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*watches the other cat from SM's head* Dun touch SM... Please... *cute cat face*

Edited by seacatsmew

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No! , your a bad kitty and I want tell you..."I say escaping from your attack. tongue.gif

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Stays one step ahead of Squertle..."Sa long as your acting like that I'll never tell you were the catnip is..."

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Turns too look back at you..."Becuase its not good too give that much catnip too just one kitty, it will make you go crazy..."

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Ok I'll give you some catnip..."Take out a bag of catnip and offier it too Squertle..."Here some for you..."

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*stops chasing Darien*You passed out right before I was about to pounce on you Flyking*gets ready to pounce on Flyking*

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I thought you wanted some catnip?..."I say still holding up a bag of catnip... smile.gif

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YAY!!*puts catnip in backpack and returns to almost pouncing on flyking*

Edited by Squertle

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"Not only do I get the win, but I survived the attack of the catnip kittys..."takes out a catnip cookie and starts too take a bite out of it... laugh.gif

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