she wasn't sure exactly where she was headed. She circled the tree and glided to a stop at the base. She curled up and wrapped her wings around herself. She again resumed her watch on the horizon.

Edited by Silver_Voices

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Ebony looked up from her work and saw the newcomer gliding off. She felt her anger rise. "What are you doing?" She yelled to the girl, "If you run off like that, you'll get us all discovered!". She jumped down from the roof and spread her wings. She moved scilently. She had more practise then the newcomer.She crept into the trees and watched her.

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Charlotte stared straight ahead, but knew the girl was following her. "I know you're there. If you want to talk to me, come out. Don't hide in the shadows." She momentarily shifted her vision to Ebony, then back straight ahead.

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Nova felt rather hurt by the girls actions and words, but before she could say anything the girl was out the door, she heard Ebony yelling after her so she felt no need to follow, she just slipped out of the treehouse and climbed up alittle before positioning herself on a branch. She looked out over the sky and worried for the girl, and about weather or not shed be the downfall of their secret sanctuary.

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Ebony walked out of the shadows. "If you want to get caught, then fine. Walk away from this. But If you want to go, Then get away from here. Don't lead them to the rest of us. We've all had hard lives so far. I'm guessing you've had one too." She said. Her anger had begun to die down, "I for one have had a sad one."

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Charlotte laughed bitterly. "Who wants to be caught? I certainly don't." She shrugged a shoulder. "Don't worry. The helicopters who surveillance this area are circling around the edge thataway," she pointed and moved her finger to demonstrate the copter's movements. "And won't be back around here for..." She paused for a moment then nodded. "About five minutes. This is the time I usually move around." She broke off her steady gaze to look back at Ebony. "Hard life, huh? Seems like it happens to most of us." She sighed and looked back to the horizon. "A sad life, though. That's where it starts narrowing down." She paused, then rested her chin over her knees. "It's been a while since I've spoken to anyone else."

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Nova looked out and saw the girl coming down. She gave a small smile to this. She wrapped her wings around herself and stayed that way.

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I can tell... Ebony thought to herself. "Well, you are welcome to stay if you do want to. We're just trying to survive. Our lives are like a game. The police are waiting until we make a wrong move. If your with us... it means there is one less person we need to find. None of us want to stay here. Do you want to stay here, hiding for the rest of your life? If you want to, your welcome to. We don't. We're going to go. We're going to find somewhere. It will take a while but We will find a place." Ebony said. Her voice had lost all of it's anger.

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"I'd like that." The words spilled out of her mouth before she even fully understood what the other girl was saying to her. A new life? A new home? Dare she even think... A new family? She stood slowly and nodded. "Yes, I'd love that." She reached into her bag and pulled out a small container, filled with blackberries. "Here," she mumbled. "And sorry." She shook her unruly blond tresses. "I was, well... out of line."

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"It's ok, we've all been through it. The stun of meeting people like you..." Ebony's voice trailed off, "So, we mainly stay near the treehouse, we sometimes go to the junkyard just north of here to collect materials... Welcome to the family!" She patted the stranger on the back. "What's your name?"

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Dolores fell asleep after she got back from following Ebony.


She wakes up now, confused to see more people surrounding her.


Dolores; John, Emily! Get here quick!

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Flint looked up. A lot had gone on in his hours asleep. He sat up and looked around. He was still underneath the treehouse. Why haden't he gone up inside? He wondered.

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Charlotte smiled a little. "I'm Charlotte. And you?" She glanced towards the noise of crunching leaves and spotted a winged boy. His wings were not feathered though, but leathery like dragon wings. Her eyes widened a little as she looked back to Ebony, curiously tilting her head in the direction of the boy.

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