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3 hours ago, Long_Before_Sunrise said:

Time to invest in battery operated socks.

people DIE from battery operated socks.

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The messier a metallic is, the more likely it seems you’ll actually get an egg from it.


The more egglocked you are, the more likely your nice lineaged metals are to actually have eggs.

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By all means, please leave, but I don’t really want mustard for my sandwich and this is a very interesting time to suddenly remember I did three years ago.

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Now I can't eat cheese slices from the grocery store anymore. I watched a scientist look at a piece of one under a microscope. He showed us that there were little pieces of PLLASTIC in it. You're welcome. 😄

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Microplastics are everywhere, in everything.  Anything that has touched plastic. They're created when you break seals on packaging or unscrew a plastic bottle cap. You can't avoid it.

Edited by Long_Before_Sunrise

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Could the weather make up its mind if it's going to be hot or cold?

It picked cold.

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On 11/9/2022 at 3:20 PM, Long_Before_Sunrise said:

Time to invest in battery operated socks.

Unfortunately my circulation is so bad that I'll have it on for several minutes and then my feet will be too warm and sweaty and I will have to take it off, then my feet will start to freeze up again....and it becomes a never-ending cycle uwu


I am not a happy camper

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Yes! Humans are nor supposed to eat plastic, no matter how it got there. And no to battery operated socks. They play tricks on one/s circulatory system. A hot water bottle is good. And my weather has made up it's mind to blizzard very soon. A foot of snow probably. 

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6 hours ago, WaterScorpion said:

I am not a happy camper

Norwegian socks?

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Well, I'm sorry, but it is what it is I guess. All of it. I have cabin socks. I love them. Well knot "love", but...They're warm.

Edited by anonymous

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It's 25 degrees here today. The house is old, and not the warmest in the winter, so I wear socks all the time too. When it's really cold, like below zero, I wear little summer socks under my winter winter socks. 

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Wait... you mean to tell me... that my scroll is going to be stuck as StarKaabi forever? That, because of my defective brain that accidentally created a new scroll before I remembered I already had one... StarKaabii is now defunct?


Now I will forever be haunted by a misspelling that only makes a difference to me. (internal screaming)

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Only for 365 days. Then you can change it. I was "valillabean" for a whole year. At least yours looks like you made it that way on purpose. But "valillabean" LOOKED like a mistake. 

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Cabin socks are a thick sock made of soft material with a furriness inside. They can be colorful or not, and short like anklets, or regular socks, or tall socks. They are called cabin socks because they were originally used in one's cabin. I wear them because slippers are too hot for me. Cabin socks breathe, but not on their own. 🙂

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I think my username problem is, 

Username changes are limited to once every 365 days. Your old username will redirect to your new dragons page for the first 30 days and will not be able to be claimed by others or reclaimed by you.


The way this is worded, makes me think that means the username is lost forever if it’s already used once, but then changed. Since I’d made a new scroll called “StarKaabii” this past May before remembering I already had an account with Dragon Cave years ago, that text indicates that even though I did change the username on said accidental scroll before abandoning it, “StarKaabii” is now unusable indefinitely.

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Um...I don' t know what that means... But I changed my name and I'm npt valillabean anymore.

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