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*claws fly out and clings to Darien's foot* Meow~


There a reason you shouldn't give cats a lot of catnip...

OWW...BAD KITTY, VERY BAD KITTY..."Take a nother bag out and throws it at Jessnbuck..."LOOK! Jessnbuck has a nice big bag of catnip for you..."

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*lets go of Darien's foot and goes to attack Jessenbuck* CATNIP! GIMME THE CATNIP! *holds onto foot with claws out*

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*shakes foot relentlessly* Off bad kitty! Takes the bag Darien threw and throws it back at him. It hits him right on the head and catnip explodes all over his hair!

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*Hyper mode activated. Get catnip.* *lets go of foot and runs towards Darien, claws extended and eyes turning different colors* CAAATNIIIP!

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["Oh no not again..."Qiuckly makes a run for a lake and jumps in too it and starts washing the catnip off as first as I can..."Stay back, stay back..." blink.gif

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*Hyper mode active. Goal has not been reached.* *Runs at super speed towards Darien* MEOW.

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Thinking quickly I throw a very cold bucket of water on secats and then dives under the water too get away from her...I hope...

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*the water stopping in mid air, then returned to the lake. Then ran over to the water and dived in, hissing at the same time...* Caatniip...

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And I thought cat don't like the water I think too my self as I swim away from her heading too the shore... Edited by Darien

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This is a special cat Darien. Maybe if she likes water she wont like climbing trees which means that I'm totally safe.

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As I come up out of the water the last of the catnip is washed out of my fur, I look over at jessnbuck with a grin." That may just be true, but I'' bet she'as love this..."I say taking the last little bit of catnip and throws it as hard as I can at jessnbuck, its hits her and the tree covering them both, and as I run far away I say over my shoulder..."I hope you enjoy it..." tongue.gif

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dang it, well hopefully the kitty is full and the overload has been draining her energy. So I'm safe for now.

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Random cat nip thing. *Places Cat nip right next to the Cat, hoping that she'll never get mad at me*

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*The bag is gone in seconds- no, less then seconds. Then runs after Jessnbuck* Meow~

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0.0 wut is happening?!

Anyways... A wild cat appeared in the last post!


( '-' ) ~nya

( 00 )

Edited by greenglassesgal

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*slams paw into Green's face* WHAT DO YOU THINK I AM? CHOPPED LIVER?

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